To: presidio9
Mental health professionals have diagnosed Pat - not his real name - with gender dysphoria, a condition in which a person believes that he or she is the opposite gender. The proper cure is to arrest the "mental health professionals" who think that catering to a child's damaging delusions is a form of care.
5 posted on
07/19/2006 7:24:43 AM PDT by
(Famous last words: "what does ibtz mean?")
To: thoughtomator
As has been said many times before, a lot of five-year-olds think they're Luke Skywalker, that doesn't mean we pull them out of school and start giving them light saber training.
7 posted on
07/19/2006 7:26:38 AM PDT by
(“The term ‘civilians’ does not exist in Islamic religious law.”)
To: thoughtomator
The proper cure is to arrest the "mental health professionals" who think that catering to a child's damaging delusions is a form of care. And stop the process of creating a whole host of life long problems which the mental health professionals will be happy to spend taxpayer monies to "try" to correct?
Why... they'll have to find honest employment.
76 posted on
07/19/2006 8:47:19 AM PDT by
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