Posted on 08/10/2006 10:01:24 AM PDT by conservativecorner
President Bush said Thursday that a foiled plot to blow up multiple flights between Britain and the United States shows "this nation is at war with Islamic fascists."
"This country is safer than it was prior to 9-11," Bush said from the airport tarmac here where he was appearing at events focused on the economy. "We've taken a lot of measures to protect the American people but obviously we're not completely safe. ... It is a mistake to believe there is no threat to the United States of America."
The president laid the blame for the would-be attack squarely on al-Qaida-type terrorism.
"This nation is at war with Islamic fascists who will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt our nation," he said, his remarks carried live on television.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
"This country is safer than it was prior to 9-11,"
That's the line that really has to stick in the craw of Democrats. Wait for the howling...
Yes, as I've pointed out to others TROP is a propaganda slogan.
It's useful to them to cover their evil intentions.
It's useful to us to encourage Mohammedans who don't want to take jihad seriously to follow their inclinations and not fight jihad.
For now, we are at war only with the Sunni Salafists (of whom Al Qaeda and Hizb ut Tihur are the militant and subversive wings) and the Shi'iteTwelver 'Hasteners' (Iran and Hezbollah). I suppose both can be characterized as 'fascist', though the 'Hasteners' may to be the first actual instance of the evil-movie-villain type who is out to destroy the world.
"I just thank God we have adults in charge of this mess, and not a bunch of emotional keyboard commandos."
I sure hope you're looking in the mirror when you say that.
Your not exactly the personification of "Charitable Communicators."
But for conservatives to win, don't we have to attract "moderates"? I don't see how this ingratiates us with the mushy middle.
That's why I think he's had an epiphany of some kind. Either that, or he's no longer afraid to call the terrorists what they are.
Mr. President, until you realize, accept and declare that we are at war with Islam, all your posturing will be for naught.
In WWII, we were at war with Germany, not just the Nazi party nor just the SS of the Nazi party. When we carpet bombed Dresden, we took the war to the German civilian population, not just the Nazis.
When we dropped the atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima in Japan, we attacked Japanese civilians along with Japanese Imperialists because we were at war with Japan.
This time around we're at war with a religion, spread across many nations and every one of those nations are our enemy because their religion calls for our annihilation.
Mr. President, if you fail to destroy our enemies outside our borders then don't be surprised that our citizens will start to destroy those within our borders to ensure our survival. We don't need your permission to engage in self defense, at least for now, before the federal government takes those rights away from us along with the constraints of other liberties guaranteed by our Constitution through hostile courts and executive orders.
Frankly, Mr. President, many like minded Americans question your sincerity and committment to secure our nation. Our opinions are based on your deeds or should I say, lack of. Being from Texas, Mr. President, you're familiar I'm sure of the saying "All hat and no cattle". Sir, that fits you to a T when it comes to our nations border security. You're "All talk and no action".
Fortunately not really. See my post 122.
If we were at war with Islam, we wouldn't be getting objective support from Al Sistani in Iraq, Karzai in Afghanistan, or the Jordanian monarachy. We'd also be fighting Indonesia, and a whole lot of other countries.
The same self-delusional, Bush-hating socialists also hate Israel because it's effectively validating (or re-confirming) the reality of the terrorist threat.
I agree with you that the Prez knows something serious is about to unfold. I think that's why our troops have not been dispatched into Lebanon to help Isreal. I think the wagons are being circled and our forces are being ramped up, WITHOUT the MSM knowing every detail... praise God.
To my knowledge, he first said it publicly during his Veteran's Day speech in '05.
High volume. Articles on Israel can also be found by clicking on the Topic or Keyword Israel. also
2006israelwar or WOT
I don't think he's used ROP too often lately, has he?
"Mr. President, until you realize, accept and declare that we are at war with Islam, all your posturing will be for naught."
I guess we need to start carpet bombing the entire Middle East (except Israel). Oh yeah, Indonesia too - there's lot of then thar muslims types there too.
"Mafiaism" - that's a new one! Heh heh heh!
Who have hijacked a great religion... blah, blah, blah.
Hint: When you reach rock bottom, stop digging.
Thank you. Unfortunately it's kind of a win-win situation for these cowards.
Big difference!
You think Tony Snow had something to do with it?
He did, today and long before this. Pay attention.
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