Posted on 03/02/2007 8:40:17 AM PST by areafiftyone
All day today we are covering speakers and panels at the 34th Annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, DC. This morning, we'll hear from Republican presidential hopeful former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. He will be followed by Reps. Scott Garrett (NJ), Tom Tancredo (CO), and others.
I think he's doing a good job.
Rudy says his welfare reforms worked because he cared about them more.
Rudy is doing an excellent job. Very impressive.
So did James Webb. So? Giuliani and Webb's positions were counter to Reagan on most issues. Giuliani also in 1993 worked hard in his campaign to DISTANCE HIMSELF FROM RONALD REAGAN and denounced his connections to the Reagan Revolusion (see his own campaign documents). To claim the Reagan legacy now and invoke him like this is deceitful.
Is that the best you can do???
Come on. Let's leave off the name calling for one thread. Please??
Rudy says he changed the definition of NYC welfare to job centers.
Why bother .. we all already know what you have to say about about Rudy
BTW ... If I was a spiteful person .. I might just vote for Rudy if for any other reason but to protest and piss you totally off
Are you listening or watching? The CONSERVATIVE audience is reacting POSITIVELY to what he is saying.
I call them like I see them. Have a gander at this guy's posts in this thread.
Talking about cutting welfare rolls. Leaving out the part where he OPPOSED the Republican-controlled Congress's welfare reform that even Clinton was able to sign. He opposed that welfare reform because it went too far in that it would deny benefits to Rudy's beloved illegal aliens among other things. He was to the LEFT of Clinton on Welfare reform.
Rudy 'People are the best at taking care of their own problems when given the necessary freedom and support.'
Lots of applause from what I am hearing!
We took the welfare program and were able to remove 5-600,000 from the welfare rolls. We turned the welfare agencies into employment agencies. (Good idea)
We changed the name of the NYC welfare office to the NYC Job Center.
When people walk into those offices now, instead of walking out hopeless, a lot more than half walk out with hope. When you have more poeple in your society iwth hope, then you're a society that's growinng and not worrying about policing and broken families.
People are the best at taking care of themselves. If you just give them the necessary freedom and support to do that.
Future agenda: If I lookat America's future, I have no question that our strengths will prevail. I have no doubt that we will prevail over the Islamic terrorists. It's a serious question about how long and how many casualties along the way, but the power of ideas is so great that we know the human mind and heart is moving in our directoin.
I found it interesting that he would even mention Chrissy in this venue. Am I wrong that that slob doesn't get a lot of love from conservatives or even Republicans?
We could have made this a drinking game and whenever liberal Rudy - who denounced Reagan in his 1993 campaign - invoked Reagan or connected himself to the Reagan Revolution, we could have all taken a drink. (I'm not a drinker though). And everyone would be drunk by now.
Rudygasm alert!
Don't we owe it to ourselves, our families..and our country to LISTEN to all candidates??
Do you have the speech on? Are you listening?
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