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Live Thread of The Path to 911 (Part I) [8- 10:30 pm Eastern - ABC]
Freepers evertwhere ^
| 09/10/06
| mware
Posted on 09/10/2006 9:16:53 AM PDT by mware
Edited on 09/10/2006 3:32:33 PM PDT by Admin Moderator.
I didn't hear if anyone was planning for a live thread of the film tonight. Just in case anyone wants to start early. Some in Australia already have seen part 1. Part 1 airs tonight at 8pm Eastern Time on ABC.
TOPICS: Breaking News; Crime/Corruption; Foreign Affairs; Government; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: 2001; 911; abc; abcminiseries; abcpathto911; benedictarnold; bentone; berger; binladen; bush; clinton; clintonblowjs; clintonlegacy; clintonsfault; clintonterroracts; corruption; dncisthepathto911; dncpathto911; docudrama; documentary; fifthanniversary; flight93; georgewbush; groundzero; islamisevil; kenya; letsroll; massood; massoud; neverforget; obl; oklacityterroract; osama; part1; pathto911; pentagon; rudy; sandyburglar; sandypants; sept11th; september112001; sicksociopath; tanzania; thatspathetic; toddbeamer; twa800terroract; twintowers; usembassies; vincefostermurder; w; whiners; whydidwtc7fall; whylibsarehowling; youssef
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To: TomGuy
posted on
09/10/2006 2:55:43 PM PDT
(The FairTax cult is like Scientology, but without the movie stars)
To: Andy from Beaverton
"Considering how stupid some of the Republican electorate is"
Not so stupid that I freak out about a TV movie.
To: angkor
Yup, it's been seen in the UK too. It is devestating to slick and his slimy cohorts.
posted on
09/10/2006 3:04:31 PM PDT
(I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag.....and My Heart to the Soldier Who Protects It.)
To: mware; MadIvan
posted on
09/10/2006 3:05:39 PM PDT
(All reality is based on faith in something.)
To: Andy from Beaverton
Never mind that death and destruction has been spread all over the world because their boy had a zipper problem that took priority over killing Osama Ben Laden
posted on
09/10/2006 3:05:49 PM PDT
(I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag.....and My Heart to the Soldier Who Protects It.)
To: OldFriend
It sounds like we are going to be seeing the version the Aussies saw. It takes it to Clinton.
posted on
09/10/2006 3:06:28 PM PDT
(Americans in armchairs doing the job of the media.)
To: Sender
"One of them said that the final key scene in tonight's episode is absolutely devastating to Sandy Burglar"
Must be the scene where he shoves the Top Secret documents he stole from the Archives into the shredder.
To: Dont Mention the War
Will there be a ping list for links?
To: Earthdweller; MadIvan
posted on
09/10/2006 3:07:55 PM PDT
(Trust everybody, but cut the cards yourself.)
To: paulat
No, they don't. They are sent by satellite. It's ammazing how much of their stuff still goes out on 3/4 inch tapes too.
To: Rocko
Come on to my house, we're gonna have a party..a pity party for the dems.......LOLOLOLOL.....poor babies. Their guy brought death and destruction to thousands around the globe with his dithering and diddling.
posted on
09/10/2006 3:09:59 PM PDT
(I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag.....and My Heart to the Soldier Who Protects It.)
To: petercooper
The DUmmies over at the DUmp can get Keith Olberwomann to lead their charge! LOLOL
posted on
09/10/2006 3:11:17 PM PDT
(I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag.....and My Heart to the Soldier Who Protects It.)
To: popdonnelly
"One of them said that the final key scene in tonight's episode is absolutely devastating to Sandy Burglar" Must be the scene where he shoves the Top Secret documents he stole from the Archives into the shredder.
Timeline is wrong...maybe it'll be in a sequel...
"Path to Complicity and Coverup"
posted on
09/10/2006 3:11:21 PM PDT
To: Arizona Carolyn
"All the sites with the clips have been taken down or hacked."
Yeah, the Left sure loves free speech. This whole "Path to 9/11" thing is the best example yet of what the Left is really about.
To: mware
posted on
09/10/2006 3:14:04 PM PDT
Just Lori
(VOTE!...........or suffer the consequences.......)
To: Arizona Carolyn
It was Gore who took cash donations for dropping his recommendation that the cockpit doors be hardened on ALL aircraft coming into and within our country. When the airlines complained tht it would be too expensive he took cash and gave them....nevermind.
posted on
09/10/2006 3:14:22 PM PDT
(I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag.....and My Heart to the Soldier Who Protects It.)
To: Cementjungle
It's ammazing how much of their stuff still goes out on 3/4 inch tapes too. Not anymore. The network feeds are all satellite, and pretty much everything else going out is digital...but tape is used in the field.
LOL!!! This comes from someone who had to shoot her own FILM (yes, FILM) in her early days in TV!!!
posted on
09/10/2006 3:14:24 PM PDT
To: cripplecreek
When I watched Blackhawk Down I felt there was a lot missing regarding white house input. I guess you were not aware that the original end of that film had an 8-minute segment in which Ridley Scott lays out how the Clinton Admin put them in that situation, provided inferior weaponry, and refused requests to provide additional support.
The Clintons complained and it was cut entirely.
To: mware
And where did you hear that? And a friend who knows a friend, who knows a guy, doesn't count.
posted on
09/10/2006 3:17:16 PM PDT
(Six bullets and Lennon goes down. Yet not one hit Yoko. Discuss.)
To: finnman69
The Sandy Berger/Clinton/ Albright Clips aren loaded on to google video. Click here. I love that Kiefer's mom plays Halfbright, and gives her a particularly arrogant manner. Emmy!
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