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Rudolph Giuliani?
American Thinker ^ | February 21, 2007 | Selwyn Duke

Posted on 02/20/2007 10:24:10 PM PST by neverdem

Rudolph Giuliani for president?  Please.  There's more chance I'll simultaneously be made head of NOW and the NAACP and be invited to George Soros' next soiree. 

I know a little something about Giuliani.  Although my politics, faith, appearance, gun case and, well, most everything about me say otherwise, I was raised in New York City.  And one of my last acts before departing the Den of Iniquity for suburbia was to cast a vote for America's Mayor.  Don't hold it against me; he was running against David Dinkins, a man who made Forrest Gump look smart. 

Unlike the piece I wrote about the now listing U.S.S. Mitt Romney, I'm not herein trying to sound the alarm.  Rather, I simply point out that Giuliani is a ship that only floats in New York Harbor.  He is far too liberal to get the Republican nomination.  

I've never witnessed a more laughable game of collective "Let's pretend" than the media's Giuliani coverage.  Even Dick Morris, the erstwhile Clinton propaganda minister who fancies himself the Niccolo Machiavelli of the third millennium, has called Giuliani the man to beat.   

He's more like the man who will be beaten - and by more than one candidate, mind you.

The media love to point out how Giuliani is the poll-leader for the Republican nomination, a fact which means absolutely nothing.  All many people in middle America know about him is that he didn't pull a Ray Nagin on 9/11 - he stoically shepherded his city through that dark hour - and that he rendered a captivating, earthy speech at the 2004 Republican National Convention.  And on his list of credits I'll add that after ferociously battling the mafia as a United States Attorney, he followed suit as mayor and cleaned up NYC, reducing crime and improving quality of life. 

This is all well and good but, unfortunately, Giuliani only looks palatable when viewed through the narrow prism of these few events.  And sometime very soon the average Republican voter will learn something: Liberal NY Republicans are different from liberal NY Democrats.  They have an "R" next to their names.

As mayor, Giuliani never missed a chance to march in the "Gay Pride" parade.  He actively supported "gay rights" and said he was "proud" of his domestic partnership initiative (a step toward anti-marriage).  Most egregiously, he once opined that homosexuality is "good and normal." 

Giuliani also favored government funding for abortion and said that the type of infanticide known as "partial-birth abortion" should not be outlawed in NY.  And while he now says he is "personally opposed to abortion," he also once asserted, "I'd give my daughter the money for it [an abortion]."  I guess he thinks his kids should have the right to choose and receive Big Daddy funding.

Giuliani has also been an advocate of abridging Second Amendment rights and the type of invidious discrimination known as affirmative action.  He has opposed school prayer and tuition tax credits.  He at one time said he endeavors to resurrect the spirit of Rockefeller Republicanism and that he would consider endorsing Bill Clinton, stating "most of Clinton's policies are very similar to most of mine."  Then, he did in fact endorse ultra-liberal NY governor Mario Cuomo in 1994.  Anyway, enough about that.  You get the idea.

My point is that Giuliani's golfer son has more of a chance of winning the Masters (he is a phenomenal player) than father does of capturing the Republican nomination.  Allow me to lend this some perspective.

The hate-America-first crowd likes to say, perhaps when pondering the political prospects of Lady Macbeth and  Barack Obama, that no woman or black person could be elected president.   But now let's talk about something unprecedented that actually is impossible. 

To the best of my knowledge:

- No pro-abortion candidate has ever won the Republican nomination.

- Nobody who has been in bed with the homosexual lobby has ever won the Republican nomination. 

- Nobody who has opposed Second Amendment rights has ever won the Republican nomination. 
And some think a man saddled with all three negatives will do so in 2008?

What I find truly amazing is that this reality escapes Giuliani.  What is this man thinking?  Does he fancy that the average Republican voter is a Times Echo?  Talk about believing your own press clippings.

The only interesting aspect of the Giuliani coverage is why the media would press forward, seemingly oblivious to the man's lack of viability.  The obvious answer is that it's an alluring story, as Giuliani has a marquee name and a scintillating, romantic persona.  It's also possible some in the Media wish to secure a Hillary versus Rudy match-up, thereby ensuring that a liberal will take the oath of office in 2009.  Then there's the fact that press lunkheads live such an insular existence, surrounded by so many fellow travelers, that they start to view themselves as the true center.  They then come to believe they represent a fair cross-section of America.  My guess, though, is that the coverage is probably attributable to all of the above.

Anyway, I don't know what Giuliani's presidential "exploratory committee" told him a while back, but I could have provided the truth at a tenth the cost.  Mr. Mayor, you'd stand a better chance running as an independent; then you might at least be able to make a respectable showing.  But, really, you'd be best off devoting your resources to any PGA Tour ambitions your son may be nursing.  You miss left far too much to be a contender.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: logcabin; rudolphgiuliani; rudy; stoprudy2008
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To: presently no screen name; All
It's your opinion in your quest to trash Rudy - and that does not equate to truth.

I don't need to trash Rudy, his RINO-record has done that for him, and like all actions, his have consequences and you're seeing that principle play out right here on FR.

Occupying a seat means diddly squat! WHAT HAVE THEY DONE? List their accomplishments!

You don't want to go there. Comparing the accomplishments of Rudy with the accomplishments of Obama and Clinton would be damn near the online equivalent of using carbon paper, i.e. "be careful what you wish for"
61 posted on 02/21/2007 12:51:36 AM PST by mkjessup (If Reagan were still with us, he'd ask us to "win one more for the Gipper, vote for Duncan Hunter!")
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To: mkjessup

Nelson is long gone out of NY - considered too liberal. Now Rockefeller (D) have occupied the south for sometime.

62 posted on 02/21/2007 12:52:01 AM PST by presently no screen name
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To: mkjessup
You don't want to go there.

If I asked, that means I DO WANT TO GO THERE. NAME their accomplishments.
63 posted on 02/21/2007 12:54:59 AM PST by presently no screen name
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To: presently no screen name
Nelson is long gone out of NY - considered too liberal.

Uhhh, Nelson's dead.

Now Rockefeller (D) have occupied the south for sometime.

West Virginia is not exactly like the rest of the South. And that is the only place where a Rockefeller still holds elective office to my knowledge.
64 posted on 02/21/2007 12:55:25 AM PST by mkjessup (If Reagan were still with us, he'd ask us to "win one more for the Gipper, vote for Duncan Hunter!")
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To: nopardons


65 posted on 02/21/2007 12:58:49 AM PST by presently no screen name
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To: mkjessup
Uhhh, Nelson's dead.

Duh! He was in politics long before he died and it wasn't in NY!

West Virginia is not exactly like the rest of the South

So now you are picking which states - to your liking -are in the south?
66 posted on 02/21/2007 1:02:11 AM PST by presently no screen name
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To: presently no screen name
Uhhh, Nelson's dead.
Duh! He was in politics long before he died and it wasn't in NY!

No kidding! If not NY, where was he?

West Virginia is not exactly like the rest of the South
So now you are picking which states - to your liking - are in the south?

Uhhh no, I said that West Virginia is not exactly like the rest of the South. There is a very obvious reason for that and I would expect one of your insightful nature to pick up on it right away. Think about it.
67 posted on 02/21/2007 1:13:17 AM PST by mkjessup (If Reagan were still with us, he'd ask us to "win one more for the Gipper, vote for Duncan Hunter!")
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To: Blackirish
Then what are you worried about? Why spend so much time disparaging Rudy when he doesn't have a chance? Don't you know the polls are all MSM rigged? Why all the Flop Sweating from the Rudy Haters?

If we don't stand up and make our voice hear, there IS chance enough that we will get a RINO foisted upon us. Consider the fact that "Maverick" McCain won the first state against Bush in the 2000 Republican primaries. Also consider the damage we suffered from Ross Perot in 1994. There IS plenty to be worried about.
68 posted on 02/21/2007 1:13:31 AM PST by joseph20
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To: presently no screen name
You don't want to go there.
If I asked, that means I DO WANT TO GO THERE. NAME their accomplishments.

My, my, you are a glutton for punishment. So be it:

Barack Obama:

While in the Illinois legislature, voted twice against bills which would have prohibited tax funding of abortions, he opposed any measure to limit or ban partial birth abortion.

Rudy Guiliani:

Has no problem with partial birth abortion, stated that the murder of an unborn child was not as serious as the murder of a living child, already born.

Hillary Clinton:

Supports taxpayer-funded abortion procedures, said abortion is a 'basic right'.

Accomplishments: Clinton, Guiliani and Obama all receive support from National Abortion Rights Action League, Giuliani the ONLY Republican to receive financial donations from NARAL and heartily welcomed them to New York City in April 2001.

I'd say that's quite an accomplishment, and there is your first course. You want more from the buffet? Let me know.
69 posted on 02/21/2007 1:16:33 AM PST by mkjessup (If Reagan were still with us, he'd ask us to "win one more for the Gipper, vote for Duncan Hunter!")
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To: Blackirish
After blowing some 2-3 trillion dollars and getting absolutely nothing accomplished despite having all three branches of government...regarding reform....tort reform...entitlement reform....runaway spending...the social right has blown is time for the Yankees to take the wheel.

I have bad news for you. The Senate decided to have a rule that you need a supermajority to end debate, except on budgetary matters, IIRC. Without 60 votes in the Senate, you can't do squat. Witness the vote on federal judges. Why do you think that it was only the House that voted against the latest re-inforcement in Iraq?

70 posted on 02/21/2007 1:46:40 AM PST by neverdem (May you be in heaven a half hour before the devil knows that you're dead.)
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To: Graybeard58

"Purity over Victory!" will lead to only one thing: Hillary in the White House.

71 posted on 02/21/2007 1:59:47 AM PST by Tarnsman
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To: presently no screen name

Rockefeller Plaza... Home of the New York media traitors...

72 posted on 02/21/2007 2:05:58 AM PST by Sir Francis Dashwood (LET'S ROLL!)
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To: Tarnsman

"Stupidity over substance" will lead to a liberal in the White House...

Anyone who believes Mrs. Clinton is the be all, end all of the election has already conceded defeat.

73 posted on 02/21/2007 2:09:34 AM PST by Sir Francis Dashwood (LET'S ROLL!)
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To: Blackirish

I am always amazed at the number of actual leftists on FR who think they are conservatives.

74 posted on 02/21/2007 2:12:47 AM PST by arthurus (Better to fight them over THERE than over HERE)
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To: neverdem

From his mouth to God's ears! Here is hoping he's right.

75 posted on 02/21/2007 2:46:42 AM PST by NucSubs (Islam delenda est.)
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To: Blackirish

What does that mean?

76 posted on 02/21/2007 2:52:26 AM PST by don-o (Fight, fight. fight to drive the GOP to the right!!!!)
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To: Reagan Man

Your narrow litmus test about Political ideology appears to have a foundation in truth. It would seem that Conservatives don’t vote PERIOD! (unless the person is a pure Conservative). The stay at home “all conservative or nothing” crowd gave the Democrats both houses of congress.

Of course, it didn’t help that the folks that were running by and large were spineless RINOs.

77 posted on 02/21/2007 3:19:32 AM PST by noname07718
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To: neverdem

- No pro-abortion candidate has ever won the Republican nomination.

- Nobody who has been in bed with the homosexual lobby has ever won the Republican nomination.

- Nobody who has opposed Second Amendment rights has ever won the Republican nomination.

So WE must ask ourselves is THIS the direction in which we want the GOP to go?

Rudy is the best chance to capture more of the Democrat voter, if that's to whom you wish to appeal.

78 posted on 02/21/2007 3:33:16 AM PST by azhenfud (The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.)
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To: arthurus
I am always amazed at the number of actual leftists on FR who think they are conservatives.


Oh yes, dopers, sex perverts, gun grabbers, baby killers, illegal alien lovers... CULTURAL MARXISM...

79 posted on 02/21/2007 3:34:19 AM PST by Sir Francis Dashwood (LET'S ROLL!)
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To: My2Cents

Talking about Jim Robinson? Yeah, he's just an awful right wing extremist isn't he?

80 posted on 02/21/2007 3:47:30 AM PST by dmw (Aren't you glad you use common sense, don't you wish everybody did?)
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