By now, most of you know that Im Serbian guy that preches understending anog Americans and Serbs, that I in my homeland, Serbia preac that Americans and Clintons are two different thing. Well, Clintons are thing, anyway, and that Serbs should not hate Americans due to the fact that USA led by Clintons destroyed Serbia in their support to Islamofascism of Albanians.
This article is in purest form explenation of who were and still are you fighting for on kosovo- The Albanians, Islamofascistic bastards. So, theese are the guys that you have ben killing Christians serbs for.
And again, I blame it on Clintons, their idiotic policy that led into murder of 3,000 americans on 9/11, and I dont blame Americans, not after 9/11
Thanks Kronos. Information like this is key to understanding.
We even thought Osama bin Laden needed help. And how do these Islamic regimes that we helped look at us? As infidels and targets.
Clinton murdered Christians who were just trying to get a handle on muslim terrorism in the most evil and stupid and arrogant and meaningless war the west has ever fought.
Was Tom Ridge there? As it appears that our ex-Homeland Security Chief has left us to join the enemy!
Always keep an eye on the Balkans folks! It will tell you more about dirty politics & failed foreign policies than you ever want to know!