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Sunday Morning Talk Show Thread 23 July 2006
Various big media television networks ^
| 23 July 2006
| Various Self-Serving Politicians and Big Media Screaming Faces
Posted on 07/23/2006 5:04:30 AM PDT by Alas Babylon!
Edited on 07/23/2006 6:11:03 AM PDT by Lead Moderator.
The Talk Shows
Sunday, July 23rd, 2006
Guests to be interviewed today on major television talk shows:
FOX NEWS SUNDAY (Fox Network): John Bolton, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations; House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill.; Washington National Opera director Placido Domingo.
MEET THE PRESS (NBC): White House chief of staff Joshua Bolten.
FACE THE NATION (CBS): Israeli Ambassador Daniel Ayalon; Syrian Ambassador Imad Moustapha.
THIS WEEK (ABC): Pre-empted for live coverage of the British Open.
LATE EDITION (CNN) : Bolton; former CIA officer Gary Berntsen; Isaac Herzog, Israeli tourism minister; Sens. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., and Richard Lugar, R-Ind.; Reps. Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich., and Jane Harman, D-Calif.
TOPICS: Breaking News; Israel; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: ayalon; facethenation; foxnewssunday; guests; lateedition; lineup; meetthepress; moustapha; sunday; syria; talkshows; thisweek
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To: W-Girl
I'm watching Russert now attempting/interrupting/hectoring John Bolten. Thank God for Bolten's unflappable statements of fact despite Russert's trying to get something...anything...derogatory about President Bush's morally based stand on not having taxpayers' money fund embryonic research.
Memo to Russert: What do you call the deliberate destruction of a human embryo if not the 'murder' of that human life?
posted on
07/23/2006 8:43:05 AM PDT
(Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue. ---Barry Goldwater)
To: MNJohnnie
That needs its own thread.
posted on
07/23/2006 8:44:22 AM PDT
(Proudly posting without reading the thread since 1998. (stolen from one cool dude))
To: maica
#192,Shepard Smith had more lipstick on the other day than I did after my 9 year old Niece played makeup and put 5 different lipsticks on me. He looks like a closet queen and sounds like a terrorist sympathizer. He needs to be taken down a few pegs. He will never learn to shut his stupid mouth. He is one of those Liberals that stopped growing mentally and emotionally at 18 or 19 years old. His mug shot was the most Adult looking picture I have ever seen of him,but if they were looking for a serial pervert in a lineup with that mug shot, I would have picked him as the most likely suspect. LOL!
posted on
07/23/2006 8:45:06 AM PDT
(cheer up, the Adults are in charge,but need Reserves really fast)
To: La Enchiladita
No, no. You were exactly right to point out my error. I mistook which person was being talked about and made a post about John Bolton, of the UN, when the earlier posts by Bahbah and Chuck54 were about Josh Bolten of the White House. My story is kinda stand alone but it was inaccurate of me to relate it to Josh Bolten being unflappable, which he certainly was and what they were discussing. I don't know enough about him to know if the story would have any relevance to his experience.
Now, my post is still relevant to John Bolton's experience and he was also unflappable on the shows (at least what I've seen so far) this morning.
You know that feeling when you think there's more steps on the stair than there really are and your foot just keeps going after you have expected it to stop? ;^>
posted on
07/23/2006 8:45:18 AM PDT
(Often wrong, but never in doubt)
To: La Enchiladita
I don't think I've ever mixed them up, I'm just glad someone else is as anal as I am about it.
posted on
07/23/2006 8:45:58 AM PDT
Fudd Fan
(Help get Murtha out of Congress- donate at
To: don-o
LOL! Sometimes you can just read people's thoughts, can't you?
posted on
07/23/2006 8:46:20 AM PDT
To: samantha
#181, thanks for that input, very interesting. I agree that John Bolton knows what is right,says what is right,does what is right, and that will bring a lot of Confidence. He is honest and tells the truth, and counteracts the Dems lies with facts. Everything I see him do gives him more and more confidence because it is the right thing to do and the American People will back someone to the hilt that they know tells the truth and has the Facts and truth on his side. They know that they cannot question his Allegiance to America, and most Americans love how he has slammed the U.N. He does not come across as a bully, just a straight up, tough talking,tough acting, tremendous Civil Servant. Worth stating again.
posted on
07/23/2006 8:46:51 AM PDT
To: Fishtalk
Agreed. John Bolton has been the best UN Ambassador I have seen in my lifetime. He has made more impact in the position than any other I can think of, not meaning to offend any of the others. It's just that Bolton is doing what we've wanted someone to do for a long time!
To: samantha
If they(ESCR projects) had the promise that the Pro aborts talk about, there would be all kinds of Private money thrown at the Research Projects. They would not have to ask for Government Handouts. BIG CEEGAR!!
posted on
07/23/2006 8:50:35 AM PDT
(Proudly posting without reading the thread since 1998. (stolen from one cool dude))
To: maica
I don't know about that. I'm catholic and I have no such guilt. Most of my fellow parishioners are like me as we are a very conservative parish with a very conservative priest (but a liberal retired USAF officer deacon--who I always rib and argue with).
To: Morgan in Denver
Rodguy911 won second place? How did that happen? He's usually SO laid back and reserved..... He told me he was going to basically "take the week off" and not post much because he was exhausted from some frantic traveling. I think his guard was down and he just let fly, not realizing how much he was actually posting. He was liberated by exhaustion. <g>
posted on
07/23/2006 8:51:17 AM PDT
(Often wrong, but never in doubt)
To: Morgan in Denver
An interesting thought that I heard today - cannot remember who said it =
The democrats used to be the socially conservative party - blue collar, faith, family, etc - and they got taken over in the 1970s by the proponents of abortion, as well as by other special interest groups. Many socially conservative dems eventually moved to the Republican party, while socially liberal Republicans moved into the Dem party.
Since we are the party that has more respect for life, we should thrive, while the other shrinks.
posted on
07/23/2006 8:51:56 AM PDT
(Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle --Abraham Lincoln)
To: Chuck54
And I have no room to talk because until recently I was about 35 pounds over what I like to be - have lost about 18 of it though target to get the rest off by my birthday in November.
posted on
07/23/2006 8:52:21 AM PDT
((An English Cheney Chick - BIG TIME))
To: Alas Babylon!
Went to early Mass The first reading gave me chills and tears!
posted on
07/23/2006 8:52:42 AM PDT
(Proudly posting without reading the thread since 1998. (stolen from one cool dude))
To: Phsstpok
It is very easy to do with those 2 names especially if you are concentrating on the issues rather than the names one reason why I did not jump in with correction.
posted on
07/23/2006 8:53:55 AM PDT
((An English Cheney Chick - BIG TIME))
To: samantha
Now I see that upstate N.Y. residents don't want high voltage towers along a 250 mile stretch of ''pristine wilderness'' that would ruin the tourist trade( and their views as well). They cry about the lack of electrical power to run the a/c units and yet they don't want the towers to be erected. No nuclear plants and don't mention the word coal either. I suppose it would be ok if cities like Yonkers were told they had to do without power from 6pm to 6am so the ''pristine wilderness'' can be saved.
posted on
07/23/2006 8:54:06 AM PDT
(Liberals suffer from acute interior cornial craniorectoitis)
To: samantha
LOL! He should not be allowed to go anywhere near Israeli operations. He is not only a drama queen, he has a big mouth, and an empty brain. He should be on a red carpet in Hollywood, not in a crucial war front.
posted on
07/23/2006 8:54:26 AM PDT
(Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle --Abraham Lincoln)
To: snugs
Yes I have Flight 93 rented which I'm going to watch today.
To: samantha
The wierd thing is that NOBODY ASKS where the hell has he been. I mean... this bastard was a one-man army against the administration when he told everyone about that letter he drafted to Cheney... but kept locked in his safe. It's like he's completely gone hermit!
posted on
07/23/2006 8:55:05 AM PDT
(“And what's Fonzie like? Come on Yolanda... what's Fonzie like?!”)
To: samantha
Come on now; open up and share how you really feel about the Shepster!
posted on
07/23/2006 8:57:09 AM PDT
(Proudly posting without reading the thread since 1998. (stolen from one cool dude))
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