To: Peach
Well, when I posted that I honestly thought most Freepers were conservatives. I had no idea that so many were for abortion rights, gay rights, gun control, etc. Actually, I still believe most Freepers are conservatives, we just seem to have a vocal minority of social liberals and or moderates who are willing to overlook Giuliani's liberal viewpoints and anti conservative unconstitutional actions. Sorry, I'm a conservative and will not be looking the other way. The Republican party is pro life and pro liberty and I intend to do all within my ability to keep it that way. A socially liberal abortionist gay rights supporting gun grabber cannot be the standard bearer for a conservative party. Conservatives understand why.
150 posted on
02/15/2007 6:45:04 PM PST by
Jim Robinson
("Electable" gave us Gerald Ford and Bob Dole. Voting for the right-wing kook gave us Reagan. ~ A.C.)
To: Jim Robinson
"Conservatives understand why"
Yes we do, and God Bless you for standing for our freedoms and moral principles!!!!
To: Jim Robinson
The conservative social platform gave us two terms of Reagan, one term of Bush Sr. and two terms of Bush Jr. Why change a successful formula?
158 posted on
02/15/2007 6:53:25 PM PST by
(Guilianni is a Liberal who cannot beat Hillary!)
To: Jim Robinson
Oh, so now because some of us like Rudy we're not conservative? How ridiculous.
BTW, you may wish to ask Rep. Sessions if he's conservative. He endorsed Rudy and has a 98% lifetime conservative rating.
160 posted on
02/15/2007 6:54:03 PM PST by
(The Clintons pardoned more terrorists than they captured or killed.)
To: Jim Robinson
Your words strike with such truth, god bless you.
177 posted on
02/15/2007 7:25:22 PM PST by
("Death shall lay me low, too. Yet before he strikes, I am resolved upon great deeds." - Achilles)
To: Jim Robinson
Well, when I posted that I honestly thought most Freepers were conservatives. I had no idea that so many were for abortion rights, gay rights, gun control, etc. Actually, I still believe most Freepers are conservatives, we just seem to have a vocal minority of social liberals and or moderates who are willing to overlook Giuliani's liberal viewpoints and anti conservative unconstitutional actions. At first I thought that all of the FReeper Rudyites were cheering for him because they believed that he is the only one who can win. But the more I see of some of these FReepers, the more I understand that they are pushing Rudy BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE EXACTLY AS HE DOES. Fortunately, there aren't many of them here, but there are a handful that spend so much time pimping for Rudy that some would start thinking that everyone here has thrown conservative principles to the wind just to vote for a leftist who happens to have an "R" after his name.
307 posted on
02/16/2007 5:51:37 AM PST by
("We are ready for the greatest achievements in the history of freedom." -- President Bush, 1/20/05)
To: Jim Robinson
Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you, thank-you for stating this so well!
God bless!
466 posted on
02/18/2007 4:05:12 PM PST by
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