Biden wants us to threaten North Korea that we will annihilate them. My oh my, Biden is sooooo though. He constantly reminds us of how he was saying this and that 2 years ago, 3 years ago, i.e., I, Biden, have always been right.
Did you notice that Biden had some kind of paper on the table? Wonder what that paper was? The questions Timmy gave him before the program?
I didn't see any papers in front of Newt.
Just answer this for me. I have the need for a sanity check. Do I have this correct? When President Bush goes unilateral and uses force he's wrong. When he goes multilateral and sets up talks, he's wrong. When he ignores the whining of a dictator he's wrong. When he takes one out he's wrong. Am I right?
That stood out like a sore thumb....Biden is always saying: 'As I said 2 years ago', 'as I pointed out 2 years ago' I bullsh*t.