This poll is BS. There is no such thing as an "Independent." Independents are only Democrats who are afraid to reveal that they are, in fact, Democrats.
what'd they do, poll their own newsroom??
--------------Top ------Lower------Not----DK
--------------priority-- priority-----done
Current Total 28 23 44 5 =100
Republicans 5 15 78 2 =100
Democrats 47 25 23 5 =100
Independents 27 26 44 3 =100
44% Republicans and 55% Democrats polled. I'd say the poll is hugely skewed to Democrats.
Let them go ahead if they take power. They are salivating to do it. They put their own fate on the line. They had better hope that they are not in the middle of impeachment when the next terrorist attack occurs or they will have basically ended their own party.
Surprised the answer choice didnt include: like, yeah, ok, fur-sure
Anyone mentioning it besides some super-safe Dems talking to a small group of moonbats?
i wonder what percentage of "the american people" would support pursuing the impeachment of "the american press"?
Of those sampled, 282 identified themselves as Republicans, 349 as Democrats and 330 as Independents.
28% Republicans, 35% Democrats, 33% 'Independents'... UGH. These polls should be used as toilet paper. This isn't news, it is media propaganda.
Per your reference they wrote
"and 28 percent say that impeaching George W. Bush should be a top concern."
Not 51%?
Horse manure. I'd be surprised if 51% of those who voted for Kerry even thought Bush should be impeached.
probably true if you poll Berkley residents only
I would agree that the Democrat liberals if they take control of Congress will make impeaching Bush priority #1. However, I don't think the American people will be too satisfied with that outcome particularly as the threat of terrorist stikes come closer to home. If the Clinton impeachment is any indication, the people will quickly grow tired of the spectacle particularly if it is being lead by venom spewing foaming at the mouth Bush haters.
Of those sampled, 282 identified themselves as Republicans, 349 as Democrats and 330 as Independents.