I don't think people realize how true the statement "the Democrats will kill us" is -- both with their government run and rationed health care proposals and being so weak on terror, as to invite terror attacks.
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To: IntelliQuark
Libs trying to out-lib each other.........
2 posted on
01/26/2007 10:58:30 AM PST by
Red Badger
(Rachel Carson is responsible for more deaths than Adolf Hitler...............)
To: IntelliQuark
It must irk the Beast that 'bama has stolen her pet project right from under her...
3 posted on
01/26/2007 10:58:39 AM PST by
(Qwerty ergo typo : I type, therefore I misspelll.)
To: IntelliQuark
Most of what these raving Liberals talk about have nothing to do with the responsibilities and function of FedGov.
4 posted on
01/26/2007 10:58:40 AM PST by
(Repeal the law of the excluded middle)
To: IntelliQuark
universal health care is as bad an idea now as it was when the dems last blew themselves up with this issue.
5 posted on
01/26/2007 10:59:03 AM PST by
To: IntelliQuark
Why wait 6 years? If this is so great, then why not jump off the cliff now?
6 posted on
01/26/2007 10:59:09 AM PST by
To: IntelliQuark
Shucks! I'd rather have a free truck! What is Edwards giving away?
7 posted on
01/26/2007 10:59:11 AM PST by
To: IntelliQuark
Maybe our California Gubby can lend his Q factor to their effort.
8 posted on
01/26/2007 11:00:39 AM PST by
(Semper Fi ...... California 2007,, Where's a script re-write guy when ya need 'em?)
To: IntelliQuark
When can we start referring to his proposal as "Hussein Care"?
To: IntelliQuark
Oh good because the government has done such a marvelous job with social security and medicare and education.... These things are cheaper and of higher quality than the private sector could ever provide. How wonderful and selfless our politicians are. Politicizing healthcare is a fabulous idea.
10 posted on
01/26/2007 11:02:45 AM PST by
The Ghost of FReepers Past
(Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light..... Isaiah 5:20)
To: IntelliQuark
Not surprising the Dims don't like the GWB plan. It doesn't use the gubmint to run it or tax for it, and it gives less access points for the dims to get their hands on the cash.
11 posted on
01/26/2007 11:04:35 AM PST by
(Monica blew while Al-Queda grew.....Oh well, Clinton happens!)
To: IntelliQuark
This will certainly increase donations from all those rich, liberal medical professionals, and the AMA...
12 posted on
01/26/2007 11:07:05 AM PST by
("Don't shoot 'em! Let 'em burn!...")
To: IntelliQuark
Kewl, man! After we get universal health care, then we can start working on universal housing for everyone! After that, maybe we can also get universal day care and universal food! What a wonderful world it will be!
14 posted on
01/26/2007 11:11:48 AM PST by
To: IntelliQuark
Looks like a good time invest in state of the art hospitals and clinics in off-shore or South American locations. People with money aren't going to settle for sub-standard, rationed health care.
16 posted on
01/26/2007 11:15:56 AM PST by
To: IntelliQuark
So, to recap -- the common positions of the Democratic hopefuls are:
1. Lose the war and attempt no further resistance to Islamofascism.
2. Screw up the healthcare system.
It looks like we have a bright, bright future under Democratic leadership. Where did I leave those sunglasses?
To: IntelliQuark
Hillary: "I thought it first"
Osama Obama:"I said it first"
H: "Well, you have big floppy Dumbo ears and purple lips!"
O: "And your cankles are the same diameter as your thighs....PIAPS."
H: "Have you ever been to Fort Marcy Park? It really is a lovely day!"
18 posted on
01/26/2007 11:17:03 AM PST by
("If you attack Americans, we'll defend your right to do it."- The Democrat Party)
To: IntelliQuark
Just in case you were not sure, you WILL breathe your last breath in the poor house.
22 posted on
01/26/2007 11:29:07 AM PST by
("Stay together, pay the soldiers and forget everything else." Lucius Septimus Severus)
To: IntelliQuark
Unca Sam will be your Doctor...
AKA Socialized Medicine
23 posted on
01/26/2007 11:32:53 AM PST by
(Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going....)
To: IntelliQuark
Good health comes from good living. Until you do, don't ask the public to pay for your excesses.
Obama is a smoker. As long as he and others smoke, drink and over eat, they should pay for their own health care.
27 posted on
01/26/2007 11:50:06 AM PST by
To: IntelliQuark
Osamabama is another communist bum who wants to wreck the best remaining system of medical care in the world in order to buy cheap popularity with the lumpen proletariat, the media and academe.
28 posted on
01/26/2007 11:51:52 AM PST by
To: IntelliQuark
OMG. Here we go. I have been absolutely terrified of this happening. Terrified. Why are so many so ignorant? Just talk to people who LIVE in England or Canada. Yes, everyone will HAVE insurance, but it's USELESS if you can't get in to see the doctor or have the procedure done!!!!
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