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The Foley Set-Up
various FR links and blogs | 10-04-06 | The Heavy Equipment Guy

Posted on 10/04/2006 2:12:07 PM PDT by backhoe

The latest- the blogs are all over this- go to them and use their links:
Foley Setup? - Part V - Uncovering the Conspiracy--I don’t think I’ve ever seen a political conspiracy unravel as fast as this one that involves former representative Mark Foley.
These you must read to catch up on the story...
MacsMind - Foleygate Part IV
MacsMind - Foleygate Part V
[Foley Outer] Mike Rogers Tried To Blackmail Senator On Alito Vote--Rogers was named as one of Genre Magazine’s Men We Love.
Here's the list of intimidation.
I don't think that these Gay activists who "out" other gays care about the damage that they do. They are angy haters...
Foley Information at Midterm Predicted on 3/22/05.
Fever Swamp Blogs Hid Foley Evidence?

There’s now evidence that the fever swamp blogosphere (led by the vicious John Avarosis, who runs one of the ugliest of the lefty hate sites, Americablog), deliberately concealed information about Mark Foley for months without any concern for potential victims of Foley’s advances, so they could spring it on the public at election time. Gateway Pundit has a roundup: Get Your Lawyers... Foleygate Scandal About to Bust Open!  link: 107 comments  --hillary's fingerprints all over it. Link

Take a look at this: Michael Rogers of Blogactive threatened Kirk Fordham too. In July 2004

SCANDAL SATURATION? Mickey Kaus wonders about the "Densepack Theory," Karl Rotstan agrees: "Now that the Rubicon has been crossed so close to the election, we should prepare ourselves for an avalanche of Congressional filth, the likes of which will make Clinton's experience look tame by comparison." ANOTHER UPDATE: It's starting.  MORE: Indeed:
DEMOCRAT 537 ROBOCALLS ON FOLEY! (Democrats Moving In For The Kill!)
Get Your Lawyers Foleygate Scandal About to Bust Open (Gateway Pundit doing good detective work!)--Radical Gay Rights Activists held on to information about Representative Foley for months and years. These "Rights Activists" knew that representative Foley had relationships with "young men less than half his age." They did their own investigation on Foley. They even flew in their sources in to be interviewed about the Representative. They shared this information with the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. They held on to the information for over a year. They wrote about how they would break the story at midterm elections.
QandO Blog now has evidence that John Aravosis (the radical gay activist from AmericaBlog- "He deserves to be publicly excoriated." 7-2004) had copies of the emails "months ago!"
This is important from Macsmind-
Sweetness and Light reported on the Mike Rogers connection on Sunday:
 Thomas Lifson at The American Thinker has more.
Wild Bill at Passionate America has big news he is reporting at 4:00 PM CST today.
And, then there is this BOMBSHELL from Clarice...Dick Morris just said on FOX that a respected reporter told him that she has proof that a senior democrat member of congress knew about the IMs months ago–unlike Hastert.
 Also, keep an eye on The Strata-Sphere.
Right Wing Nuthouse is also on the story.
The Foley Fallout
Foley Fallout: What We Know Now
Foleygate! Altered Images! What's Going On Here?
Foleygate: What Stunk Like a Rat, Was a Democ-Rat!
If Gay Activists & Democrats Knew of Foley, Why Were They Silent?
"We need Bloggers to find out the dirty work behind everything. Foley is guity of being a disgusting sleezebag and should be prosecuted if he's guilty but the Democrats knew about this and sat on it until the 2006 elections."
Older info, reverse chronological order:

FLASHBACK 2002: The Group Behind the Attacks on Bush (

Is Gay Activist Mark Rogers Behind The Foley “Outing”?

October 3rd, 2006

In a post at his Blogactive website, Michael Rogers seems to want to take a bow for his noble work:

Good news... Bad news...

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Well the good news is that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is finally getting it. I called their Director of Communications, Bill Burton, before the Foley story broke to let him know about Foley (and another case) were coming down the pike. While Burton promised to have someone email or return my call and didn't, I am glad he followed up on my call and was ready on Friday to come out of the gate running.

The bad new is they are still not paying enough attention... There are others within reach... If the Democrats would only fight half as hard as the Republicans.

I posted comments at the DCCC website on the Foley entry. Not only do their promises of returned calls and emails never come to fruition, but now they are deleting my comments from their blog, The Stakeholder.

Luckily the comments were cached before they axed them.

Here's the one I put up at 9:55pm:

Here's the one I put up at 10:02pm:

Well, at least they are paying attention.

And how telling it is that the Stakeholder, the homepage of the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) would delete his posts.

Mr. Rogers and his friends have been on this mission for several years now.

From a two year old article in the gay advocacy giveaway, the Washington (DC) Blade:

Blade Caption: Florida Congressman Mark Foley (R) has vowed to vote against the Federal Marriage Amendment, but gay activist John Aravosis said he decided to out the congressman anyway because Foley supports the re-election of President Bush.

Mikulski and Foley become newest congressional targets as FMA vote nears

Friday, July 09, 2004

... Mike Rogers and John Aravosis, [are] the two men loosely heading an ongoing outing campaign on the Hill. As the date nears for a Senate vote on the Federal Marriage Amendment, which would ban gay marriages in the Constitution, Rogers said the outings have picked up steam — from 13 documented offices to nearly 20 currently on a target list provided by Rogers to the Blade.

In addition to Tolman, Rogers and Aravosis, working in tandem but not together, claimed in the last week to have outed via the Web Democratic Sen. Barbara Mikulski of Maryland and Republican Congressman Mark Foley of Florida...

A spokesperson for Congressman Mark Foley (R-Fla.) also declined to comment after Aravosis specifically asserted that Foley is gay on his Web site last week...

Aravosis continued to defend the outing campaign.

“An acquaintance of mine, a Southern Republican, worked for a member who was not anti-gay personally, but he signed on to the amendment [banning gay marriage],” Aravosis said. “My friend quit. I’m basically saying, ‘You know what, you have a choice. It’s 2004. You can work for pro-gay Democrats, and now you can work for pro-gay Republicans.’” ...

Over in the House, Republican Mark Foley said in March that he would vote against the Federal Marriage Amendment — one week after his spokesperson said he would not take a position on the measure until it came up for a House vote.

Despite Foley’s FMA opposition, Aravosis purported to out Foley as well, taking him to task for supporting President Bush, who endorsed the measure late last winter. Labeling Foley as “our latest closeted gay hypocrite,” Aravosis said Foley made the list for putting politics ahead of his own community by “whoring for an anti-gay president.” ...

Florida Congressman Mark Foley (R) has vowed to vote against the Federal Marriage Amendment, but gay activist John Aravosis said he decided to out the congressman anyway because Foley supports the re-election of President Bush.

Foley responded to the reports by initiating a telephone press conference among non-gay Florida media and called discussion about his sexual orientation “revolting.” He declined at that time to answer questions about his sexual orientation and subsequently abandoned his bid for the Senate, citing concerns over his father’s health.

Aravosis said he obtained the latest information about the five-term congressman from Foley’s former chief of staff, Kirk Fordham.

Fordham, who is gay, headed up fund-raising efforts for Foley’s aborted Senate campaign and is now the finance director for one of the remaining GOP primary candidates in that race: Mel Martinez, George W. Bush’s former Housing & Urban Development secretary. Martinez has come out in favor of the Federal Marriage Amendment.

Fordham denied ever speaking with Aravosis and told the Blade, “I just don’t discuss Congressman Foley’s personal life with reporters, but I’m not sure what their motive is in outing him, other than to draw attention to themselves. Foley has a good track record with gay issues and opposes the FMA.” ...

It seems very probable that one or all of the gentlemen mentioned in this article have had a hand in the recent revelations about Mark Foley.

It is equally likely that one or all of them is behind the anonymous website,, that first produced Foley's alleged emails out of the blue.

Michael Rogers started his own website,, back in July of 2004.

Oddly enough, there was a significant drop-off in his activities there after July of this year, which is when was begun.

From Alexa:


Mike Rogers should probably be at the top of the list of suspects.

Who is really calling for the Republican leadership to resign?--The lunatics have NO clue what they have exposed. Their homosexual agenda has taken a HIT big time if the are trying to make Speaker Hastert responsible for Foley's acts.


Posted in Politics, Crime, Law at 3:05 pm by nbpundit

Monday, October 02, 2006
Foleygate: What Stunk Like a Rat, Was a Democ-Rat!


From a March 2005 post at BlogActive

Sister Toldjah leads you down the path to Macsmind.
**You must read the whole thing.**

Macsmind put together this link to the Foley memos:

Where'd all the "It's Just Sex" Democrats Go

'Gay' activist held info about Foley During campaign to 'out' lawmakers

If they want to protect the children from homos, why teach it in public schools?

Is Foley This Cycle's "DUI?"

There may be a possibilty that the one who runs Blog, and the one who runs Stop Sex Predators may be one in the same. That may be Mike Rogers, the infamous Gay Republican Outer.

#214 nigella  10/2/2006 02:51PM PDT

I went onto Rushs' web-site and his theory is that the Clinton smear machine has been re-activated. Good old Carvel and friends. When I read it it started to click,Theres the Clinton tirade on Fox that led to the attacks on Fox for being right-wing. The leaks of the terror estimate report, the slimeimg of Jennie Pirro in New York and now this. Don't get me wrong, I think Foley is a sleeze, but all this so close to the election.Coincidence? I think not.

Foleygate: What Stunk Like a Rat, Was a Democ-Rat!


From a March 2005 post at BlogActive

Sister Toldjah leads you down the path to Macsmind.
**You must read the whole Macsmind update.**

Macsmind put together this link to the Foley memos:

They’re may be a possibilty that the one who runs Blog, and the one who runs Stop Sex Predators may be one in the same. That may be Mike Rogers, the infamous Gay Republican Outer.

Via Rogers site:

Well the good news is that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is finally getting it. I called their Director of Communications, Bill Burton, to let him know that the Foley thing (and another case) were coming down the pike. While Burton promised to have someone email or return my call and didn’t, I am glad he followed up on my call and was ready on Friday to come out of the gate running.

The bad new is they are still not paying enough attention… There are others within reach… If the Democrats would only fight half as hard as the Republicans”

Rogers is miffed that the DCCC has been deleting his posts. No wonder as even they sense a major backfire if it get’s out that this was all a “Gay Republican Outing” that netted more than it bargained for.
Now... Get this posting at Blog Active back on March 4, 2005:

(Click to Enlarge)

Here are the threats and plans to destroy Mark Foley printed at a Leftist-haters blog back in March of 2005:

Birds of a Feather
Two haters, one picture:
Gay-bashing straight man John Ashcroft and Gay-bashing gay man Mark Foley

This is United States Congressman Mark Foley
He voted this week for a law to allow hate groups to fire gay and lesbian people at will
The law he is supporting will overrule ANY local laws on the matter.





Please to support our educational and advertising campaign against this right wing hypocrite, click here and join the battle for true lesbian and gay liberation.

**COMING MONDAY ON BLOGACTIVE:** The entire Mark Foley story...Read about my recorded discussions with staff members and former staff members of Rep. Mark Foley...Read about how Mark Foley hit on men less than half his age at the Republican convention...Read about how Mark Foley voted to remove protections from those same young gay men and lesbians and anyone else violating a local discrimination law!!!
And back in 2004 there were open threats in the Washington Blade by Rogers targeting Foley:

20 offices said targeted
Not likely, say Mike Rogers and John Aravosis, the two men loosely heading an ongoing outing campaign on the Hill. As the date nears for a Senate vote on the Federal Marriage Amendment, which would ban gay marriages in the Constitution, Rogers said the outings have picked up steam — from 13 documented offices to nearly 20 currently on a target list provided by Rogers to the Blade.

In addition to Tolman, Rogers and Aravosis, working in tandem but not together, claimed in the last week to have outed via the Web Democratic Sen. Barbara Mikulski of Maryland and Republican Congressman Mark Foley of Florida.

While Tolman confirmed he is gay, the Mikulski’s office refused to comment on speculation she is a lesbian, something Aravosis implied last week on his site.

A spokesperson for Congressman Mark Foley (R-Fla.) also declined to comment after Aravosis specifically asserted that Foley is gay on his Web site last week.

Both members of Congress have long been the subject of rumors about their sexual orientation.
Foley abused his position and may have been involved in criminal activity.

Democrats knew this for over a year.
With 6 weeks before the November elections, they broke the dam loose!

More from March 2005 at BlogActive...

From the gay outing website on March 22, 2005: has confirmed with three separate sources that, in fact, US Rep. Mark Foley is a gay man. Foley has voted to support discrimination against gay men and lesbians on more than one occasion.

A source has confirmed with that Foley lives a practically an out life at his Florida residence, often seen entertaining gay men, some of whom the source described as "close to underage."

...I've thought hard about what kind of TAKE ACTION would work, but there is really is none right now. Everyone already knows Foley's a self hating closet case. When we get closer to the mid-term elections, I am sure more will surface.
And, there you have it!

Others in the Game: La Shawn Barber, Passionate America, Michelle Malkin, HotAir, Just One Minute, Flopping Aces, Right Wing Nuthouse, Dan Riehl has an update Powerline, Instapundit, Ace, RedState, Wizbang, TigerHawk, American Thinker...
Gay Patriot weighs in.

(Let me clarify, there are 2 issues here: There is the sexual predator issue that is abominable, and then there is the skunk issue, those that waited with their reports while children were in jeopardy until 6 weeks outside of an election to release their "news"!)

The Foley Fallout
Foley Fallout: What We Know Now
Foleygate! Altered Images! What's Going On Here?
Foley and the Blame Game -- The fact that he was hounded out of office and personally destroyed by the Democrats show that they despise gays - one of their own key constituencies.
Mark Foley Emails Altered?

Now the Mark Foley story is getting weird. (Yes, I know it’s already weird, but this is weirder.) There doesn’t seem to be any doubt that Foley’s guilty of making advances to teenage boys—after all, he resigned—but there’s something very odd about the email messages being circulated by media and left wing blogs: Foleygate: Mark Foley emails altered.

More at Flopping Aces.

UPDATE at 10/2/06 9:07:44 am:

More links and background at Michelle Malkin: Predators in the Houselink: 173 comments  "Like it or not, it is legal for a 16 year old to have sex in most states with either sex.   The issue is whether Foley was doing it on taxpayer time/dollars.  Rush is interviewing Jim Geraghty of TKS at National Review. He doesn't think the Foley thing will do any real damage to Republicans in terms of keeping the House. He believes the "culture of corruption" meme is a big loser for the Dems, and security trumps all. I tend to agree, but I'm afraid I may be underestimating the stupidity of the American people. "

I'm not going to post the contents of Foley's explicit email here, because LGF is not a porn site. If you want to read it, just click on the link. WARNING: it contains explicit sexual material.

What Did The Media Know About Foley And How Long Did They Know It?

Pro-Homosexual Political Correctness Sowed Seeds for Foley Scandal

Foley, C.R.E.W., Soros and Jason Leopold (TruthOut)

Drip, Drip, Drip of Foley Messages Part of Calculated Campaign?

Page Disputes Warning About Rep. Foley (HMMMMM! Verrry Interesting!)

Did The Left Hide A Crime For Political Gain?

Does Anybody In Our Media Remember Gerry Studds?

October 1st, 2006

For some reason I just feel the need to remember that great Democrat Congressmen and rights pioneer Gerry Studds.

From Wikipedia:

Gerry StuddsPhoto

Gerry Eastman Studds (born May 12, 1937) is a retired American politician, born in Mineola, New York. He served as a Democratic Congressman for Massachusetts from 1973 until 1996. He was the first openly homosexual member of the US Congress and, more generally, the first openly gay national politician in the US.

Congressional page sex scandal

Studds is remembered chiefly for his role in the Congressional page sex scandal in 1983, when he and Representative Dan Crane were censured by the House of Representatives for separate sexual relationships with a minor – in Studds's case, a 1973 relationship with a 17-year-old male congressional page.

During the course of the House Ethics Committee's investigation, Studds publicly acknowledged his homosexuality, a disclosure that, according to a Washington Post article, "apparently was not news to many of his constituents."

Studds stated in an address to the House, "It is not a simple task for any of us to meet adequately the obligations of either public or private life, let alone both, but these challenges are made substantially more complex when one is, as I am, both an elected public official and gay."

As the House read their censure of him, Studds turned his back and ignored them.

Later, at a press conference with the former page standing beside him, the two stated that what had happened between them was nobody's business but their own.

Studds was re-elected five more terms after the censure...

Maybe the change of season is just making me nostalgic. I'm also strangely reminded of that equally heroic Congressman Barney Frank:

I guess some Congressman are more equal than others.

Especially Democrats.

16 Comments » "And we are told that homosexuals are normal, and that we should not be worried about them being in our schools, etc.,. Then, how come it seems that they are always looking or turning to young boys?"" There is something really rank about the smell of this. Let’s look at the facts………….
The emails and IMs were given to ABC by CREW (Citizens for Ethics) a far left wing organization funded by surprise, surprise….. George Soros. And the head of CREW is none other than a Clinton staffer and worked for that bastion of Islamic rights, John Conyers (D-Michigan). CREW was implement in going after Tom DeLay.
Now it seems that CREW has possession of these emails and IM for a long time. But chose this particular time to release them to ABC (who is not admitting that it was CREW that give them up)."

Foley setup?--Correct. In other words, people knew there was a predator out there, but they failed to report him immediately - preferring to wait until a time that created a political opportunity.--Former page: We knew about Foley 'for years'

Foley--Anybody who is surprised at this needs to recalibrate their radar. Timing of the release of damaging information is critical. The old media campaigns for the Democrats. They generically attack 90% of the time, but save the really damaging individual stuff to affect elections. Of course they've been sitting on this for the right time to release it. Politics is a full contact bare knuckles enterprise.--pdf format at ABC Exclusive: Foley Explicit IMs

Internal Review of Contacts with the Office of the Speaker Regarding the Cong. Mark Foley Matter--ABC News along with the entire MSM is always working with the DNC to subvert the GOP right before election-time. They did it to Bush 41 4 days before the 1992 election with an Iran-Contra-Weinberger "surprise" (which turned out to be meaningless but then cost Bush 4%). They did it to then-Gov. Bush with the sudden DUI release one week before the 2000 elections (which cost Bush 5%). They are doing it again here, and I think there will be one more "surprise" before October is done.

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Extended News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 1octoberdud; 2006election; americablog; americanfamilyvoices; blackmail; clintoncronies; clintonlegacy; clintonmachine; collusion; dccc; democratoperatives; dncbrownshirts; election2006; fabricatedevidence; fakebutaccurate; foley; foleygate; gaystapo; gerrystudds; gotchapolitics; homosexualagenda; howtostealanelection; johnavarosis; lavendermafia; liberalism; liberalsbashgays; mikerogers; mockoutrage; monicalewinsky; octoberfizzle; octobersurprise; pajamapeoplerule; thoughtcrime; watergate; whatcrime; yellowjournalism
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Read it, all of it, here:
La Cage aux Foley

In "A conspiracy so vast," John pointed out James Vicini's Reuters story on Adam Gadahn's indictment for treason and quoted this demented paragraph:

The sources denied the case was timed to deflect attention from the fallout over lewd computer messages sent by a former Republican congressman to young male aides, a scandal that may help Democrats seize control of Congress in November 7 election.
Mark Steyn kicks off his column today with Vicini's story and improvises on the theme:
Cut out that paragraph and have it framed. Or now that the nights are drawing in, if you're at a loose end of an evening, sew it into an attractive sampler and hang it in your parlor. In years to come, you'll spend many precious moments treasuring it as the perfect summation of the 2006 U.S. election.

"Justice Department officials denied . . . " What Reuters means by those words is that a reporter -- possibly the great Vicini himself or his colleague ("Additional reporting by Rick Cowan") -- gets the press release about this once-in-a-half-century treason thing and says to the relevant feds, "C'mon, you guys are just nailing this dude in Pakistan to distract from Mark Foley, right?"

And the Justice Department fellow no doubt replies, "Mark who?"

And Cowan (or Vicini) goes, "The ex-congressman. Teenage pages. Horny gay Republican predators. Hastert's notorious pedophile ring. You must have read about it. It's been in all the papers." And the Justice guy says, "Sorry, I've been been working the fax machine to Pakistan all week, typing up the relevant indictments in triplicate, and so forth."

Originally, only the Republican Congress was covering for Foley. But, as Vicini and Cowan see it, the conspiracy now extends to the Justice Department. We should be grateful Reuters imputed merely the "timing" of the treason indictment to the "lewd computer message" scandal, not the indictment itself. After all, why would the Bush administration have earmarked some nobody in Pakistan for a cockamamie charge of "treason" if it weren't for just such an eventuality as this? Also, notice the way the most damaging "lewd computer messages" and the toppling of Saddam Hussein both occurred in 2003: Did the neocons stage the entire Iraq war in order to set Foley up with an endless supply of fetching young Arab houseboys? As Al Jolson liked to sing, climb upon my knee, Sunni boy.

Steyn mentions that his new book -- America Alone -- was just released:
In my new book (out this week, folks: you'll find it at the back of the store past the 9/11 Conspiracy section and the Christianist Theocrat Takeover of America section and the ceiling-high display of the new Dixie Chicks six-CD box set of songs about how they're being silenced), I say that some of us looked at Sept. 11 as the sudden revelation of the tip of a vast iceberg, and I try to address the seven-eighths of that iceberg below the surface -- the globalization of radical Islam, the free-lancing of nuclear technology, the demographic weakness of Western democracies. Other folks, however, see the iceberg upside down. The huge weight of history -- the big geopolitical forces coursing through society -- the vast burden all balancing on the pinhead of the week: in this instance, Mark Foley.
Also in the back of the store with America Alone is Robert Spencer's The Truth About Muhammad. In his excellent Washington Times review of Spencer's new book, Andrew Bostom recalls the late, great Richard Grenier and his classic The Marrakesh One-Two:
Nearly 25 years ago, the late Richard Grenier wrote "The Marrakesh One-Two," a trenchant fictional account of a doomed effort to film the life of Muhammad. Grenier characterized the filmmaker's basic predicament with biting wit.

Even after reading a series of modern Muslim hagiographies, Muhammad left the impression of being "...a gamey figure for a religious leader...sort of a blend of Saint Teresa of Avila, Jane Addams of Hull House, William the Conqueror, and Casanova...Allah is merciful, but not necessarily Muhammad, I guess."

Of course such an impious, if accurate presentation, was impossible. Following a conference with the clerics of Al Azhar (the leading Sunni Islamic institution of religious education) in Cairo, Grenier's fictional filmmaker laments: "The only thing they would give me was I could have P.V. Muhammad. That is I could script shots from Muhammad's Point of View, subjective camera. I could have faces reacting and people talking to Mohammed. But Muhammad couldn't answer them because his voice would be too holy."

Today, "P.V. Muhammad" putatively "non-fiction" accounts prevail, while the authoritative biographies of Muhammad written in the mid 19th through early 20th centuries -- by scholars such as William Muir, David S. Margoliouth and Leone Caetani -- are now almost unknown to the public and chattering classes.

Finally, coincidental with Steyn's column comes Jules Crittenden's tribute to October's "tour de force in the political theater of the absurd." In his column today Mark Steyn aptly dubs October's theater of the absurd "La Cage Aux Foley."
Posted by Scott at 08:21 AM | Permalink 

141 posted on 10/15/2006 12:30:50 PM PDT by backhoe
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Gay Activist to Announce Idaho Political Leader's Hypocrisy Today on National Radio [5:30pm Eastern]

142 posted on 10/17/2006 8:36:25 AM PDT by backhoe
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The Left Hates Gays?

Apparently, the Left hates gays and believes that private sexual preferences belong on the front page. BlogActive, a site known for outing closeted gays in politics, now claims that Senator Larry Craig (R-ID) has engaged in homosexual activity in the bathrooms of Union Station. He'd better hope they're correct, or he will have one hell of a lawsuit on his hands. Patterico has been following this story and he notes that Craig has denied the entire BlogActive allegation:...this ghastly mudslinging really marks a new low.

Once again, the Left shows its obsession with sexuality, but it's really more than that. The Left obsesses over identity politics in all forms, and that obsession comes out in pathological terms... the obloquy and castigation seems to only come from Rogers and his ilk. I couldn't care less whether Craig is attracted to men or women; it's really none of my business, and none of Rogers' either. As long as he's not importuning minors, then it makes no difference to anyone except Craig and his family, and that's if the allegations have any basis in fact. The only bigot who should be ashamed of himself is Rogers. And if he's a libeler, he better get himself a damned good lawyer. (via Hot Air)  Posted by Captain Ed at 12:47 AM | Comments (16) | TrackBack (2)  "The army of david's on the web have been connecting the dots. They have been working on the gay outers, the page members of the 2001 class and some amazing stuff now being researched about gay porn website owners who also have a parallel life of hosting websites for congressional members outside their official goverment websites. Stay tuned, it ain't over yet."

143 posted on 10/18/2006 4:47:28 AM PDT by backhoe
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But wait!

There's More!

Honest to God, if the Donks really want to turn the pivot-point of the Novemeber 7 elections into "all gay sex, all outing, all gay bashing, all the time, 24-7?"

Feel free... this is going to backfire worse than Lil Kim's Nukular Fizzle...

Liberal Gaybashing Continues (UPDATED)

If they keep this up, they’re going to make the Westboro Baptist “Church” look like pikers.

Mike Rogers, noted best buddy of AmericaBlog’s John Trichinosis, has decided, after having threatened for a long time to out allegedly homosexual Republicans unless they vote as he wants them to vote, to make good on his extortionist threats by alleging that Idaho’s Larry Craig is gay (go to the link for more, it’s being continuously updated).

The Daily Kossacks are, of course, elated and wholly supportive of this violation of privacy. Larry Craig isn’t a terrorist, after all, so he has no right to privacy, even when it comes to perfectly legal acts.

The Dhimmiwits at Democrap Underwear are equally thrilled and supportive.

Larry Craig, on the other hand, denies it and claims that the allegations are ridiculous. If indeed they are false, then Nazi Rogers is guilty of libel as well as extortion.

Personally, His Majesty couldn’t care less whether Craig is gay or not. I’ve always found it mildly amusing that goons and thugs like Rogers and Trichinosis are constantly carrying on like that, yet it is us conservatives who are the “homophobes.” ***UPDATE:*** LC & IB Dan Riehl has a list of some of the Democrat candidates that have been profiting handsomely from the Daily “Screw ‘Em” Kossacks and their merry band of homophobes.

[…] Yep, thanks, Mike. I had been distressed at the apathy I’d been seeing, but you seem to have cured it. And you’re the ones who claim that you’ll bring ethics and morals back to Washington when your friends take over the House and Senate?

Trackback by Riehl World View
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Pingback by SLEAZY ASSAULT ON SEN. CRAIG « Texas Hold ‘Em Blogger  Patterico has the details here, with a link to the scumbag’s site.

Slublog states:

I’m going to vote Republican to keep people that Mike Rogers and the Daily Kos support out of office. This sort of dirty politics should not be encouraged - if the Kossacks win with tactics like these, expect to see this sort of thing over and over again in the future. If you’re a conservative thinking of sitting this election out, please don’t.

144 posted on 10/18/2006 5:46:39 AM PDT by backhoe
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Nutroots “gay terrorist” Mike Rogers and “Screw ‘em” Kos want you to stay home on November 7

Fuck you, Mike Rogers--you BITCH I think it’s time to revive the “Gay Terrorist" banner.

Mike Rogers, PROVE IT, you f#ckstain. And then try to find a way to (honestly!) justify making the man’s personal life a campaign issue. What ever happened to people’s sex lives being private? What ever happened to the idea that one’s sexual orientation shouldn’t matter? BECAUSE OF THE HYPOCRISY!!! Pot, meet kettle. PROVE IT, bitch. And then try to DEFEND it.

This is the kind of filth that’s pouring money into Democratic campaigns. Burn the witch! No fags (unless they are in lockstep with the hate-filled left) in Congress!

Don’t forget the heinous Jane Hamsher & Co., they, of the “blackface” Joe Lieberman and telling a black woman to “mind her betters.” No insult is off-limits to them, because they think that as “progressives,” they’re automatically given a pass.

And then you have the infamous Daily Kostards, the animals that celebrate “milestones” of dead Americans in Iraq, that say “screw ‘em” when their fellow Americans are slaughtered and mutilated by terrorists…well, you know the litany of disgrace there.

Dan Riehl:

DNC Chair Howard Dean, Senators Barbara Boxer and Harry Reid, among others, traveled to Nevada to solicit support and lavish praise on the same individual whose blog is now featuring the clearest example of homophobic-laced hate in politics I’ve ever seen. Even today, they are raising money for a so-called expanded field.

The Democrat Party built this network and that blog. They funded it with advertising, many, including John Kerry, have written copy for it and fueled its rage. And they reaped the fruit of that rage in dollars and in hype.

Now it’s election time and they all deserve to be held accountable for encouraging such hate and paving the way for its hate-filled tactics designed for one reason - to benefit them, yet, again.


The thuggishness is getting out of hand. It may be well past time to get as dirty and nasty as these jagoffs are.

Pissed off yet?


Patterico expects a backlash. So do I. In fact, I haven’t felt this motivated to vote in weeks.


Thanks, Mike. A few weeks ago, I was going to hold my nose and vote. Now, I can’t wait.

Yep, thanks, Mike. I had been distressed at the apathy I’d been seeing, but you seem to have cured it. I guess when you can’t get your issues through on their own merits, you have to resort to the worst of dirty politics. Or I guess you “have to” when you’re a soulless, hate-filled nihilist. I don’t know how these vermin can sleep at night.

(Priceless!) Misha:

I don’t care if Larry Craig or anybody else is as gay as a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide. What they do with consenting adults of legal age behind closed doors is nobody’s business but theirs and, furthermore, it does not in the least bit affect my personal opinion of them. They have a problem with G-d, but that’s not for me to sort out, nor do I want any part of it.

What I do care about a great deal is mindless thugs like you and your execrable friend, John Trichinosis, who, faced with the harsh reality that your intellects are too minute to impress an oyster on the half shell, resort to extortion, threats and assorted other hallmarks of Idiotarians seriously under-endowed in the ethical, intellectual and moral departments.

BRAVO! Consider that “megadittoed.” With a clenched fist.

For the record:

Senator Craig’s office flatly rejected the claims. “The Senator says this story is absolutely ridiculous – almost laughable,” said press secretary Sid Smith. “It has no basis in fact.”

Almost laughable, but it’s not. Rogers had better produce some proof, or he might be looking at a lawsuit (I doubt a US Senator would dignify this trash with a lawsuit, but you never know). And do you think Senator Craig is the only one in his sights right now? No. In his shameless bleg for money that immediately follows the outing (making the whole stunt even that much more nauseating!), he boasts:

There’s more research to do… There is at least one more member of Congress to report on within the next few weeks — and with some very intertesting [sic] documents, no less… And let there be no doubt, I already have some of the documents I will be using to report on this member of Congress.

Mike Rogers, you make me sick. Rarely does a person so proudly show such a complete lack of humanity, ethics, or simple intelligence. You are beneath scum. Yuk it up now, you diseased cow, ’cause karma’s a bitch.

So, do the Democrats on this list disavow the hateful creatures that are working so hard on their behalf? Silence signifies approval, and I hear nothing.

Posted by: Beth @ 6:55 am
Posted In: General, WTF, Politics, Blogs, Stupid, Moonbats, Wictory Wednesday
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145 posted on 10/18/2006 5:54:57 AM PDT by backhoe
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To: All

Their own worst enemies

Less than 24 hours ago, Democrats were crowing about Republican homophobia. Today? They decide to "out" a Republican senator who is (a) a father of three and grandfather of six, and (b) not even up for re-election this year:
I have done extensive research into this case, including trips to the Pacific Northwest to meet with men who have say they have physical relations with the Senator. I have also met with a man here in Washington, D.C., who says the same -- and that these incidents occurred in the bathrooms of Union Station. None of these men know each other, or knew that I was talking to others. They all reported similar personal characteristics about the Senator, which lead me to believe, beyond any doubt, that their stories are valid.
So much for the moral high ground, I guess. Just when you think that Republicans have clinched the Nobel Prize for political incompetence, the Democrats pull off the kind of cheap stunt that is guaranteed to repulse every decent citizen in America.

Who knew that when Karl Rove promised to give us an "October surprise," a left-wing gay Democrat would be his chosen delivery boy?

Please notice that I linked Captain's Quarters for that quote, rather than linking the disgusting Democratic scumbag responsible for the vicious smear. Thanks, Captain Ed, for sparing us the indignity of giving any traffic to the aforesaid scumbag.

Also sparing us the indignity: Patterico, Hot Air, Confederate Yankee, Dan Riehl, Red State , Iowa Voice, Sensible Mom, Stout Republican, La Shawn Barber, and Blue Crab Boulevard.

Attention, Democratic Party morons: Turn on the radio at 12:06 p.m. today, and listen as Rush Limbaugh does a victory dance on your thick little skulls. One gay Democrat blogger -- by singlehandedly staging this year's Wellstone memorial -- has just handed Karl Rove a half-dozen House seats, plus the Senate races in Missouri, Virginia and New Jersey.

I question the timing ...

UPDATE: The senator in question voted for S. 2611 which, from the perspective of public policy, I consider morally equivalent to homosexual encounters in the men's room at Union Station. Despite that vote, however, he didn't deserve such a cruel smear as this.

UPDATE UPDATE: Great thing about this story -- other than its beauty as an example of the atavistic tendencies of the Democratic Party -- is that it renders moot what might otherwise have been a nasty immigration cage match with Sister Toldjah.

Because this "outing" has assured a Republican victory on Nov. 7, it now no longer matters whether President Bush compared conservatives to terrorists. Bush gets a free pass, and the immigration cage match will have to be postponed until such time as there is a legitimate chance that Democrats might win an election. That might be a long time.

To the lovely Sister: Please understand that this blog wouldn't exist if Ali-Bubba did not think that immigration is a national security issue. I don't want to live in Atzlan, nor do I want to live in the global caliphate. There is no skill so important to survival as being able to distinguish between your friends and your enemies. "Conservatives For Amnesty" makes about as much sense as "Lesbian Feminists for Hamas."

UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE: Just checked the ALF mailbox, and found an e-mail from Dan Riehl. I immediately replied and, with a few redactions to protect the innocent, here is what I wrote:

A few days ago, I looked at the numbers and the trends, and concluded that the GOP was toast. The only question was, Who to blame?
But this "outing" ... is the "Wellstone memorial" of 2006. This is absolutely the stupidest thing the Democrats could have done. ...
Of all the political blunders the Democrats have committed in my lifetime ... this absolutely takes the cake. It's more stupid than Eagleton for VP in '72, is how stupid it is.
On a freaking WEDNESDAY, no less! That means the Democrats are going to get three consecutive weekdays of relentless pounding by every conservative talk-radio host in the country.
I guarantee you, Rush Limbaugh is going to open that Golden EIB Microphone at 12:06 p.m. today with a long, hearty laugh. Limbaugh will then roll out three hours of the most brutal scorn he's ever broadcast.
By next Monday, Mike Rogers will be in seclusion after getting death threats from every Democrat in America. Rogers will be to 2006 what Willie Horton was to 1988.
Republican prayers have been answered! And I hope you don't mind me CC'ing this to a few friends in the prayer circle.
-- Ali

Please excuse me, but I have to go get my freak on.

146 posted on 10/18/2006 7:22:31 AM PDT by backhoe (All Homophobia, all the time- the *new* Democrat party...)
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To: backhoe

Thank you, backhoe! I shall link your post to another thread.

147 posted on 10/18/2006 7:24:04 AM PDT by onyx (We have two political parties: the American Party and the Anti-American Party.)
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To: onyx
Thank you, backhoe! I shall link your post to another thread.

I greatly appreciate that- thank you

148 posted on 10/18/2006 7:39:04 AM PDT by backhoe (All Homophobia, all the time- the *new* Democrat party...)
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To: backhoe

Foley waited until the Pages were 18:

149 posted on 10/18/2006 10:46:29 AM PDT by Larousse2 (Like June Carter Cash, "I'm just tryin' to matter.")
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To: Larousse2

Thank you- info is much appreciated.

150 posted on 10/18/2006 12:15:39 PM PDT by backhoe
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To: All
Foley Scandal Won’t Sink Republicans
151 posted on 10/18/2006 3:08:19 PM PDT by backhoe
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To: All

Patterico has a good roundup of links on the latest Democratic “outing” of a supposedly gay Republican: Lefty Blogger Outs Senator As Gay. This Michael Rogers guy is one of the most repellent figures on the political scene today, and we can only hope that his ugly work results in a major backlash against Democrats who benefit from it. link: 161 comments  " I'm not amused by all this at all. It goes to the heart of the unseriousness of the Democrats who think that outing politicians they don't like is justified in the pursuit of power and goes against everything the Democrats supposedly stand for."

152 posted on 10/18/2006 3:11:05 PM PDT by backhoe
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To: backhoe

You're welcome!

If you do any more of your outstanding threads on Civil Defense, etc., please PING me, okay? Thanks:-)

153 posted on 10/19/2006 11:10:14 AM PDT by Larousse2 (Like June Carter Cash, "I'm just tryin' to matter.")
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To: Larousse2
If you do any more of your outstanding threads on Civil Defense, etc., please PING me, okay? Thanks:-)

It would be my pleasure.

154 posted on 10/19/2006 11:48:00 AM PDT by backhoe (-30-)
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To: All
Another Gay Republican Outing "...a new gay revolution..."
155 posted on 10/20/2006 3:45:30 AM PDT by backhoe (-30-)
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To: All
Foley Email Bogus Blogger Was Dem Hill Staffer--has learned that the anony-blogger behind StopSexPredators—the bogus blog that first posted the Mark Foley e-mails and got the ball rolling on PageGate—is a former Democratic Senate staffer named Lane Hudson. (Excerpt) Read more at ...also found a Lane Hudson connected to an organization called Earth Force. Earth Force has some interesting members. One held a fellowship with The Heinz Endowments’ Education and Environment Programs...
156 posted on 10/27/2006 3:55:22 AM PDT by backhoe (All gay-bashing, all the time- your *New* Democrat party...)
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