Somalis, wherever we live in the world, have our own law.
Wonder if someone is checking what goes on in places such as Rochester, MN and in the huge Somali population in Vermont?
Most of europe (soon to be eurabia) is looking at this type of situation.
Want to lose sleep over this issue? Read "AMERICA ALONE" by Mark Steyn.
Is this really going on? If so are patriotic Brits as outraged as patriotic Americans are?
Um, I do believe this violates British law. Why doesn't the ACLU represent the victims of sharia law in this obvious violation of their constitutional rights?
That is certainly reasonable, and hardly worth fretting over. If they start ordering physical punishment, violence, retribution or special punishment against women, then the government should intervene.
Interest free loans and mortgages??? That would mean that if the bank was forced to do this, the interest they are NOT making would be shoved over onto the rest of us.
I feel this is totally discrimination.
I certainly hope some lawyer feels the same way and files suit for same.
If they want to live outside Islam countries, they can conform to the rules here.
If I were a banker-like my grandad was- I would refuse to do business with them. Interest free loans, indeed? What is next? Retailers selling to them at cost???
Must be tough to try and live in 2006 and use cave man mentality. My apologies to the cave man!!!
OH SNUGS and Ivan I think Sharia law is there
Looking at this from a purely Machievellian viewpoint, the Islamic people are brilliant in their strategy of subverting the larger culture around them. Establishing little centers of Islam inside the larger culture is like the creation of a guerilla army which, perhaps, one day, will gain enough territory or population strength to openly challenge the original inhabitants of the territory. They manage to maintain cultural allegience and solidarity, too, with their own people. Since the Islamic people also remain largely unseen in this stage of the subversion, they can also quietly obtain power and position. Simply brilliant. Speaking for myself, it scares the crap out of me.
bump for later read
If this is true - it is upsetting.