Posted on 03/02/2007 8:40:17 AM PST by areafiftyone
All day today we are covering speakers and panels at the 34th Annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, DC. This morning, we'll hear from Republican presidential hopeful former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. He will be followed by Reps. Scott Garrett (NJ), Tom Tancredo (CO), and others.
Do you know the approximate date that you made the post? I can then ping you or me, and try to find the post. I don't recall it. I would like to read the newspaper articles. Thanks.
My sentiments exactly! I watched those young people during this speech with complete focus on what Rudy was saying -- that doesn't happen very often as people tend to tune out -- me included at political speeches.
Rudy keeps me focused when he speaks because he is so positive; Reagan used to do the same thing! Most do not and have eaten enough rubber chicken and steak over the years and heard enough speeches to tell the difference. I have left Rudy speeches knowing what he said and others I have a hard time remember one or two items.
Regards, Ivan
You're kidding, right? You can't even admit that getting people off welfare and into being independent is a good thing? Pfui
Hildy - give up on certain parties around here. No sense of humor at all. Never. No time. Same ones who do a little photoshopping and believe themselves to be hilarious - and post it every day. This will go on until Rudy becomes President in spite of them. They can't stand a winner. It is positively un-American!!
When you learn to quit being a hypocrite, I will.
I understand there are quite a few of you who have gone into "The Mode" as of late.
Are you all smoking in there? :-)
That's a very callous question that begs to ask you what are you going to do when a dirty bomb goes off in NTC, LA, DC, or Chicago? Sure, make abortion your litmus test, but don't cry me a river when a dirty bomb goes off. The women who chose abortion are not actively engaged in over throwing this country. The main reason for the federal government is the defense of the United States from foreign powers, and regulation of trade. It is the state governments responsibility to regulate or outlaw abortion.
And yet, not a peep against a candidate who endorses Democrats for high public office, appoints Democrats to the bench at an 8 to 1 ratio over Republicans, and who is in nearly 100% agreement with the Democrat platform.
(Hypocrisy, thy name is Rooty Tootie Fresh 'N Fruity.)
Of course it was dismissed.
Nice try, though.
My pleasure.
Hey, good to see you!
Wow .. what a get response
What a revealing post. This isn't about being on the winning team, no matter how much some like to cheerlead and jump on the bandwagon. This is about advancing conservative principles.
No, just sane.
Definitely. This is why I keep mentioning the treasonous liberal thread, a point that seems to go over a substantial number of heads. Repeatedly, even after it's explained.
4000 babies died today by the instruments of Rooty's buddies at NARAL.
Same with yesterday, on average, and every day before back to 1973.
How many American children did the terrorists kill today?
Giuliani Speaks at CPAC (CSPAN) LIVE |
Posted by areafiftyone On News/Activism 03/02/2007 10:40:17 AM CST · 614 replies · 5,916+ views |
614 replies, probably only a hundred posters, and I presume it accounts for at least 614 view.
That leave over 5,300 views, probably some viewing the thread more than once, but I think fair to say thousands of people viewing how conservatives, true and treasonous, analyze Rudy's speach. Some of them probably independents or Dems open to a Rudy candidacy.
I'm sure we've won a lot of friends.
Here: I'll spell it out to you. That is actually a Rudy supporter showing his affection to Rudy in the best way he knows how.
Yes he was and I am proud to say he was the first president I ever voted for and I voted for him twice!
I am sorry I maybe wasn't clear enough, or maybe my intent didn't come across as I intended it.
I was speaking more as a general principle, not necessarily about some of the freakier posters on FR (and other forums). I think you're right about the kookiest 2%+ of that mindset, but most of them aren't notably harmful. I think they think they want is for the best. They're just lacking in an appreciation of human nature. In fact, they are just wrong.
What you say is certainly true about the most narrow and venomous posters on FR, but even on FR they are still not representative of the whole.
I will say that the whole could improve itself by being more accurate and precise with use of language. Calling Rudy an abortionist was downright silly. A person who has a lifetime ACU rating around 85% isn't a RINO in any meaningful way. Most democrats aren't 'Socialists,' in a meaningful way, even if they are sympathetic to some socialist goals.
Things have a habit of being overstated to the point of absurdity on FR. That trend, sadly, is increasing.
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