Absolutely right. By the way, McCain on Steffie's show has substituted a pen for the steel balls. Steffie is challenging him and his lips are tightening up, but he's trying hard to maintain the puppy dog look. Warning, if McCain doesn't get his way on troop levels, he may call for a pullout.
First of all...I want to thank you very much for your running reporting about what was on the shows...I didn't get to see them..as usual.
Second...I have a feeling McCain may be "stung" a bit by the positive press that Abizaid has gotten since that Armed Forces Committee hearing...
Even through the fog of the liberal MSM...I got the message that Abizaid pretty much smacked down his two main detractors (in the MSM opinion), Hillary and McCain (coincidence, I think not)...
All in all...I think that hearing was a very GOOD one for our side....and looky hear, McCain is going to take his toys and go home...if they don't take HIS advice...wah, wah, wah.