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To: Jim Robinson
Well, when I posted that I honestly thought most Freepers were conservatives. I had no idea that so many were for abortion rights, gay rights, gun control, etc. Actually, I still believe most Freepers are conservatives, we just seem to have a vocal minority of social liberals and or moderates who are willing to overlook Giuliani's liberal viewpoints and anti conservative unconstitutional actions.

At first I thought that all of the FReeper Rudyites were cheering for him because they believed that he is the only one who can win. But the more I see of some of these FReepers, the more I understand that they are pushing Rudy BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE EXACTLY AS HE DOES. Fortunately, there aren't many of them here, but there are a handful that spend so much time pimping for Rudy that some would start thinking that everyone here has thrown conservative principles to the wind just to vote for a leftist who happens to have an "R" after his name.

307 posted on 02/16/2007 5:51:37 AM PST by wagglebee ("We are ready for the greatest achievements in the history of freedom." -- President Bush, 1/20/05)
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To: wagglebee

They account for around 15% of everyone on this forum, members and non-members (according to the FR poll).

They move in a big clique, and they're very vocal, but 85% of this place is against them. Almost a mirror image of the Schiavo war. Not coincidentally, it's all the same players, too. And for the same reason.

308 posted on 02/16/2007 6:04:57 AM PST by WhistlingPastTheGraveyard ("and alllll the children are insane")
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