To: thoughtomator
As has been said many times before, a lot of five-year-olds think they're Luke Skywalker, that doesn't mean we pull them out of school and start giving them light saber training.
7 posted on
07/19/2006 7:26:38 AM PDT by
(“The term ‘civilians’ does not exist in Islamic religious law.”)
To: presidio9
As has been said many times before, a lot of five-year-olds think they're Luke Skywalker, that doesn't mean we pull them out of school and start giving them light saber training. You know predidio9, it's statements like this that hurt the rebellion. The rebel alliance is desparately in need of padoin jedis-in-training and our recruiting budget gets slashed all the time.
...and now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
17 posted on
07/19/2006 7:33:44 AM PDT by
(My Pug is On Her War Footing (and moving to Texas!))
To: presidio9
"As has been said many times before, a lot of five-year-olds think they're Luke Skywalker, that doesn't mean we pull them out of school and start giving them light saber training."
This statement made me laugh, it's so true. My 3 yr old daughter thinks she's Ariel (The Little Mermaid), but I don't let her swim in the pool by herself (which she assures me she can do).
18 posted on
07/19/2006 7:34:38 AM PDT by
(Please send viable Republican candidates to Massachusetts!!)
To: presidio9
As has been said many times before, a lot of five-year-olds think they're Luke Skywalker, that doesn't mean we pull them out of school and start giving them light saber training. It was John Wayne for me.
40 posted on
07/19/2006 8:21:37 AM PDT by
(Socialism is popular with the ruling class. It gives legitimacy to tyranny and despotism.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson