1 posted on
02/11/2007 6:39:39 AM PST by
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To: Valin
2 posted on
02/11/2007 6:43:29 AM PST by
(Press to Test, Release to Detonate)
To: Valin
3 posted on
02/11/2007 6:46:36 AM PST by
4 posted on
02/11/2007 6:46:57 AM PST by
(America going insane - "Do you read Sutter Caine?)
To: Valin
This article hits a home run where it shows the chilling effect of political correctness on climate research.
The solar hypotheses fits the observed facts better than the anthropogenic greenhouse gases hypotheses does.
But facts matter little when you rely on computer models that are "tweaked" to achieve your preconceived results, such as those used to "confirm" global warming are.
5 posted on
02/11/2007 6:50:01 AM PST by
To: Valin
6 posted on
02/11/2007 6:52:43 AM PST by
("Hard is not Hopeless" General Petraeus)
To: Valin
Thanks for posting. It seems I heard a senator emphatically say recently that the science on this issue was settle, that our "carbon" print was responsible for global warming.
But, as Rush points out, how can you say there is a consensus on this issue when at least 10% of the scientist disagree, and I say: not to mention another suspected considerable number who are afraid to disagree!
8 posted on
02/11/2007 6:56:27 AM PST by
(God Bless the USA!)
To: Valin
Twenty years ago, climate research became politicised in favour of one particular hypothesis, which redefined the subject as the study of the effect of greenhouse gases. As a result, the rebellious spirits essential for innovative and trustworthy science are greeted with impediments to their research careers. And while the media usually find mavericks at least entertaining, in this case they often imagine that anyone who doubts the hypothesis of man-made global warming must be in the pay of the oil companies. As a result, some key discoveries in climate research go almost unreported. Bump
9 posted on
02/11/2007 6:57:03 AM PST by
A. Pole
(Gore:We are the most powerful force of nature.We are changing the relationship between Earth and Sun)
To: Valin
Science left the dance when Politics entered.
11 posted on
02/11/2007 7:06:12 AM PST by
To: Valin
One problem is the Democrats do not know how to use paper ballots, so how can they use a computer ballot?
12 posted on
02/11/2007 7:08:10 AM PST by
(Most of Clinton's policies are very similar to most of mine." - Rudy Giuliani)
To: Valin
...we are wrong on climate changeWho wrote the headline and who is he including in "we?"
13 posted on
02/11/2007 7:09:17 AM PST by
To: Valin
14 posted on
02/11/2007 7:10:48 AM PST by
To: Valin
Then there is the issue of the UN needing to replace the revenue stream from the Oil-For-Food deal. The beauty of this scheme is that:
1) It will penalize the despised developed nations, unless they are the Correct Ones, like the PRC.
2) They can create "Climate Change Kiddie Education Summer Camps" so their workers can continue shopping for sex toys.
16 posted on
02/11/2007 7:13:11 AM PST by
(Global Warming: A New Kind Of Scientology for the Rest Of Us.)
To: Valin
Excellent Post. Glat to see there are still a few research scientists left to counter the concensus scientists.
Al Gore, take this report and put it in your potato hole.
To: Valin
Har! Invisible "Cosmyk Rayes"?! Methinks he speaks of magyk...he's a witch! Burn him at the stake!
...(with an approved, low-emission, environmentally-friendly fuel, of course).
19 posted on
02/11/2007 7:21:36 AM PST by
(What the...?!)
To: Valin
Does anyone besides me see the power of stupid people (MSM) in large groups?
I don't know how any logical-thinking human being can ascribe to "global warming." When I was a kid, we got "The Weekly Reader" in school, and I remember an entire issue was devoted to the IGY ~ International Geophysical Year. I remember also, very clearly, that one of the results of their findings was that winters would be longer and colder for the next 50 years, and summers would be shorter and cooler.
In researching this, I find no mention of that. I suspect I'll have to check and see if The Weekly Reader still has that issue in its archives.
20 posted on
02/11/2007 7:33:29 AM PST by
Monkey Face
(Next to being shot at and missed, nothing is quite as satisfying as an income tax refund.)
To: Valin; xcamel; Andrewksu
You are hereby notified of an official bust by the double-posting police - xcamel as the arresting officer.
You will go to your corner and sit there until you promise to be a good boy. I missed the original post, so I thank you for your serious offense. I also thank xcamel, there's a very nice picture over there at the original post.
21 posted on
02/11/2007 7:35:39 AM PST by
(Democrats - Supporting Al Qaida Worldwide)
To: Valin
30 posted on
02/11/2007 8:10:34 AM PST by
(We don't need more youth. What we need is a fountain of SMART.)
To: cogitator; Jim Robinson; neverdem; RadioAstronomer; sionnsar
We REALLY need a "global warming" topic bar at the top of the site.
There's too many of these creeping by that aren't getting noticed, but need to be archived.
32 posted on
02/11/2007 8:20:37 AM PST by
Robert A Cook PE
(I can only donate monthly, but Hillary's ABBCNNBCBS continue to lie every day!)
To: Valin
Yup, the global-warming alarmists are trying to Nifong the theory that the Sun affects climate change.
34 posted on
02/11/2007 8:37:33 AM PST by
Vision Thing
(Let's warm the globe!)
To: Valin
How did that place ever get named Greenland?
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