Bosnia-Herzegovina is a region inhabited (originally) by Catholics, Orthodox, and Muslims. A `Bosnian' can be of those three groups. All speak Serbo-Croatian; the distinction is whether it is written in latin or cyrillic script.
One of the many sad ironies of that land (I'm Slovenian and glad not to be a part of Bosnia's bloody past and present) is that Bosnian Muslims were once so laid back that they drank slivovitz, were hospitable to strangers, and intermarried freely. During the 1990's horror, Arab Muslims refused them aid, saying they were `too European, and not Muslim enough'.
Interethnic carnage goes on, here or there. Truly sad.
Bosnian Muslims were once so "laid back" that they massacred hundreds of thousands of Christian Serbians during WWII alone.
Get you facts straight.