My sentiments exactly! I watched those young people during this speech with complete focus on what Rudy was saying -- that doesn't happen very often as people tend to tune out -- me included at political speeches.
Rudy keeps me focused when he speaks because he is so positive; Reagan used to do the same thing! Most do not and have eaten enough rubber chicken and steak over the years and heard enough speeches to tell the difference. I have left Rudy speeches knowing what he said and others I have a hard time remember one or two items.
A lot of those younger conservatives (40 and under, I'd say, as a rough figure) don't entirely buy into some of the values of older conservatives. This will piss off both sides over time.
It's just the way things always have worked, though if some of the more venomous cocopuff conservatives on FR are an example, they won't go away quietly.
It's all about 'eye contact'. Rudy for the most part can speak without notes and a teleprompter, he focuses on getting his message out to the audience and 'connecting' with them. It is a rare gift.
He spent about four months once 'learning' his 'state of NYC' speech so he could give it without notes and concentrate on the message and the audience. I think no one will be able to match him in this. Remember he was a prosecutor and had to do a lot of 'convincing' in his day. :)