Per FoxNews, Israel didn't like the current set of terms proposed.
Condi Rice and Kofi Anan are still in conference.
"Condi Rice and Kofi Anan are still in conference..."
Please, please, please! Can we stop sitting down to talk with this man, this body (the UN). The UN is not and can never be up to the challenge of establishing a peaceful settlement in the Mid-East, or anywhere else. They are good for providing humanitary aid to...
No, wait. They can't even do that. Close the building. Evict those that have set up shop there. Tell them, "Thank you, you may go home now." Let's stop fooling ourselves that these folks know how to solve anything except when it comes to discrediting the US and its allies.
Why are we even talking to the UN or that elitist white collar criminal?
Hezbollah isn't even a nation...why do they even rate a discussion at the UN?
I know it's occuring in Lebanon...