The problem is most of these punks are born in Europe and are EU citizens. Where do you deport them to? France? They cannot be sent to their parents home countries.
Are you sure this isn't a script for a Monty Python comeback?
In My Home Town, five years ago, we had what the ethnic radio station in town calls "the uprisings" and sensible people call "the riots" over a punk kid with fifteen warrents on him, who ran into a dark ally chased by cops, and made a sudden grab for his pockets in the dimness. The cops, rightly, viewed this as the punk going for a gun, and shot him.
The predictable happened...endless whining about "the cops are shooting our babies!" The formation of several public committees to "oversee" (handcuff) the cops. And nights and nights of torching their own neighborhoods, followed by years of complaining that "all those businesses we burned down never came back to our area and we have no jobs!"
But, those riots and these riots, I can sum them all up in two words: "free sneakers".
Hey, Mooselimbs! You don't fool us. You want free sneakers.
Do Fire Trucks now need Lo-Jack?
Use a couple of these as street sweepers. Enough appeasement of the "religion of peace". If they want to riot, they can do it elsewhere.
It's like you can't excape your fate".
And their fate is doomed by the same things that doomed the protagonists of classic tragedies--denial, delusion, and hubris.
The one thing that could save them--Truth for Its Own Sake--ruthlessly faced--is the very thing that they most ruthlessly deny.
It's Sophocles, Aeschylus, and Europides all over again.
And it looks like Europe is going to experience the horrors of the past all over again too.
Meanwhile the world shouts warnings--like a Greek chorus!
Who knows? Maybe the Europeans will awaken from their denial in time to save themselves.
We can only hope--and continue to shout warnings.
Paging Napoleon Bonaparte. Whiff of grapeshot required, followed by wet clean-up on Aisle 3.
The EU made it against the law to protect all property.
This is the outcome. IMHO.