We should ban chocolate. It is a drug after all...............
And winter mountain climbing. Lots of folks here suddenly want to restrict people from mountain climbing, even though the vast majority have never, ever done it. Land of the free? Yeah, right.....
"We should ban chocolate. It is a drug after all..."
Things at my house would definitely get ugly! (See tagline.)
When one focuses, clear-eyed and in literal detail, on the centrality and depth of the behavioral changes necessary to improve health does the immensity of the task become apparent. We are not talking about peripheral or infrequent aspects of human behavior but about some the most basic and often experienced aspects of life: what one eats, how often and how much; how long, how regular, and how peacefully one sleeps, whether one smokes or drinks and how much; even the whole question of personality. Health, then... is a product of innumerable decisions made every day by millions of people. To over see these decisions would call for a larger bureaucracy than anyone has yet conceived and methods of surveillance bigger than big brother. The seat-belt buzzer that screeches at us if we do not modify one small bit of behavior would be but mild harbinger of the restraints necessary to change bad health habits.
If we're going to ban those things that are bad for us, I suggest banning liberalism immediately.
I've heard some people refer to sex as a drug. Hey, I'm just sayin'.
--We should ban chocolate. It is a drug after all...............--
Them's fighting words...