Posted on 02/26/2007 3:50:03 PM PST by Laissez-faire capitalist
Filmakers and researchers on Monday unveiled two ancient stone boxes they said may have once contained the remains of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, but several scholars derided the claims made in a new documentary as unfounded...
...Stephen Pfann, a biblical scholar at the University of the Holy Land in Jerusalem who was interviewed in the documentary, said the film's hypotheses holds little weight...
Pfann is even unsure that the name "Jesus" on the caskets was read correctly. He thinks it's more likely the name "Hanun."
Ancient semitic script is notoriously difficult to decipher...
William Dever, an expert on near eastern archeology and anthropology, who has worked with Israeli archaeologists for five decades, said specialists have known about the ossuaries for years.
"The fact it's been ignored tells you something," said Dever, professor emiritus at the University of Arizona. "It would be amusing if it didn't mislead so many people."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
If they claim that this is Jesus, wouldn't that run counter to the Islamic belief that Jesus is now in heaven - bodily?
So many times "scholars" seem to make claims about Jesus.
I wonder why the MSM generally (not talking about CBS News here) seems to characterize these "findings" or "scholarly" claims about Jesus as undermining Christian doctrine/belief, instead of saying that the supposed findings or scholarly claims undermine Islamic belief about Jesus?
The answer is obvious.
I wonder if they ever considered the thought that by putting this out (which supposedly undermines Christianity and Christian belief) that they may have unwittingly attacked Islamic beliefs about Jesus.
More than once, I have seen numerous articles posted here that talk about the same thing - but are from different URL's.
As long as its from a different URL than the others, it's ok.
But maybe you were just adding more links (which may bring up other info) to the thread. If so, that's fine.
In your opinion if a story is written about once should we not post any other story about the same subject?
Fred and Wilma...LOL.
Good one.
I know - people like them love to bash Christianity; But, in the process, they sometimes bash Islam as well.
Do they ever realize this?
And do you notice that these "discoveries" they seem to make about Jesus are described as undermining Christianity?
They never seem to say that a "discovery" they make about Jesus undermines Islam, though.
I was just posting other links to more articles. There is different info in all of them. Here's another one:
I don't understand what you are jumping on me about. I was just posting other links with more info. What's the big deal? I didn't say anything hostile, just posted links.
just to catch up...
..but who's counting
No, not OK.. but you'll figure it out.
I've already read some of these.
But thanks for adding them to this thread anyway.
I've been reading about this quite a bit today. I think it's total garbage, but that's what hollywood puts out. I'm simply amazed at the number of articles the MSM has put out about this. Of course, it's assassination of Christ, not glorification.
Based upon all the previous threads you listed in post #12, it must be ok. Anyway, its not up to you or me on this.
Nothing to figure out...
Only CBS News could report this fraud as "News".
They claim DNA "proves" their claims. Did any of our "Journalists" bother to ask them HOW they got a sample of Christ's DNA?
In your opinion if a story is written about once should we not post any other story about the same subject?
I'm sorry. This question was phrased in such a way as to sound accusatory, not questioning. My feelings weren't hurt, I was questioning the nature of your question. I'm not sure where your line of thought came from as I merely posted links with no remark.
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