Axis of Evil comes back to haunt Democrats
by JohnHuang2
This from the AP: "Diplomats say the U.N. Security Council has agreed on a presidential statement urging North Korea to cancel a planned nuclear test and return immediately to talks on scrapping its nuclear program." North Korea responds three days later by doing its planned nuclear test. Pyongyang didn't quiver in the face of the fearsome power of a strongly-worded U.N. statement. Incredible!
The underground nuke that North Korea detonated early Monday had the explosive force of 550 tons of TNT (or around a half kiloton -- roughly the equivalent of 1 Natalie Maines.)
"The DPRK successfully conducted an underground nuclear test under secure conditions on October 9, 2006," declared NoKo in a statement. One report says that "analysts did not expect long-term fallout unless the situation deteriorated further" by disclosures that Denny Hastert knew about the test but did nothing to stop Karl Rove from doing it.
One headline read, N. Korean Leader Often Alarms His Allies, and, indeed, the nuclear bombshell alarmed one of Kim's closest communist allies -- the Democrat Party -- which suddenly realized it got screwed because the test puts national security back on the front burner, relegating Foleygate to the back pages, keeping the Nancy Pelosi crowd from running as America's moral values champions against those depraved gay and lesbian Republicans.
For five years, since the 9/11 attacks, we were in a post-9/11 world. The war on homicidal Islamic maniacs was the defining issue of our time. But if you're a libbie, last week we entered the post-Mark Foley world. Foley's email traffic with gay underage adult ex-pages became the Defining Issue of Our Time -- for a whole week. After Monday's nuke, it was back to the post-9/11 world. Back to reality after a 1-week holiday about a gay Florida Congressman forced out of the Cloakroom. And whether his babysitter, Denny Hastert, bent over backwards to probe Foley and his keyboard habits, and if he did, then he KNEW the Congressman was being gay but did nothing to stop him.
You can glean a lot about the media's level-headed sense of priorities just on the basis of what the media was covering around the clock in the lead-up to North Korea's Big Bang test. Pyongyang early last week warned that it was about to test, so Howard Fineman of Newsweek responded to the warning by delving deep into the implications of Foley's IMs.
A nuke test by North Korea means a big shift in the strategic balance of power in East Asia, a crimp in nonproliferation work and a threat to us here, thus the New York Times tasked a team of reporters last week to probe . . . Foley's IMs, even as ABC News tried to pin down the dates of Foley's IMs, while TIME thoroughly examined the background of Foley's IMs. Even as Newsweek chased down leads as to the whereabouts of Foley's stained blue dress, CBS's Mike Wallace was reportedly preparing a "60 Minutes" interview with Bob Woodard that Condi Rice was warned before 9/11 about Mark Foley by Lucy Ramirez but Condi brushed it off.
World reaction to North Korea was swift, with most saying they're very upset that Pyongyang keeps leading them around, yanging their chains like this. Even the U.N. is very cross, with Kofi Annan ordering staff to switch off the lights in NoKo's ambassador's office! And to turn down the air conditioner! All of it backed by powerful levels of devastating rhetoric. That'll teach them to defy the U.N.
Even France was upset, with John Kerry assailing Bush's policy as a "shocking failure," contending that Bush was too focused on Iraq -- unlike Democrats, who have been focused on legitimate threats like Mark Foley.
Seizing on a chance to show how awesomely patriotic they can be, Democrats accused Bush of North Korea's aggression, blaming America for forcing the gentle, pacifistic NoKo to go nuclear because of Bush's threatening 'Axis-of-Evil' talk, which went to great lengths to try to discredit Kim Jong-Il, a homicidal maniac, by painting him as a . . . homicidal maniac. North Korea went evil only after Bush introduced the concept that North Korea is evil!
Democrats also accused Bush of not threatening North Korea enough because it lacks oil. While focusing on Iraq, Bush ignored North Korea's Weapons of Mass Destruction hidden in Tora-Bora! The Democrats' way of confronting North Korea is to block work on U.S. missile defense, vote against missile defense for decades, engage in direct talks and have nothing come of them, evoke memories of the useless "Framework Agreement," hand out thermal nuclear reactors, have Albright and Kim raise glasses to one another, get defeated in Iraq, raise taxes. Then, if all these fail, roll out the Big Gun: Jimmy Carter! Despite all this, Democrats have zero credibility on foreign affairs -- what a mystery!
(Clinton's "Framework Agreement" is the 1994 "breakthrough" deal which got Pyongyang to halt its overt plutonium program for building nukes, in exchange for a covert program for building nukes. Clinton gave NoKo nuclear reactors, fuel, food, moolah, technology and extracted from Pyongyang this iron-clad assurance: We promise not to use all of this for stunningly evil purposes. Democrats: Vote for us, we got gulled by North Korea!)
The New York Times speculates that North Korea went nuclear because its 23 million starving people are "constantly fearful" that Bu$Hitler is plotting to "unseat" their leadership to impose an oppressive, tyrannical police state. And force a ban on women at Noko's Augusta National Golf Club. In North Korea, famine has killed 3 million people. Kids search the fields for rats and dragonflies to eat. Yeah, who wouldn't want to live in this hellhole?
Some even wonder if the nuclear test was really a nuclear test, or just an elaborate prank by Kim's gay pages cramming the Dear Loony's stockpile of hair spray underground and blowing it up. Unlikely. Yield was too low.
All the facts show that North Korea has had the hots for nukes even before Bush's gig as governor of Texas. By the time Bush took office as President, Pyongyang's 'Will Nuke For Food' program was already pretty well along. The NoKos cheated throughout the 90s. Hard to see how Gov. Bush's tort reform and education initiatives in Texas pushed Pyongyang over the edge. In 1998, the NoKos launched a missile test over the Sea of Japan -- had to be Gov. Bush's tax cuts in Texas. Anyway, if President Bush had gone to North Korea for the Democrats, chances are the pathetic little twerps would complain about that, too. Bu$HalliburtoNazi Attempts to Force Hegemonic Domination on Humble and Defenseless North Korea! No doubt Pyongyang's Dear Little Mutant would dig the attention and prestige he'd get from "bilateral talks." If you're North Korea, you want to make this as 'bilateral' with the American/illuminati/imperialist cowboy as you can. This way, when you cheat, you can say you're hosing just the U.S. -- not China and Russia and Japan and South Korea as well.
Ambassador John Bolton nail it this way: "This is the way North Korea typically negotiates by threats and intimidation. It worked for them before. It won't work for them now."
Nuff said.
Anyway, that's...
My two cents