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Chafee unsure of staying with GOP after losing election ^
| November 9, 2006
| Michelle R. Smith
Posted on 11/09/2006 2:45:59 PM PST by youthgonewild
PROVIDENCE, R.I. --Two days after losing a bid for a second term in an election seen as a referendum on President Bush and the Republican Party, Sen. Lincoln Chafee said he was unsure whether he'd remain a Republican.
"I haven't made any decisions. I just haven't even thought about where my place is," Chafee said at a news conference when asked whether he would stick with the Republican Party or switch to be an independent or Democrat.
When asked if his comments meant he thought he might not belong in the Republican Party, he replied: "That's fair."
Chafee, 53, is the most liberal Republican in the Senate and was the sole Senate Republican to vote against the war in Iraq. That was not enough to save his seat against the winner, Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse, who shared many of Chafee's views but was a member of the dominant party in a state where Democrats far outnumber Republicans.
When asked whether he felt that his loss may have helped the country by switching control of power in Congress, he replied: "To be honest, yes."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Extended News; Government; Politics/Elections; US: Rhode Island
KEYWORDS: 2006; airhead; likewecare; lincolnchafee; rhodeisland; rinotodino; senate; traitor; whocares
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To: youthgonewild
It wasn't enough for him to vote against the war, he also voted FOR John Kerry. But that STILL wasn't enough to please the socialists in Rhode Island.
Does the GOP care if boy-Chafee remains in the GOP?? Not in the slightest. His only use to us was that he was keeping a bluer-than-blue US Senate seat out of the hands of an out of the closest socialist. Beyond that, he was a complete liability the entire time.
Now its time to concentrate on those Red state which have Blue senators. These cannot be allowed to stand. Byron Dorgan??? Max Baucus??? Come On folks!!!!
posted on
11/09/2006 3:33:36 PM PST
(Vote. Vote Now. Drag your neighbors along.)
To: youthgonewild
" Chafee said he stuck with the party in large part because it allowed him to bring federal dollars home to Rhode Island. "
What a whore. He should go back to shoeing horses where he can stand close to his nearest relative-the horse's ass.
( Not a slam on farriers , just on Chaffee ..)
BTW- What's the line on when Hagel jumps ?
To: youthgonewild
I hope he becomes an independent, that way CITIZEN Chafee's ONE vote won't mess up our primaries.
posted on
11/09/2006 3:42:41 PM PST
(There is no salvation in politics.)
To: telebob
Yeah, cuz DeWine was only with us 90% of the time. I'm sure Sherrod Brown will be there with us 100% of the time.
You know, I really don't think you are stupid. But damn, you make me have second thoughts.
To: youthgonewild
Uh, was he ever with us?!
It didn't hurt my feelings to see him lose.
posted on
11/09/2006 3:43:41 PM PST
(If John Kerry didn't exist then Karl Rove would have to invent him.)
To: youthgonewild
Is he trying to hurt our feelings? Mine aren't hurt.
posted on
11/09/2006 3:52:07 PM PST
(We lost 33,686 men in the Korean "police action" and saved S. Korea. Why abandon Iraq?)
To: youthgonewild
This is great!!
He probably had made secret overtures to the Democrats about switching before he lost. You know, if his switch would give the Dems a majority. Without a doubt the Dems assured him he'd be welcome.
One problem is, Linc, baby, they were conditioned on you having s Senate seat, you jackass.
You don't have one, so they won't give you the time of day.
But he hasn't figured that part out yet.
posted on
11/09/2006 3:52:38 PM PST
(World's only Spatula City certified spatula repair and maintenance specialist!!!)
To: youthgonewild
Chafee said he was unsure whether he'd remain a RepublicanSee yuh. Don't want to be yuh
posted on
11/09/2006 3:54:18 PM PST
To: youthgonewild
"I just haven't even thought about where my place is,.."
This one is a slam dunk. Back in the stable shoeing horses.
To: youthgonewild
Chafee represents the core mistake of the Republican party approach to these election. They should have supported Lafee instead, along with all of the other similar conservatives versus entrenched RINOs. Hell, two years ago they should have supported the conservative challenger to Snarlin' Arlen and at least Santorum would still be in the Senate come January.
RINOs are not worth it.
That does not change the fix that Bush is in now. He still has to try to govern for the next two years and he has to work with who he has to work with. It's real easy to be wise in retrospect. I think they made the best decisions at the time based on the conventional wisdom of the "wise men" of the party. They were wrong, but they did the best they could based on the information they had.
Our task is to identify the "wise men" (and women) who have better ideas and make their wisdom the conventional wisdom.
posted on
11/09/2006 3:54:58 PM PST
(Often wrong, but never in doubt)
To: youthgonewild
We're delighted to see that spoiled brat POS lose. His comments affirm my many earlier comments that he would jump ship without giving it a second thought if he found it to his political advantage. That turd is no loss at all.
posted on
11/09/2006 3:55:49 PM PST
To: youthgonewild
What would be the point of switching parties now that he lost?
posted on
11/09/2006 3:56:26 PM PST
("What I was doing wasn't living, it was dying. I really think God had better plans for me.")
To: youthgonewild
You're a RINO. People like you COST US the election.
There's the door, don't let it hit you on the way out...
posted on
11/09/2006 3:59:41 PM PST
(How Would Mohammed Vote? Hillary for President!
To: youthgonewild
When asked whether he felt that his loss may have helped the country by switching control of power in Congress, he replied: "To be honest, yes." What a total asshole. I can't believe the RNC spent a dime to save this idiot's seat. That money could have been put into saving Allen or Talent. Thus the reason I contribute to candidates, not the party.,
posted on
11/09/2006 4:01:20 PM PST
(Where's the media to call the elections a "temper tantrum" by America like they did in 1994?)
To: youthgonewild
Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya...
To: youthgonewild
The brightside to this whole fiasco is that RINO PUNK is finally gone!
Now to get rid of the other useless moderate/rino repubs. Start with McPainintheass!
posted on
11/09/2006 4:02:22 PM PST
(No one has the RIGHT not to be offended...)
To: youthgonewild
Well....he was good for one thing....if he'd won, we keep the Senate. Except, I have a feeling he was wanting to "do the Jeffords jump". Which I have no doubt he would have done if he had the balance of power in his cowardly hand.
posted on
11/09/2006 4:03:01 PM PST
(Scuse me??)
To: youthgonewild
Two days after losing a bid for a second term... Sen. Lincoln Chafee said he was unsure whether he'd remain a Republican. Does he expect someone will actually care?
To: Phsstpok
They should have supported Lafee instead He'd have not had a chance either. No, R.I. should have been a total write off as a hopelessly blue state and any money put into this race should have been spent to save Santorum, Allen, Talent or even Dewine.
posted on
11/09/2006 4:03:08 PM PST
(Where's the media to call the elections a "temper tantrum" by America like they did in 1994?)
To: youthgonewild
posted on
11/09/2006 4:03:19 PM PST
(Aren't you glad you use common sense, don't you wish everybody did?)
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