My goodness.
LOL. Never a dull moment with Jimma.
Carter is an effing nutter... This ought to be vetted and the original document should be found. He should be held to task for this if it is true..
IMHO Carter is one hate filled POS. This man should be shunned by mankind. He does not deserve respect from any man.
Fixed it.,
More evidence that carter has not gotten more evil over the years, but just clumsier at hiding it.
When he crossed the line a month or so back, and just went that teensy bit too far for comfort, his leftist enablers wrote him off. Now all the dirty laundry will come out, because the drivers of the sleigh of political correctness have decided he must be thrown to the wolves.
Carter is a fool, a traitor, and a mental case. He should be in an asylum --- another fine example of what liberals put in the White House.
Well perhaps there should have been a few former concentration commanders and guards on the panel just to make it fair ... I mean, wasn't it the Jews fault for being transported there?????
I'm sure that this will be front page, above the fold on the drive byes tomorrow./sarc(need I say?)
No surprise at all. Just like a typical Democrat.
Normally I don't pay much attention to WND, but if Monroe Freedman says Carter wrote that, I believe it.
Carter is an ass.
Well bless his little old black antisemitic heart!
Why we still have to listen to this pathetic has-been will always be a mystery to me.
As an Iranian American who has known the wickedness of this despicable man, and has cursed no other ( except for khomeini of course) more than I have this man for what he did to Iran, I am glad that finally the rest of the world too is realizing the nefarious nature of this man.
What's next, too many Catholics in the college of cardinals?
Too many Republicans in the Republican National Committee? (are there any?)
So much for our "greatest ex-President."
Where do we draw the line between justice and never-ending revenge? Have we hunted down every German who killed an American soldier? Have we hunted down every German who killed a Christian? Have we hunted down every German who killed a Gypsy? There will come a time when Jews chasing NAZI's to the four corners of the earth will turn American opinion against them.
Carter the Jew hater? He's got so much bad baggage, that beating the Holocaust drum is more trouble for Jews than it's worth as I see these discussions going.
Ok, why does it take 20 years for this kind of thing to come out about a liberal, while Conservatives are crucified instantly for the slightest misdeed? It happens again and again and again.
Hello, Jews, wake up!!!!!!!!