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To: Bahbah
I just don't get that. Are all of us supposed to be well versed in the means and methods of the chicken hawk...?

No, no. It's much simpler than that. We're all supposed to worship at the shrine of Pat, or resign. Denny didn't worship, therefore he must be purged!

Unclean! Unclean!

584 posted on 10/08/2006 12:09:44 PM PDT by Phsstpok (Often wrong, but never in doubt)
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To: Phsstpok
I know I am going to get flamed for let me just point out that I WILL be voting, and I WILL be voting Republican....but once this election is over- The GOP is going to hear from me and HARD! I am also going to be much more active in getting people to pay attention and get involved in primaries....not to mention I will be hitting hard on the issue of TERM LIMITS....I am not out to ROAST Hastert in any way- but the man is a great example of the poor job the Republicans have done in battling the Libs in DC and acheiving our agenda... instead they are caught up in the DC beltway "way of doing things" instead of the hard work that needs to get done in order to live up to their contract with America....

Let the flaming begin....

Where is the Accountability?

The lack of accountability in our elected officials is appalling. Before I even get started on the national front, I want to give just a small and local example of the arrogance of the “in the loop” Republicans. Last week, I attended a function with other Republicans. I was confronted about this web site. We have made it VERY clear that this web site is for those on ALL sides of the political spectrum. We are not going to silence a voice just because it is unpleasant to hear. We are not a Right Wing Establishment; there are enough LEFT and RIGHT wing groups for that. We are creating a place for all sides to be represented.

The Republican that confronted me wanted to know why Steve Sinton was “all over” the web site. Let me make this perfectly clear, Tom Price’s office was contacted and offered the EXACT same opportunity with Control Congress (radio and blog) that Sinton’s office was offered. They turned it down. They were not interested. For whatever reason, they seem to feel that THIS audience is not worthy of his time and investment. They are not even interested in returning calls to discuss the opportunity to post an article (at no cost to them).

I have two theories on this.

Theory one- Tom Price holds a grudge with John Konop because John actually had the gall to want the same thing as Tom wants; to represent his district in the Untied States Congress. If this theory is correct, it just confirms my opinion that Congress Critters cannot stand the thought of a challenge. As an eeevil capitalist, I believe that competition makes us stronger, and I am thankful for opportunities to be challenged and grow. This could only make me better and MORE effective for the people who have entrusted ME with the honor of representing them.

Theory two- Tom Price feels that the audience of this show and visitors of the site (which is made up mostly of people who want REAL change in the elitist DC beltway and our government) are not important enough to reach out to.

This is just my opinion, but- the bottom line is that ANY candidate or business who is interested in reaching our audience is WELCOME! I take GREAT PRIDE in this. I realize my political stand it far to the right of most, but I am not scared of the free exchange of ideas, and I am sick of the “upper crust” treating average Americans like gum on the bottom of their shoe because they have the temerity to want honest and strong leadership that is representative of the very values and ideology that the leaders claimed as the basis for their candidacy.

As for the national example, Hastert’s handling of the Foley “scandal” is a prime example of lack of accountability. If true conservatives are honest with themselves, and look at all the facts of this case (not just the ones that make the Libs look bad) they have to admit that Hastert was at the very least, inept in his duties. Hastert was made aware of Foley’s behavior far before anyone “knew” about the emails or IM’s. Hastert did not deal with the red flags head-on, which lead to Republicans being on the defensive of a deliberate and calculated Liberal hack job in the midst of the election.

I am not calling for Hastert to resign, and I am waiting for all the facts to come out before I even begin to claim that Hastert actively tried to cover anything up. What I am saying is that I want someone who is going to take a pro-active role in protecting the interests of the American people and an aggressive role in cleaning up our own back yard, instead of letting the Liberal hacks do it. The next time someone wraps their mouth around a whistle and starts blowing it on inappropriate behavior and ethics in the Republican Party, I want our own guys doing the whistle blowing, not the Drive By Media or the likes of a Soros front group like CREW (Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington). I NEVER again want to see the likes of Pelosi have the opportunity to hit the media with the chance to try and claim the higher road on such on issue as values and protecting our children.

590 posted on 10/08/2006 12:20:23 PM PDT by eeevil conservative (STEVE KING /JOHN BOLTON FOR '08...Ann picks King...I pick Bolton!)
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To: Phsstpok
Denny didn't worship, therefore he must be purged! Unclean! Unclean!

LOL. I hate to tell Pat, but his stable of worshipers is mighty small.

623 posted on 10/08/2006 1:15:40 PM PDT by Bahbah (Shalit, Goldwasser and Regev, we are praying for you)
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