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Live Thread of The Path to 911 (Part I) [8- 10:30 pm Eastern - ABC]
Freepers evertwhere ^
| 09/10/06
| mware
Posted on 09/10/2006 9:16:53 AM PDT by mware
Edited on 09/10/2006 3:32:33 PM PDT by Admin Moderator.
I didn't hear if anyone was planning for a live thread of the film tonight. Just in case anyone wants to start early. Some in Australia already have seen part 1. Part 1 airs tonight at 8pm Eastern Time on ABC.
TOPICS: Breaking News; Crime/Corruption; Foreign Affairs; Government; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: 2001; 911; abc; abcminiseries; abcpathto911; benedictarnold; bentone; berger; binladen; bush; clinton; clintonblowjs; clintonlegacy; clintonsfault; clintonterroracts; corruption; dncisthepathto911; dncpathto911; docudrama; documentary; fifthanniversary; flight93; georgewbush; groundzero; islamisevil; kenya; letsroll; massood; massoud; neverforget; obl; oklacityterroract; osama; part1; pathto911; pentagon; rudy; sandyburglar; sandypants; sept11th; september112001; sicksociopath; tanzania; thatspathetic; toddbeamer; twa800terroract; twintowers; usembassies; vincefostermurder; w; whiners; whydidwtc7fall; whylibsarehowling; youssef
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To: bnelson44
I think somoeone just said they are removing the "W" from your keyboard back in the Baghdad. :-) That damn al-Sadr. I told them to keep him out of my office while I was gone. ;-)
posted on
09/10/2006 7:04:32 PM PDT
(Home, Sweet Home!)
To: A.Hun
Bwahahaha!!! Outstanding!They are a funny lot.
posted on
09/10/2006 7:04:34 PM PDT
(Step Back! Doors Closing.)
To: Jorge; Peach; Mo1
I wonder who the Clintons have sent out to do their bidding on Nightline.
Any guesses?
posted on
09/10/2006 7:04:34 PM PDT
(Who in the press will stick up for ABC's right to air this miniseries? ~~NRO)
To: Bogey78O
Masood was murdered on Sept. 10th.
To: Allegra
Welcome home, Allegra!
Am staying away from this thread because the flick is to be shown later on here. But I saw your moniker and had to say hello......and Aloha!
posted on
09/10/2006 7:05:00 PM PDT
(Keelhauling is a sensible solution to mutiny.)
To: Howlin
Have you seen the Bush section of the film? I heard that it is as bad as the Clinton section.
posted on
09/10/2006 7:05:01 PM PDT
(Proud parent of a tanker! (Charlie Mike, son))
To: Bloody Sam Roberts
ABC cut that scene to peices. It was originally 3 minutes and 28 seconds long. They cut it down to 30 seconds. It looks nothing like the scene I viewed earlier today. The original was GREAT TV. Why the f**k did they cut it like that? So it didn't seem like an attack was imminent? BEcause Berger the admitted felon claimed it didnt? Have they lost their minds???
To: Roccus
"It's only censorship if the Gov't. does it."
Censorship does not require government involvement. However, censorship by the government is what is prohibited by the Constitution.
Non-governmental censorship could also be illegal if it was done through threats or coercion.
It appears that some Democrat Senators have come very close to both censorship proscribed by the Constitution and also made illegal by laws against threats and coercion.
To: EQAndyBuzz
WHy didn't Bush fire this knucklehead on day 1? Dubya made his mistakes.
To: Peach
OMG, they are picking up the muslim scumbag jihadi by the hair.
My dainty sensibilities are so offended.
posted on
09/10/2006 7:05:07 PM PDT
(We officially have a new American political party. The American Democrat-Stalinist party.)
To: montag813
IIRC, It should have been right after the abort of the "snatch and grab" of OBL. I didn't see it, but I could have missed it, I was getting a beer, well a root beer. :) I missed the first part, because I didn't get in from a weekend road trip as early as I'd hoped to, I'll have to catch the DVD.
To: rwfromkansas
To: thomaswest
Whaa whaa whaaa...
you "purists" crack me up with you stupid myopic 'all or nothing' attitude.
Thanks for playing though...
posted on
09/10/2006 7:05:21 PM PDT
(Success is not final; Failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts -- Churchill)
To: LisaMalia
The President is speaking to the nation tomorrow evening at 9 pm.
I have had enough of this documentary and will be watching our President.
posted on
09/10/2006 7:05:23 PM PDT
(I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag.....and My Heart to the Soldier Who Protects It.)
To: Howlin
My understanding is Berger and Halfbright .. though I could be wrong
posted on
09/10/2006 7:05:27 PM PDT
(Think about it .. A Speaker Nancy Pelosi could be 2 seats away from being President)
To: rintense
I love how Chloe turned that terrorist into the best kind of terrorist ( dead ).
posted on
09/10/2006 7:05:34 PM PDT
Hillarys Gate Cult
(The man who said "there's no such thing as a stupid question" has never talked to Helen Thomas.)
To: Fudd Fan
Edited or not, that was powerful.
posted on
09/10/2006 7:05:35 PM PDT
(Common sense is no longer common.)
To: FreedomNeocon
Bush didn't do jack to stop Terrorism before 9/11. That's not really quite true. There was lots of testimony with back up calendars, etc., that Bush ordered Condi and others in the intel world to prepare reports on how to take down the Taliban and AQ. It hit his desk 2-3 days before 9/11. It's in the 9/11 Commission Report.
posted on
09/10/2006 7:05:36 PM PDT
(The Clintons pardoned more terrorists than they captured or killed.)
To: rhombus
posted on
09/10/2006 7:05:41 PM PDT
(Confucius say man who go through turnstile sideways going to Bangkok)
To: Howlin
No wonder Clinton didn't want this on the air. He's not going to be able to hide history forever. :-)
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