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The Foley Set-Up
various FR links and blogs | 10-04-06 | The Heavy Equipment Guy

Posted on 10/04/2006 2:12:07 PM PDT by backhoe

The latest- the blogs are all over this- go to them and use their links:
Foley Setup? - Part V - Uncovering the Conspiracy--I don’t think I’ve ever seen a political conspiracy unravel as fast as this one that involves former representative Mark Foley.
These you must read to catch up on the story...
MacsMind - Foleygate Part IV
MacsMind - Foleygate Part V
[Foley Outer] Mike Rogers Tried To Blackmail Senator On Alito Vote--Rogers was named as one of Genre Magazine’s Men We Love.
Here's the list of intimidation.
I don't think that these Gay activists who "out" other gays care about the damage that they do. They are angy haters...
Foley Information at Midterm Predicted on 3/22/05.
Fever Swamp Blogs Hid Foley Evidence?

There’s now evidence that the fever swamp blogosphere (led by the vicious John Avarosis, who runs one of the ugliest of the lefty hate sites, Americablog), deliberately concealed information about Mark Foley for months without any concern for potential victims of Foley’s advances, so they could spring it on the public at election time. Gateway Pundit has a roundup: Get Your Lawyers... Foleygate Scandal About to Bust Open!  link: 107 comments  --hillary's fingerprints all over it. Link

Take a look at this: Michael Rogers of Blogactive threatened Kirk Fordham too. In July 2004

SCANDAL SATURATION? Mickey Kaus wonders about the "Densepack Theory," Karl Rotstan agrees: "Now that the Rubicon has been crossed so close to the election, we should prepare ourselves for an avalanche of Congressional filth, the likes of which will make Clinton's experience look tame by comparison." ANOTHER UPDATE: It's starting.  MORE: Indeed:
DEMOCRAT 537 ROBOCALLS ON FOLEY! (Democrats Moving In For The Kill!)
Get Your Lawyers Foleygate Scandal About to Bust Open (Gateway Pundit doing good detective work!)--Radical Gay Rights Activists held on to information about Representative Foley for months and years. These "Rights Activists" knew that representative Foley had relationships with "young men less than half his age." They did their own investigation on Foley. They even flew in their sources in to be interviewed about the Representative. They shared this information with the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. They held on to the information for over a year. They wrote about how they would break the story at midterm elections.
QandO Blog now has evidence that John Aravosis (the radical gay activist from AmericaBlog- "He deserves to be publicly excoriated." 7-2004) had copies of the emails "months ago!"
This is important from Macsmind-
Sweetness and Light reported on the Mike Rogers connection on Sunday:
 Thomas Lifson at The American Thinker has more.
Wild Bill at Passionate America has big news he is reporting at 4:00 PM CST today.
And, then there is this BOMBSHELL from Clarice...Dick Morris just said on FOX that a respected reporter told him that she has proof that a senior democrat member of congress knew about the IMs months ago–unlike Hastert.
 Also, keep an eye on The Strata-Sphere.
Right Wing Nuthouse is also on the story.
The Foley Fallout
Foley Fallout: What We Know Now
Foleygate! Altered Images! What's Going On Here?
Foleygate: What Stunk Like a Rat, Was a Democ-Rat!
If Gay Activists & Democrats Knew of Foley, Why Were They Silent?
"We need Bloggers to find out the dirty work behind everything. Foley is guity of being a disgusting sleezebag and should be prosecuted if he's guilty but the Democrats knew about this and sat on it until the 2006 elections."
Older info, reverse chronological order:

FLASHBACK 2002: The Group Behind the Attacks on Bush (

Is Gay Activist Mark Rogers Behind The Foley “Outing”?

October 3rd, 2006

In a post at his Blogactive website, Michael Rogers seems to want to take a bow for his noble work:

Good news... Bad news...

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Well the good news is that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is finally getting it. I called their Director of Communications, Bill Burton, before the Foley story broke to let him know about Foley (and another case) were coming down the pike. While Burton promised to have someone email or return my call and didn't, I am glad he followed up on my call and was ready on Friday to come out of the gate running.

The bad new is they are still not paying enough attention... There are others within reach... If the Democrats would only fight half as hard as the Republicans.

I posted comments at the DCCC website on the Foley entry. Not only do their promises of returned calls and emails never come to fruition, but now they are deleting my comments from their blog, The Stakeholder.

Luckily the comments were cached before they axed them.

Here's the one I put up at 9:55pm:

Here's the one I put up at 10:02pm:

Well, at least they are paying attention.

And how telling it is that the Stakeholder, the homepage of the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) would delete his posts.

Mr. Rogers and his friends have been on this mission for several years now.

From a two year old article in the gay advocacy giveaway, the Washington (DC) Blade:

Blade Caption: Florida Congressman Mark Foley (R) has vowed to vote against the Federal Marriage Amendment, but gay activist John Aravosis said he decided to out the congressman anyway because Foley supports the re-election of President Bush.

Mikulski and Foley become newest congressional targets as FMA vote nears

Friday, July 09, 2004

... Mike Rogers and John Aravosis, [are] the two men loosely heading an ongoing outing campaign on the Hill. As the date nears for a Senate vote on the Federal Marriage Amendment, which would ban gay marriages in the Constitution, Rogers said the outings have picked up steam — from 13 documented offices to nearly 20 currently on a target list provided by Rogers to the Blade.

In addition to Tolman, Rogers and Aravosis, working in tandem but not together, claimed in the last week to have outed via the Web Democratic Sen. Barbara Mikulski of Maryland and Republican Congressman Mark Foley of Florida...

A spokesperson for Congressman Mark Foley (R-Fla.) also declined to comment after Aravosis specifically asserted that Foley is gay on his Web site last week...

Aravosis continued to defend the outing campaign.

“An acquaintance of mine, a Southern Republican, worked for a member who was not anti-gay personally, but he signed on to the amendment [banning gay marriage],” Aravosis said. “My friend quit. I’m basically saying, ‘You know what, you have a choice. It’s 2004. You can work for pro-gay Democrats, and now you can work for pro-gay Republicans.’” ...

Over in the House, Republican Mark Foley said in March that he would vote against the Federal Marriage Amendment — one week after his spokesperson said he would not take a position on the measure until it came up for a House vote.

Despite Foley’s FMA opposition, Aravosis purported to out Foley as well, taking him to task for supporting President Bush, who endorsed the measure late last winter. Labeling Foley as “our latest closeted gay hypocrite,” Aravosis said Foley made the list for putting politics ahead of his own community by “whoring for an anti-gay president.” ...

Florida Congressman Mark Foley (R) has vowed to vote against the Federal Marriage Amendment, but gay activist John Aravosis said he decided to out the congressman anyway because Foley supports the re-election of President Bush.

Foley responded to the reports by initiating a telephone press conference among non-gay Florida media and called discussion about his sexual orientation “revolting.” He declined at that time to answer questions about his sexual orientation and subsequently abandoned his bid for the Senate, citing concerns over his father’s health.

Aravosis said he obtained the latest information about the five-term congressman from Foley’s former chief of staff, Kirk Fordham.

Fordham, who is gay, headed up fund-raising efforts for Foley’s aborted Senate campaign and is now the finance director for one of the remaining GOP primary candidates in that race: Mel Martinez, George W. Bush’s former Housing & Urban Development secretary. Martinez has come out in favor of the Federal Marriage Amendment.

Fordham denied ever speaking with Aravosis and told the Blade, “I just don’t discuss Congressman Foley’s personal life with reporters, but I’m not sure what their motive is in outing him, other than to draw attention to themselves. Foley has a good track record with gay issues and opposes the FMA.” ...

It seems very probable that one or all of the gentlemen mentioned in this article have had a hand in the recent revelations about Mark Foley.

It is equally likely that one or all of them is behind the anonymous website,, that first produced Foley's alleged emails out of the blue.

Michael Rogers started his own website,, back in July of 2004.

Oddly enough, there was a significant drop-off in his activities there after July of this year, which is when was begun.

From Alexa:


Mike Rogers should probably be at the top of the list of suspects.

Who is really calling for the Republican leadership to resign?--The lunatics have NO clue what they have exposed. Their homosexual agenda has taken a HIT big time if the are trying to make Speaker Hastert responsible for Foley's acts.


Posted in Politics, Crime, Law at 3:05 pm by nbpundit

Monday, October 02, 2006
Foleygate: What Stunk Like a Rat, Was a Democ-Rat!


From a March 2005 post at BlogActive

Sister Toldjah leads you down the path to Macsmind.
**You must read the whole thing.**

Macsmind put together this link to the Foley memos:

Where'd all the "It's Just Sex" Democrats Go

'Gay' activist held info about Foley During campaign to 'out' lawmakers

If they want to protect the children from homos, why teach it in public schools?

Is Foley This Cycle's "DUI?"

There may be a possibilty that the one who runs Blog, and the one who runs Stop Sex Predators may be one in the same. That may be Mike Rogers, the infamous Gay Republican Outer.

#214 nigella  10/2/2006 02:51PM PDT

I went onto Rushs' web-site and his theory is that the Clinton smear machine has been re-activated. Good old Carvel and friends. When I read it it started to click,Theres the Clinton tirade on Fox that led to the attacks on Fox for being right-wing. The leaks of the terror estimate report, the slimeimg of Jennie Pirro in New York and now this. Don't get me wrong, I think Foley is a sleeze, but all this so close to the election.Coincidence? I think not.

Foleygate: What Stunk Like a Rat, Was a Democ-Rat!


From a March 2005 post at BlogActive

Sister Toldjah leads you down the path to Macsmind.
**You must read the whole Macsmind update.**

Macsmind put together this link to the Foley memos:

They’re may be a possibilty that the one who runs Blog, and the one who runs Stop Sex Predators may be one in the same. That may be Mike Rogers, the infamous Gay Republican Outer.

Via Rogers site:

Well the good news is that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is finally getting it. I called their Director of Communications, Bill Burton, to let him know that the Foley thing (and another case) were coming down the pike. While Burton promised to have someone email or return my call and didn’t, I am glad he followed up on my call and was ready on Friday to come out of the gate running.

The bad new is they are still not paying enough attention… There are others within reach… If the Democrats would only fight half as hard as the Republicans”

Rogers is miffed that the DCCC has been deleting his posts. No wonder as even they sense a major backfire if it get’s out that this was all a “Gay Republican Outing” that netted more than it bargained for.
Now... Get this posting at Blog Active back on March 4, 2005:

(Click to Enlarge)

Here are the threats and plans to destroy Mark Foley printed at a Leftist-haters blog back in March of 2005:

Birds of a Feather
Two haters, one picture:
Gay-bashing straight man John Ashcroft and Gay-bashing gay man Mark Foley

This is United States Congressman Mark Foley
He voted this week for a law to allow hate groups to fire gay and lesbian people at will
The law he is supporting will overrule ANY local laws on the matter.





Please to support our educational and advertising campaign against this right wing hypocrite, click here and join the battle for true lesbian and gay liberation.

**COMING MONDAY ON BLOGACTIVE:** The entire Mark Foley story...Read about my recorded discussions with staff members and former staff members of Rep. Mark Foley...Read about how Mark Foley hit on men less than half his age at the Republican convention...Read about how Mark Foley voted to remove protections from those same young gay men and lesbians and anyone else violating a local discrimination law!!!
And back in 2004 there were open threats in the Washington Blade by Rogers targeting Foley:

20 offices said targeted
Not likely, say Mike Rogers and John Aravosis, the two men loosely heading an ongoing outing campaign on the Hill. As the date nears for a Senate vote on the Federal Marriage Amendment, which would ban gay marriages in the Constitution, Rogers said the outings have picked up steam — from 13 documented offices to nearly 20 currently on a target list provided by Rogers to the Blade.

In addition to Tolman, Rogers and Aravosis, working in tandem but not together, claimed in the last week to have outed via the Web Democratic Sen. Barbara Mikulski of Maryland and Republican Congressman Mark Foley of Florida.

While Tolman confirmed he is gay, the Mikulski’s office refused to comment on speculation she is a lesbian, something Aravosis implied last week on his site.

A spokesperson for Congressman Mark Foley (R-Fla.) also declined to comment after Aravosis specifically asserted that Foley is gay on his Web site last week.

Both members of Congress have long been the subject of rumors about their sexual orientation.
Foley abused his position and may have been involved in criminal activity.

Democrats knew this for over a year.
With 6 weeks before the November elections, they broke the dam loose!

More from March 2005 at BlogActive...

From the gay outing website on March 22, 2005: has confirmed with three separate sources that, in fact, US Rep. Mark Foley is a gay man. Foley has voted to support discrimination against gay men and lesbians on more than one occasion.

A source has confirmed with that Foley lives a practically an out life at his Florida residence, often seen entertaining gay men, some of whom the source described as "close to underage."

...I've thought hard about what kind of TAKE ACTION would work, but there is really is none right now. Everyone already knows Foley's a self hating closet case. When we get closer to the mid-term elections, I am sure more will surface.
And, there you have it!

Others in the Game: La Shawn Barber, Passionate America, Michelle Malkin, HotAir, Just One Minute, Flopping Aces, Right Wing Nuthouse, Dan Riehl has an update Powerline, Instapundit, Ace, RedState, Wizbang, TigerHawk, American Thinker...
Gay Patriot weighs in.

(Let me clarify, there are 2 issues here: There is the sexual predator issue that is abominable, and then there is the skunk issue, those that waited with their reports while children were in jeopardy until 6 weeks outside of an election to release their "news"!)

The Foley Fallout
Foley Fallout: What We Know Now
Foleygate! Altered Images! What's Going On Here?
Foley and the Blame Game -- The fact that he was hounded out of office and personally destroyed by the Democrats show that they despise gays - one of their own key constituencies.
Mark Foley Emails Altered?

Now the Mark Foley story is getting weird. (Yes, I know it’s already weird, but this is weirder.) There doesn’t seem to be any doubt that Foley’s guilty of making advances to teenage boys—after all, he resigned—but there’s something very odd about the email messages being circulated by media and left wing blogs: Foleygate: Mark Foley emails altered.

More at Flopping Aces.

UPDATE at 10/2/06 9:07:44 am:

More links and background at Michelle Malkin: Predators in the Houselink: 173 comments  "Like it or not, it is legal for a 16 year old to have sex in most states with either sex.   The issue is whether Foley was doing it on taxpayer time/dollars.  Rush is interviewing Jim Geraghty of TKS at National Review. He doesn't think the Foley thing will do any real damage to Republicans in terms of keeping the House. He believes the "culture of corruption" meme is a big loser for the Dems, and security trumps all. I tend to agree, but I'm afraid I may be underestimating the stupidity of the American people. "

I'm not going to post the contents of Foley's explicit email here, because LGF is not a porn site. If you want to read it, just click on the link. WARNING: it contains explicit sexual material.

What Did The Media Know About Foley And How Long Did They Know It?

Pro-Homosexual Political Correctness Sowed Seeds for Foley Scandal

Foley, C.R.E.W., Soros and Jason Leopold (TruthOut)

Drip, Drip, Drip of Foley Messages Part of Calculated Campaign?

Page Disputes Warning About Rep. Foley (HMMMMM! Verrry Interesting!)

Did The Left Hide A Crime For Political Gain?

Does Anybody In Our Media Remember Gerry Studds?

October 1st, 2006

For some reason I just feel the need to remember that great Democrat Congressmen and rights pioneer Gerry Studds.

From Wikipedia:

Gerry StuddsPhoto

Gerry Eastman Studds (born May 12, 1937) is a retired American politician, born in Mineola, New York. He served as a Democratic Congressman for Massachusetts from 1973 until 1996. He was the first openly homosexual member of the US Congress and, more generally, the first openly gay national politician in the US.

Congressional page sex scandal

Studds is remembered chiefly for his role in the Congressional page sex scandal in 1983, when he and Representative Dan Crane were censured by the House of Representatives for separate sexual relationships with a minor – in Studds's case, a 1973 relationship with a 17-year-old male congressional page.

During the course of the House Ethics Committee's investigation, Studds publicly acknowledged his homosexuality, a disclosure that, according to a Washington Post article, "apparently was not news to many of his constituents."

Studds stated in an address to the House, "It is not a simple task for any of us to meet adequately the obligations of either public or private life, let alone both, but these challenges are made substantially more complex when one is, as I am, both an elected public official and gay."

As the House read their censure of him, Studds turned his back and ignored them.

Later, at a press conference with the former page standing beside him, the two stated that what had happened between them was nobody's business but their own.

Studds was re-elected five more terms after the censure...

Maybe the change of season is just making me nostalgic. I'm also strangely reminded of that equally heroic Congressman Barney Frank:

I guess some Congressman are more equal than others.

Especially Democrats.

16 Comments » "And we are told that homosexuals are normal, and that we should not be worried about them being in our schools, etc.,. Then, how come it seems that they are always looking or turning to young boys?"" There is something really rank about the smell of this. Let’s look at the facts………….
The emails and IMs were given to ABC by CREW (Citizens for Ethics) a far left wing organization funded by surprise, surprise….. George Soros. And the head of CREW is none other than a Clinton staffer and worked for that bastion of Islamic rights, John Conyers (D-Michigan). CREW was implement in going after Tom DeLay.
Now it seems that CREW has possession of these emails and IM for a long time. But chose this particular time to release them to ABC (who is not admitting that it was CREW that give them up)."

Foley setup?--Correct. In other words, people knew there was a predator out there, but they failed to report him immediately - preferring to wait until a time that created a political opportunity.--Former page: We knew about Foley 'for years'

Foley--Anybody who is surprised at this needs to recalibrate their radar. Timing of the release of damaging information is critical. The old media campaigns for the Democrats. They generically attack 90% of the time, but save the really damaging individual stuff to affect elections. Of course they've been sitting on this for the right time to release it. Politics is a full contact bare knuckles enterprise.--pdf format at ABC Exclusive: Foley Explicit IMs

Internal Review of Contacts with the Office of the Speaker Regarding the Cong. Mark Foley Matter--ABC News along with the entire MSM is always working with the DNC to subvert the GOP right before election-time. They did it to Bush 41 4 days before the 1992 election with an Iran-Contra-Weinberger "surprise" (which turned out to be meaningless but then cost Bush 4%). They did it to then-Gov. Bush with the sudden DUI release one week before the 2000 elections (which cost Bush 5%). They are doing it again here, and I think there will be one more "surprise" before October is done.

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Extended News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 1octoberdud; 2006election; americablog; americanfamilyvoices; blackmail; clintoncronies; clintonlegacy; clintonmachine; collusion; dccc; democratoperatives; dncbrownshirts; election2006; fabricatedevidence; fakebutaccurate; foley; foleygate; gaystapo; gerrystudds; gotchapolitics; homosexualagenda; howtostealanelection; johnavarosis; lavendermafia; liberalism; liberalsbashgays; mikerogers; mockoutrage; monicalewinsky; octoberfizzle; octobersurprise; pajamapeoplerule; thoughtcrime; watergate; whatcrime; yellowjournalism
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To: backhoe

Great work, backhoe, as always!! You are the best.

Do you have these links, there's a lot of good stuff throughout these newer threads too:

101 posted on 10/06/2006 10:56:19 PM PDT by Enchante (There are 3 kinds of lies: Lies, Damned Lies, and the Drive-By Media)
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To: backhoe

102 posted on 10/06/2006 11:14:07 PM PDT by Enchante (There are 3 kinds of lies: Lies, Damned Lies, and the Drive-By Media)
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To: backhoe


103 posted on 10/06/2006 11:15:00 PM PDT by Boiler Plate (Mom always said why be difficult, when with just a little more effort you can be impossible.)
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To: tgslTakoma
Would you be willing to gather Freeper Foleygate findings into a thread?

Here you go...


104 posted on 10/07/2006 12:28:47 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, Ridin' the Trakball into the Dawn of Information)
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To: Enchante

I appreciate those links- many thanks.

105 posted on 10/07/2006 4:00:22 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, Ridin' the Trakball into the Dawn of Information)
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To: kattracks

Thanks for stopping by, kattracks.

106 posted on 10/07/2006 4:08:39 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, Ridin' the Trakball into the Dawn of Information)
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To: backhoe

I should have known you were on the case. Thank you!

107 posted on 10/07/2006 4:21:14 AM PDT by tgslTakoma
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To: tgslTakoma

Thanks for looking- DC needs to be fumigated.

108 posted on 10/07/2006 4:33:41 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, Ridin' the Trakball into the Dawn of Information)
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To: All
A FULL FOLEYGATE INVESTIGATION IN THE WORKS? Some people won't like the "under oath" part.
Liberals Obsessed Sex, Sex, Sex (Rush On How The Left's Playing The Sex Card Will Backfire Alert)
 More On "The List"

109 posted on 10/07/2006 4:38:17 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, Ridin' the Trakball into the Dawn of Information)
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To: All

Updates will be in bold as more details come in

Here is a fairly complete and accurate timeline on Foleygate compiled by AP. The key missing elements are the claims by Aravosis and Rogers on when they were attmepting to basically blackmail Fordham and when they got Fordham to ‘out’ Foley (their claims Fordham denies). We also need to add the July 28th appearance of the mystery website and the KoS commenter WHintern’s postings about Foley. So here is the more complete version from sources around the net such as Gateway Pundit and Mac Ranger and Radar On Line [additions from blog reporting entries and modifications in italics:

  • June 1997: Foley, a Florida Republican, reportedly writes sexually explicit instant messages to male ex-House Page Tyson Vivyan, who keeps the contacts a secret as he fends off Foley’s advances. Vivyan was 17 when the contacts begin, with the anonymous Foley making contact with Vivyan through Vivyan’s AOL account. [Note: corrected month from July to June].
  • 1998, 2000, 2002: Three new claims of sexual approaches by Foley towards ex-Pages between 17-18 years old as reported by ABC News.
  • 2003: Foley reportedly writes sexually explicit instant messages to a male House page. Reporting shows this may be contact with an ex-Page right around his 18th birthday.
  • May 2003: Foley faces questions about his sexual orientation as he prepares to run for a Senate seat in Florida. He later drops out of the race.
  • Before January 2004: Foley’s chief of staff, Kirk Fordham, [allegedly] has conversations with senior aides in House Speaker Dennis Hastert’s office “asking them to intervene” to address Foley’s inappropriate behavior toward pages, according to Fordham.
  • January 2004: Fordham leaves Foley’s office.
  • July 2004: John Aravosis claims Fordham was his source for outing Rep Foley as a gay (which possibly ended his Senate run).
  • July 2004: Mike Rogers posts an open letter to Fordham demanding he explain why he is supporting Mel Martinez.
  • March 2005: Mike Rogers posts a rant against Foley which includes claims of Foley’s misbehavior with young men and predicts a big political scandal preceding the 2006 elections.
  • July 29, 2005: Folely makes first email contact with the Page from Louisianna, which makes the Page uncomfortable after some other emails (the other emails are not dated).
  • Aug 29, 2005: Hurricane Katrina hits LA.
  • Aug 30-31, 2005: Louisianna Page contacts House Staffer regarding Foley’s overtures, supposedly passes on email at this time.
  • Sep 13, 2005: Foley emails to LA Page are printed off by someone, these will be sent to Crew in May of 2006 via Fax.
  • Oct 17, 2005: Email excgange between LA Page and House Staffer are printed off by someone, these will be sent to Crew in May of 2006 via Fax.
  • Fall 2005: A former page contacts the office of his sponsor, Rep. Rodney Alexander, R-La., about e-mails he had received from Foley that asked about the boy’s age, then 16, and his birthday. Foley in one e-mail also requested a photo of the page.
  • Alexander’s chief of staff calls House Speaker Dennis Hastert’s office about the e-mail exchange. Alexander’s aide declines to show the message to Hastert’s staff and to the clerk of the House, who administers the page program, but says it is not of a sexual nature and that the family simply wants the contact to stop. Hastert said last week he was not aware of “a different set of communications which were sexually explicit … which Mr. Foley reportedly sent another former page or pages.”
  • The clerk and Rep. John Shimkus, R-Ill., meet with Foley, who assures them he was only acting as a mentor to the boy. Shimkus, who chairs a House board that oversees the page program, orders Foley to cease contact with the boy and Foley agrees.
  • Fordham, Foley’s former chief of staff, begins serving in the same capacity for Rep. Tom Reynolds, R-N.Y., chairman of the House Republican Campaign Committee.
  • November 2005: The St. Petersburg Times says it assigned two reporters to investigate after being given copies of the e-mail exchange with the Louisiana teenager. The paper said Saturday it decided not to publish at the time because of the seriousness of what would be implied and because the boy and the family would not go on the record. The Miami Herald says it, too, had a copy of the e-mail but decided not to go public because the message was not sexually explicit and was subject to interpretation.
  • Spring 2006: Alexander mentions the Foley situation to House Majority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio. Alexander says Boehner refers him to Reynolds. Both Boehner and Reynolds say they talk with Hastert about it. Boehner quotes Hastert as telling him the Louisiana page’s complaint “had been taken care of.” Hastert says later he doesn’t recall the meeting with Boehner and the speaker’s staff says he did not learn of it until much later.
  • May 29, 2006: CREW receives the Foley communications between the LA Page and Hill Staffer, as well as the Foley emails - via Fax. There may have been contact with CREW earlier in April according to the FBI].
  • July 2006: Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington [CREW}, a liberal leaning watchdog group, obtains copies of Foley’s e-mails and gives them to the FBI. The FBI says later the initial group of e-mails did not rise to the level of a federal offense.
  • July 2006: The mysterious website is created and begins innocuous and minor postings on July 28th.
  • July 2006: John Aravosis receives copies of the emails from someone, and was at the time informed CREW had the emails and had submitted them to the FBI - making it likely he and CREW had the same source. H/T Flopping Aces.
  • August 2006: Brian Ross claims he firsts has access to the less worrisome emails and is too busy to deal with them (though one could read his claim as being to busy with Katrina as Fall of 2005).
  • Sept 05: Commenter WHInternNow posts at DailyKOS prescient comments about Foley and his acts with “young boys” - apparently the first to really break the story - before the website sighted as the original source.
  • Sept 21: Website Stop Sex Predators posts on emails supposedly coming into the site from people with stories about Mark Foley.
  • Sept. 24: Website Stop Sex Predators posts scans of the innocuous emails from Foley to the 16 year old Page which was the focus of activity back in the fall of 2005. Supposedly only a few people in Congress and the new media have access to these emails at this point in time.
  • A whole 12 minutes after the website posts the scans, WHInternNow is back posting the news at DailyKOS. With limited readership at the site one wonders at how quickly WHInternNow found the scanned emails.
  • Sept. 28: ABC News reports on the e-mail exchange with the Louisiana teenager. Foley’s Democratic challenger, Tim Mahoney, calls for an investigation into the exchange.
  • Sept 28: John Aravosis posts his reaction to the news and admits he had the emails “several months ago”, which times in well with the July submission of the emails by CREW to the FBI.
  • Sept. 29: Revelations emerge of sexually explicit instant messages Foley sent in 2003 to former pages. Foley resigns. The House votes to refer the matter to the ethics committee.
  • Sept. 29: Mike Rogers posts on the DCCC website congragulations on taking his Foley lead and running with it. His comments are summarily deleted from the DCCC website but Rogers posts them on his site to gloat.
  • Sept. 30: Hastert says he is setting up a hot line for current and former pages and their families to report problems about the page program.
  • Oct. 1: Hastert writes a letter to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales asking for an investigation of Foley’s conduct. Hastert writes a similar letter to Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. An FBI spokesman confirms the agency is “conducting an assessment to see if there’s been a violation of federal law.”
  • Oct. 2: Foley’s attorney, David Roth, says the former congressman is battling alcoholism and has checked into a rehabilitation facility.
  • Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington asks the Justice Department to investigate why the Foley e-mails they gave the FBI were not pursued.
  • Oct. 3: The Washington Times calls in an editorial for Hastert to resign as speaker. Hastert says he won’t resign. President Bush says he supports Hastert’s call for an investigation and says he was “shocked and dismayed” at Foley’s behavior. Boehner talks about conferring with Hastert in the spring about Foley.
  • Roth says at a news conference in West Palm Beach, Fla., that Foley was molested as a child by a member of the clergy but had never had sexual contact with a minor. He says Foley asked him to reveal publicly that Foley is gay.
  • Oct. 4: Fordham announces he is resigning as Reynolds’ chief of staff and tells The Associated Press he had conversations with House leadership about Foley’s behavior prior to January 2004.
  • The Justice Department orders the House to preserve Foley’s official computer files. A law enforcement official who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the ongoing investigation says that FBI agents are interviewing participants in the House page program.
  • The Florida Department of Law Enforcement confirms that it has begun its own preliminary inquiry into Foley’s e-mail contacts with House pages.
  • Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., calls for a group of former senators and others to investigate how the House handled the Foley matter.
  • Oct 6: Drudge breaks the news that the sallacious IM messages from 2003 involving Jordan Edmund are not real, were a prank, and landed in the hands of Democrat operatives which set up the fake scandal.

If I missed some key event please let me know in the comments and I will add it. I believe there were more times when Rogers gloated. But one can see there was a lot of activity right around the time the story was timed to break - and before it did so!

17 Responses to “Foleygate Timeline”

110 posted on 10/07/2006 5:10:46 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, Ridin' the Trakball into the Dawn of Information)
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Gay Dem Activist Mike Rogers Threatens Daily Outings

October 7th, 2006

The latest threats from the gay Democrat activist, Mike Rogers via his site BlogActive:

Democrat operative Mike Rogers

Starting Monday... Investigate these closeted staffers

Saturday, October 07, 2006

I am very concerned what these CLOSETED high level staffers have done. This site first reported on the danger Kirk Fordham was to gays OVER TWO YEARS AGO. Before anyone gets out the violins for poor Kirk, remember he was the money chief for US Senator Mel Martinez's campaign. You know Mel...So.... Beginning Monday, and every weekday thereafter, I will be identifying the name of a closeted senior staffer in Congress...

Try to imagine the outrage we would hear from the media and the rest of our one party establishment if a Republican active were doing this.

Related Articles:

Lawyer of former page sends email to blogger --Don't anyone buy this for a second. Having defended and prosecuted defamation cases, I believe the web site is pretty bulletproof on this. Notice, no where in the letter does the attorney DENY that Edmonds is associated wih the IM's. If I were the web site owner I would reply to the lawyer as follows:

Dear Mr. attorney:
Quite frankly I was surprised (but not altogether disappointed) to receive your letter. Having seen and read many public statements and interviews of your client on the national media whereby he didn't deny his involvement; I, naturally, assumed this issue was not open to question. In fact, I notice even your letter doesn't deny his involvement with these communications.

I am, however, happy to help you and your client resolve this matter immediately. Accordingly, please state for me, on behalf of your client, "Was Mr. Edmonds in any way invovled with IM's of a sexual nature from Mr. Foley?" - If the answer is "no" I will report such and remove all reference to the matter within two days. Thus, your answer by noon tomorrow should put this question to bed once and for all. And you do realize, I'm sure, that your failure to respond to me or my questions will be the biggest story my humble web site has ever had the privilege breaking to the national press. There's only one reason I can think of your client wouldn't publicly deny this.

The ball's in your court. I'll hear your response tomorrow, one way or the other.

20 posted on 10/07/2006 1:08:16 PM EDT by joebuck
Democrats launch new Foley offensive against Republicans--Better read this--Some comments:

"The Federal case will be against the Democrats!! POP the POPCORN!!"

Yep...and it will include a former democrat congressmen, a former district attorney general in (a state I can not name right now), and many other nefarious characters.

OHH..and an 'internet service provider' (that will blow your mind)!

The info I gathered during the last week is now in the hands of the FBI (before it was only phoned in to three different agencies in two will understand why at a later date).

It is also in the hands of the Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert (faxed).

It is in the hands of my attorney (in case I get dragged into this for finding it in open source material and some fancy lawyer wants to try and intimidate me) and trusted friends.

It needs to be let out and soon. You folks be the judge! Let the American people decide!

At the very least, these actors in this larger potential conspiracy need to be hauled before a GRAND JURY...and sworn in to testify before the CONGRESS!

Every trusted individual in my life is urging me to release the info.

Pretty soon..this is not going to be about Mark Foley and his despicable acts.....and if it does not get brought into these hearings on some technicality...the American people are going to demand separate Congressional Hearings when they hear this!

Folks, there are files disappearing from my computer now...emails dropping into a blackhole...hang up calls from hidden numbers (3 from DC) since I started putting this potential part of the puzzle together.

Thankfully, it has been stored elsewhere and printed out...all of the files and emails.

There are plenty of people now in the know (for you du lurkers and moles)...the story will come out and there is not going to be any way for the dems to spin this one!!

WHEWW...that felt good!

Nite ALL!

22 posted on 10/07/2006 1:15:20 AM EDT by penelopesire
3 posted on 10/07/2006 3:35:47 PM EDT

111 posted on 10/07/2006 12:48:08 PM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, Ridin' the Trakball into the Dawn of Information)
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A tear in our fabric [a tale of two predators]
112 posted on 10/07/2006 1:07:23 PM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, Ridin' the Trakball into the Dawn of Information)
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Clarice Feldman sums it up

And tells what we know and where we are thus far on “Foleygate.”

(8) As that story started falling apart, Ross announced he had three more ex-pages who had had IM communications with Foley, but he has not revealed their names. Apparently they do not have documentation for their claims, for ABC has posted none of their material. Presumably these ex-pages are Democrats, for unlike the first, no affiliation was given. Presumably they, like Edmunds, never contacted the Republican leadership, for no such claim was made and such a claim certainly would have been made had that been the case.

(9) ABC has now set up a tip line asking pages and ex-pages to report incidents with Foley. It is not necessary to identify oneself to report a “tip”, and one can only suppose that having hit dry wells on the prior reports, ABC is trolling for anything else it can find to prop up an increasingly suspicious story.

Anyone can try his or her hand at creative writing and create a “tip” for ABC to report.

Or anyone can just conclude, as I have, ABC is behaving extremely irresponsibly.

I dunno…something is not sitting just right with me.

I think polls are going to indicate that this messy story has not done much to affect voters (although I distrust polls…) one way or the other, and I think Democrats know that. They must know it. Otherwise why would they be so blatantly hypocritical why expose their hypocrisy like this, for all to see? Unless it is somehow “worth it” in the long run?

What is all of this really about, then?

I keep reading that the Dems are sure they’ll pick up 30-50 seats because of this oddly disseminated and weirdly twisting scandal - they sound so positive about it.

I keep thinking about misdirection…about how an illusionist will get you looking in one direction while he is doing something else, and I keep thinking about voter fraud.

Is it possible that this whole sloppy scandal, with the additional weirdness of the notion of “a list” being held over the heads of Republicans (like it means something)…is just smoke and mirrors meant to get everyone distracted and looking the other way while an immense voter fraud is being set up?

“We’re going to win 30-50 seats!”

They sound so certain. I just can’t help wondering.

Nancy Pelosi's Ethical Hypocrisy

Pelosi Trip To Puerto Rico Comes Into Question As
Minority Leader Continues Partisan Attacks Against Republicans

Reports Indicate Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) Took Trip With Democrat Ethics Committee Member Who Listed Lobbyist As Paying For Travel:

"House Republicans ... Called On Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi To Provide Documentation To Prove That A Washington Lobbyist Firm Did Not Pay For A Trip She And Other Democrats Took To Puerto Rico In 2001." (Charles Hurt, "Pelosi Pressed For Trip Records," The Washington Times, 4/22/05)

"The Washington Times Reported Earlier This Week That Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, Ohio Democrat And Member Of The House Ethics Committee, Listed A Registered Lobbyist As The Trip's Sponsor. ... After The Discrepancy Was Made Public, Mrs. Jones Amended Her Travel Disclosure Form To Match Those Of Mrs. Pelosi And Other Travelers." (Charles Hurt, "Pelosi Pressed For Trip Records," The Washington Times, 4/22/05)

  • "A Spokeswoman In Mrs. Jones' Office Blamed The Conflicting Information On 'Human Error' But Declined To Provide Proof That The Trip Was Paid For By Todo Puerto Rico Con Vieques, Rather Than D.C. Lobbyist Smith, Dawson & Andrews." (Charles Hurt, "Pelosi Pressed For Trip Records," The Washington Times, 4/22/05)

Tubbs Jones Received $5,000 Contribution From Pelosi's PAC, PAC To The Future, In 2001. (Political Money Line Website,, Accessed 4/22/05)

Pelosi Refuses To Release Records To Prove That Lobbyist Did Not Pay For Puerto Rico Trip:

"Mrs. Pelosi Also Refused To Provide Any Such Documentation, And Testily Dismissed Questions ... About The Matter. 'There's No Discrepancy In The Records On My Trip,' The California Democrat Said. 'So That's All I Can Answer For.'" (Charles Hurt, "Pelosi Pressed For Trip Records," The Washington Times, 4/22/05)

  • Pelosi Dances Around Jones' Ethics, Won't Provide Documentation To Clear Her Name. Q: "Republicans are calling you on [sic] to provide documentation for a trip that you and Stephanie Tubbs Jones took in July of 2001 to Puerto Rico, verifying that it was paid for by who it was paid for. There has been some discrepancy in the records there." PELOSI: "No, there is no discrepancy in the records on my trip. That is all I can answer for. I can only answer for myself." Q: "She is a member of the Ethics Committee. She obviously understands the process pretty well." PELOSI: "She corrected her report." Q: "She stated that a lobbyist paid for the trip. She now says differently." PELOSI: "Yes; right." Q: "Why not just provide documentation for it and clear it all up?" PELOSI: "It's all a matter of record. It's all a matter of record on any of our travel." (Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Press Conference, Washington, D.C., 4/21/05)

While Pelosi Attacks Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) For KORUSEC Trip, She Ignores Own Staffer Who Took Trip With Same Group:

"Literally Days Before DeLay's Trip, KORUSEC [Korea-United States Exchange Council] Had Changed Its Legal Status And Registered As A Foreign Agent ... KORUSEC Admits Failing To Report The Changes To DeLay And Other Trip Participants. ...This Did Not Stop House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Whose Own Staff Member Had Traveled With KORUSEC, From Attacking DeLay." (Eric Pfeiffer, "Target: DeLay," National Review, 4/11/05)

"The Aide To Pelosi, Eddie Charmaine Manansala, Took A Trip Sponsored By The Council From June 26 Through July 3, 2004, But Only Filed The Required Disclosure Form With The House On [March 9, 2005]." (Larry Margasak, "Nearly Two Dozen House Members And Aides Accept Improper Travel," The Associated Press, 3/10/05)

  • "A Spokeswoman For Pelosi, Jennifer Crider, Said The Aide Forgot To File Her Form Last Year And Did So After Receiving A Query From A Reporter." (Larry Margasak, "Nearly Two Dozen House Members And Aides Accept Improper Travel," The Associated Press, 3/10/05)

Another Pelosi Staffer Took Trip Paid For By Pelosi Donor, As Pelosi Helped Donor Get Federal Money:

"House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi Helped Secure $3 Million Last Year For A Nonprofit Transportation-Research Organization Whose President Gave Money To Her Political Action Committee As The Group Was Paying For A European Trip For One Of Her Policy Advisers." (Stephen Dinan, "Pelosi Helped Donor To PAC," The Washington Times, 4/5/05)

"Transportation Adviser Lara Levison's Nine-Day, $4,475 Trip To Spain And Germany ... Was Primarily Paid For By WestStart-CALSTART." (Stephen Dinan, "Pelosi Helped Donor To PAC," The Washington Times, 4/5/05)

  • "But Just Days Before The Trip, WestStart-CALSTART Announced That Mrs. Pelosi Had Helped The Nonprofit Group Secure $1 Million From The Federal Transit Administration For A Bus Rapid-Transit Program." "A month after the Levison trip, the group sent out a press release thanking her for a $2 million grant for a fuel-cell program." (Stephen Dinan, "Pelosi Helped Donor To PAC," The Washington Times, 4/5/05)

Pelosi Turns House Ethics Committee Into Venue For Partisan Attacks:

"While Pelosi Has Portrayed Herself Repeatedly As Having No Role In The DeLay Case, Or Anything Else Before The Ethics Committee, [Ethics Committee Ranking Minority Member] Rep. Alan Mollohan (D-W.Va.) Acknowledged In An Interview Last Week That He Has Met With The Minority Leader Recently On The DeLay Matter, Now At A Critical Juncture." (John Bresnahan, "Pelosi Monitors DeLay Probe," Roll Call, 9/27/04)

"Pelosi, Who Served For Seven Years On The Ethics Committee, Has Stated Numerous Times That She Has Nothing To Do With The Decisions Made By The Ethics Panel, And Knows Little Or Nothing Of What Is Happening Inside The Committee." (John Bresnahan, "Pelosi Monitors DeLay Probe," Roll Call, 9/27/04)

  • "'As You Know, I Have A Hands-Off Approach To All Of This,' Pelosi Told Reporters On Sept. 15." (John Bresnahan, "Pelosi Monitors DeLay Probe," Roll Call, 9/27/04)

  • "'As You Know, And I Have Said Over And Over Again, I Keep At Arm's Length From The Ethics Process,' Pelosi Said June 24." (John Bresnahan, "Pelosi Monitors DeLay Probe," Roll Call, 9/27/04)

"'As I Told You Before, As A Longtime Member Of The Ethics Committee, I Thought Matters Of The Ethics Committee Were Within The Ethics Committee,' The California Democrat Declared On March 18." (John Bresnahan, "Pelosi Monitors DeLay Probe," Roll Call, 9/27/04)

   Posted by Blog News at 3:35 AM

20 posted on 10/07/2006 11:40:04 PM EDT by Ernest_at_the_Beach

113 posted on 10/08/2006 3:24:10 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, Ridin' the Trakball into the Dawn of Information)
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MSM Silent As Lawrence O'Donnell Approves Outing Gay Republicans--I hope this will be an eye-opener for the saner members of the gay community as to who their enemies really are. Yes, I oppose homosexual marriage, and have no patience with those trying infest every nook and cranny of society with the "gay is wonderful" propaganda. That said, it's nobody's business what consenting adults do in private- key words being adult, consenting, and private. Go that? Leave the kids out of it, and be discreet, and I will leave you all alone. I personally find "outing" offensive and obnoxious in the extreme, no matter who is doing it.
Conservative Examines Real Issue in Foley Case
Heady heady and more goes right in here and more - Mark Steyn--Still, I take my hat off to the media and Democratic Party. Indeed, in the spirit of Bill Clinton, I take my pants off to them. .... What an awesome force the Dems would be if only the ruthless skill and cunning that went into this operation could be applied to, say, national security.

114 posted on 10/08/2006 5:57:31 AM PDT by backhoe (-30-)
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The Return of Sexual McCarthyism (outrageous!)
The closest thing to position papers or briefs I have written about this subject, and gays are here:
and here:

And I truly believe that the Left's throwing gays under the bus for cheap ( and probably transient or nonexistent ) political gains is going to backfire on them, badly. They look mean in both the modern and archaic sense of the word.
34 posted on 10/08/2006 2:45:51 PM EDT by backhoe (-30-)

115 posted on 10/08/2006 12:13:52 PM PDT by backhoe (-30-)
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Mum's the Word on Homosexuality - Christians Facing Prosecution for Comments
A Secret Life (Did a Daily Kos diary cause the Foley story?)
Traditionalists Push Back Against 'Gays'
Evangelicals Blame Foley, Not Republican Party

116 posted on 10/09/2006 3:48:43 AM PDT by backhoe (-30-)
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Mike Rogers's public admittance that he was one of ABC's sources and had emails.
Check Out Newsweek's Notion of a Fair-and-Balanced Bush-Foley Photo
Time, Newsweek Match TV Pack With Transparently Partisan Foley Scandal Covers

117 posted on 10/09/2006 2:08:18 PM PDT by backhoe (A Nuke for every Kook- what a Clinton "legacy...")
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Frivolous Politics (A Must Read)
Soros and Foley. (Soros’ Shadow Party against F.B.I.)--A leftist group with strong ties to the Democratic Party and to radical billionaire George Soros may have engaged in criminal obstruction of justice...accused the group CREW of concealing evidence...
Saved by Foley (Democrats plan exposed?)
Guess Rogers Has Kept His Promise

118 posted on 10/10/2006 5:13:37 AM PDT by backhoe
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Democratic Foleygate Source Revealed

Update: Harper's Magazine was offered the story last year by a democratic operative!! (more below)

Just received this information this morning...

A democratic operative who knew about the Foley scandal designed to alter this year's midterm election was revealed to me this morning. At least, that is what one reporter believes.
Erick at RedState actually wrote this about Brian Smoot back on October 3, 2006: In October of 2006, we find that Alexander's former Chief of Staff is now running the congressional campaign of Ron Klein in Florida's 22nd Congressional District against Republican Representative Clay Shaw -- a district that shares a major media market with Mark Foley's district.  Smoot has had this to say on his involvement with the scandal:
 More at RedState.
Wild Bill at Passionate America first revealed Edmond as one of the former pages involved with the scandal.

The Strata Sphere has more on liberal smear campaign and the latest "outings" this morning.
Macsmind has updates.

Update: Via Free Republic, From Harper's Magazine:
As AJ Strata says:...the effort was not to protect the kids in the Page program, or just coming out of the program this summer, but to use their exposure to a sexual predator as partisan scandal for electorial gains. Pathetic.

Soros-Funded Operatives Weren't Ready When Foleygate Broke

-Updates Below-

Via Macsmind:

The Washington Prowler is reporting that democrats pushed the Foley story even though Soros-funded operatives were not quite ready for the story to break:
Update: Via Free Republic, Frontpage sent out this press release on Monday accusing CREW of withholding information:

119 posted on 10/10/2006 12:38:21 PM PDT by backhoe
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GOP Must Take The Offensive on Foley Now - "We Clean Our House, They Don't"
Foley's Fall Spotlights Growing 'Velvet Mafia' Influence in GOP
Ken Silverstein Knew... (Foley scandal update)
And we thought Clinton had no self-control

120 posted on 10/10/2006 1:30:28 PM PDT by backhoe
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