Posted on 08/25/2006 1:09:38 PM PDT by kronos77
Is the indictment by the Hague Tribunal of Ratko Mladic on war crimes charges based on “justice” or “vindictive triumph”, revenge and retribution? Is he indicted because he prevented NATO expansion and US penetration into Southeastern Europe? Is his greatest crime opposition to the US and NATO and the EU?
One person’s war criminal is another person’s hero. On June 30, 2006, the ICTY convicted the senior Bosnian Muslim military commander of Srebrenica of committing war crimes against Bosnian Serb civilians because forces under his control tortured and murdered unarmed Bosnian Serb civilians in Srebrenica. Oric was a convicted war criminal. But he was regarded as a “hero” by Bosnian Muslims as reported by AKI, “Convicted War Criminal Returns to Hero’s Welcome”. Moreover, he was regarded as a hero in the US and the Western media. The US and Western media reported with satisfaction his arrival in Bosnia to cheering Bosnian Muslim crowds. Why and how is a convicted war criminal a hero? His forces beheaded and slit the throats of Bosnian Serb civilians and POWs. Oric himself led the attack on Kravica where his forces burned down Serbian houses and destroyed the Serbian Orthodox Church. Oric never took any Bosnian Serb POWs. He ordered that all Bosnian Serb POWs be executed. He burned down at least 50 Bosnian Serb villages in eastern Bosnia around Srebrenica. Is he a “hero”? How is this to be explained?
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interesting book
Great photo of Carla. She looks like a crazed chimp!
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