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Giuliani Is Sounding More Like a Candidate
New York Times ^
| 1/28/07
Posted on 01/28/2007 10:18:35 AM PST by Blackirish
MANCHESTER, N. H., Jan. 27 Rudolph W. Giuliani sounded nearer than ever to being a presidential candidate on Saturday, repeatedly talking about the prospect of running, and inviting voters to judge him by his record as mayor of New York City.
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TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: doubletalkexpress; electionpresident; giuliani; medialies
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To: EternalVigilance; Extremely Extreme Extremist
Indeed, Feb. 5, 2008, may become Super-Duper Tuesday with, perhaps, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma and Utah voting on the same day.....
The more I think about this the more it seems like this game will be over soon. Now a candidate won't just be able to shake hands in Iowa and NH. He will need a 100 million in TV and radio advertising. this favors Rudy Romney McCaine in that order. If your under 10% your already toast.
posted on
01/28/2007 12:46:52 PM PST
(David Dinkins:"Rudy as President is kind of frightening.My question will be, will I move to Bermuda")
To: Extremely Extreme Extremist
The main reason why the GOP got its ass-kicked in the mid-terms is because they tried to be all paternalistic and moral. That's right. People want freedom. They want politicians who will leave them alone. Most Americans are live and let live adherents. Those who want to control them - either from the far left or the far right - get shut down.
posted on
01/28/2007 12:47:43 PM PST
To: Sunsong
If you think that Presidents have power over the legality of abortion - why is it still legal? Because of squishiness by Republicans.
And those squishes weren't even nearly as liberal as Rudy.
posted on
01/28/2007 12:48:23 PM PST
(With Republicans like these, who needs Democrats?)
To: EternalVigilance
Well, we got 2 years to go. I'm sure you'll tell me more about inflating egos.
To: Blackirish
Yeah, the process is frontloaded. If Rudy McRomney is the nominee, a whole bunch of folks looking back are going to wish that that wasn't the way the process went.
posted on
01/28/2007 12:49:52 PM PST
(With Republicans like these, who needs Democrats?)
To: EternalVigilance
He's a gungrabber. That should be enough for any conservative. Like a previous poster said, Rudy's politics reflected NYC. Gun control was already policy in NYC. His suing the gun manufacturers was simply red-meat for the city. Did it pass into law? Rudy cracked down on the gang-bangers and thugs. If any New Yorker been prosecuted for using a gun in self-defense, please let me know.
You still have your guns after 8 years of Clinton, don't you? I don't think Rudy will "grab" anyone's guns, considering how powerful the NRA is.
To: EternalVigilance
You supported the loser Alan Keyes - you're not one people look to for advice on winning :-)
posted on
01/28/2007 12:50:55 PM PST
To: EternalVigilance
Flatulence is bliss!
posted on
01/28/2007 12:51:30 PM PST
(Never argue with an idiot, because they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience)
To: Extremely Extreme Extremist
No, he and his kind will never get my guns. And they'll never get my support or my vote, either. Unlike you, I don't support enemies of the Bill of Rights.
posted on
01/28/2007 12:52:04 PM PST
(With Republicans like these, who needs Democrats?)
To: EternalVigilance
So cutting taxes, reducing the size of city government, and protecting citizens from crime (which is a legitimate gov't function) is socialist now. Got 'cha.
To: Sunsong
Your unhealthy fixation is again noted.
posted on
01/28/2007 12:52:42 PM PST
(With Republicans like these, who needs Democrats?)
To: Sunsong
The Constipation Party, with Allan Keyes as the grand Poobah! they can still wear white robes with pointy hoods in that party. Now they certainly hope to bring back the GOOD old days! Yeah, but we all know how much ideological purity means to these folks. Pure as driven snow!
posted on
01/28/2007 12:53:32 PM PST
To: Extremely Extreme Extremist
No, socialist as defined by his support for the liberal agenda across the board.
posted on
01/28/2007 12:53:39 PM PST
(With Republicans like these, who needs Democrats?)
To: Extremely Extreme Extremist; EternalVigilance
I think we're wasting good bandwidth on this one....
He has had all these issues explained countless times per hour and he still comes back the same rhetoric.
It's time to ignore these perpetrators/disruptor's and get on with the larger effort of getting our candidate elected.
posted on
01/28/2007 12:55:34 PM PST
(Never argue with an idiot, because they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience)
To: EternalVigilance
No, he and his kind will never get my guns. Well, you obviously didn't read my post. Rudy won't make any effort to grab anyone's guns considering the influence of gun owners and the gun groups.
If you think Rudy will just rescind the 2nd Amendment without incurring the wrath of gunowners, then you're paranoid and peeping out the window like Malcolm X.
To: Blackirish
The more I think about this the more it seems like this game will be over soon. Now a candidate won't just be able to shake hands in Iowa and NH. He will need a 100 million in TV and radio advertising. this favors Rudy Romney McCaine in that order. If your under 10% your already toast. I agree. It's all excellerated now. That's why Hillary had to get in before she wanted to.
And every vote for Rudy or Romney - takes one away from McCain - which is a very good thing.
posted on
01/28/2007 12:55:40 PM PST
To: do the dhue
"If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper; but if we and our posterity neglect its instruction and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity." - Daniel Webster
posted on
01/28/2007 12:56:03 PM PST
(With Republicans like these, who needs Democrats?)
To: EternalVigilance
If you think that Presidents have power over the legality of abortion - why is it still legal? Hint - read the words. Your answer must have something to do with the President since you are claiming that the Presidents has power to change the legality of abortion.
posted on
01/28/2007 12:57:01 PM PST
To: PSYCHO-FREEP; Dane; EternalVigilance
He's trying to tie Dane's record for engaging in circular arguments.
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