Which idea is more stupid and silly?
Wasting more American blood serving in a war executed in observance of Political Correctness, or perhaps waiting for an American city to be reduced to a radioactive crater?
Or carrying through on a threat to evaporate Mohammedanism at its very source, if we come to the point of exasperation we experienced in the war with Japan?
Certainly, "staying the course", calling Mohammetanism a "religion of peace", fighting a war with one hand tied behind our backs, and giving one shred of credibility to any of the lies spouted by our blood enemies will not secure our future as a civilization.
What do you propose?
Rightwing fever swamp thought (and I use "thought" in the loosest sense of the word) at it's finest.
Why not discuss the issue, rather than casting ad hominem?
Your ability to insult does not enhance your ability to field a real argument.
When you put forth a real serious argument, then I'll stop with the ad hominem attacks.