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Top general in Mideast to retire
The Los Angeles Times ^ | Dec 20, 2006 | Peter Spiegel

Posted on 12/20/2006 7:24:06 AM PST by alloysteel

WASHINGTON — Army Gen. John P. Abizaid, commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East, has submitted plans to retire and will leave his post in March, a step likely to make way for a change in military strategy at a time the Bush administration is seeking a new plan for Iraq.

Abizaid has been the primary architect of U.S. military strategy in Iraq and Afghanistan since becoming head of the U.S. Central Command more than three years ago. He has strenuously resisted calls to increase troop levels to quell rising violence in Baghdad, arguing it would increase Iraqi dependence on Americans.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: abizaid; commanderinchief; iraq; wot
Suddenly, a new personality is available for consideration as Presidential candidate. I have no idea whether General Abizaid is a Republican or Dem'crat, but anyone who has risen this far in the hierarchy of the US military under a Republican President cannot be harboring too many opinions at odds with the Republican philosophy.
1 posted on 12/20/2006 7:24:11 AM PST by alloysteel
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To: alloysteel

I hope he is Republican. However, I think he would be (incorrectly) but never the less tainted with the so called Iraq failure.

2 posted on 12/20/2006 7:28:42 AM PST by AxelPaulsenJr (Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.)
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To: AxelPaulsenJr

Nobody knows more about what is going on at street level in Iraq and Afghanistan, than General Abizaid. If we are going to let ourselved be howled down by a bunch of hairless apes posing as "news media", then we deserve to succumb to the worldwide caliphate.

He gets his intelligence from the best source possible - he reads and speaks Arabic, and communicates on a daily basis with the Iraqis at all levels. No member of the Congress, and very few of the Bush Administration, can say the same.

3 posted on 12/20/2006 7:39:44 AM PST by alloysteel (A battle cry of the Crusaders: "Denique caelum!" (Latin, "Heaven at last!))
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To: alloysteel
"He gets his intelligence from the best source possible - he reads and speaks Arabic, and communicates on a daily basis with the Iraqis at all levels."

Yet - on his watch as area Senior Commanding Officer -- he appears to have succeeded only in snatching stalemate or defeat from the jaws of a spectacular invasion victory...

Wasn't he the General in place who AGREED to allow al Sadr's escape from death on at least two occasions?
Wasn't he the General in place who AGREED to NOT fire on legitimate targets in cemeteries?
Wasn't he the General in place who APPROVED the ROEs?
Wasn't he the General in place who REPEATEDLY claimed he had sufficient forces in place to ACCOMPLISH the mission?

If he was FORCED into any of the above actions - he should have had the character to resign his position...
If he sacrificed a Commander's first obligation - FORCE PROTECTION - to comply with State Department or other Political pressure - then he failed in that obligation.

Speaking Arabic and speaking to Muslims does not guarantee one is speaking to ALLIES or getting the truth.

Cynics, like myself - could rationally argue that General Abizaid was one of two things -- Incompetent for the task, or has "gone native" if you know what that means.

Personally, I believe it is a combination of both.

Three years as the Senior Commander in that theater -- with the results to date --- was 2.5 years too long.

Military Commanders are measured by RESULTS, not civility or the ability to mix well at Ramadan parties.
Victory at minimal loss of forces was his mission.
Being an adroit linguistically talented and celebrated "toastmaster" at Muslim events -- only counts if he has first accomplished Mission #1 -- VICTORY.

I certainly hope his replacement is one that will DEMAND the forces and ROEs to severely punish the enemy, their families and their supporters "across the border"....

Semper Fi

4 posted on 12/20/2006 9:57:16 PM PST by river rat (You may turn the other cheek, but I prefer to look into my enemy's vacant dead eyes.)
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