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Whatever Happened to Mike Pence? [Pence turns back on 88% of House Republicans)
Eagle Forum ^ | 28 June 2006 | Phyllis Schlafly

Posted on 07/04/2006 11:16:49 PM PDT by Spiff

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To: Sandy
You might want to try:

Then you can read what Pence has to say directly and not this stuff.

101 posted on 07/05/2006 1:28:08 AM PDT by CWOJackson (Support The Troops-Support The Mission--Please Visit
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To: Spiff; Soul Seeker; Lurker; Lancey Howard; Ol' Dan Tucker; devolve; potlatch; ntnychik; Smartass; ..

As Theodore Roosevelt warned: "Never under any condition should this nation look at an immigrant as primarily a labor unit."

Do these "new arrivals" desire citizenship, fluency in English, assimilation, or to provide Mexico with its major source of income?

Had to call Mike Pence's DC office and send thanks to that fellow Hoosier for coming out of the closet well in advance of 2008.

The Land of Enchantment is not New Mexico; it is Mexico del Norte with the complicity of George Bush, Pete Domenici and Bill Richardson.

To woo a perceived new demographic, existing statute is trampled like so many miles of rusty Glidden.

Border security is already mandated--and neglected.

But pay no attention to the man behind the curtain--comprehensive immigration reform must be rammed through--in the same white-hot heat as campaign finance reform.

102 posted on 07/05/2006 1:38:56 AM PDT by PhilDragoo (Hitlery: das Butch von Buchenvald)
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To: PhilDragoo
Did you ask them why the good Congresscritter hasn't had time to draft a Bill yet?

I'd hate to think it's all just political pandering for a possible Presidential run.

You don't suppose Congressman Pence would stoop as low as something like that do you?


103 posted on 07/05/2006 1:46:54 AM PDT by Lurker (When decadence pervades the corridors of power, depravity walks the side streets.)
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To: Sandy

I'd like to try this with you. I will be the first to admit I am not up to speed on either Tancredo or Pence. I am trying to take in as much info as I can.

It seems one spot of irritation with any immigration 'reform' is the establishment of priorities. I think some don't want any guest worker program at all, period. Some are ok with a limited and clearly defined guest worker program AFTER securing the borders and some are ok with guest worker program 'changes' while the border is being secured, but not dependent on it.

If we are to have a guest worker program which I still have concerns about, (yet, I also understand the basic difficulties presented by the mass-deportation alternative), my personal preference is to secure the borders FIRST. I don't know which bill or proposal addresses this, but I'm looking.

How's that?

104 posted on 07/05/2006 3:05:41 AM PDT by austinaero
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To: Soul Seeker
But I guarentee for every person who posts in this thread, far more are reading along willing to be convinced Pence does not support amnesty. And you haven't converted a single one of them with this display. Which is the only reason I am addressing you and some other tonight. You cannot defend his proposal, and they are witnessing that for themselves.

Quite correct. I'm WILLING to be convinced, but I haven't been, because I have yet to see any facts showing that. So far all I've seen are competing opinions and insults. That proposal looks a lot like amnesty to me. I'm very surprised that he's offered it.

105 posted on 07/05/2006 4:06:53 AM PDT by nina0113
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To: Spiff
Americans should realize that a global, or even a Western Hemisphere free market, means forcing American workers to compete with people who work for 50 cents an hour.

I am truly sorry to find that Schafly is a protectionist.

I agree with her about illegal immigration and the pathetic amnesty proposals - Amnesty is just another way for America to continue to ignore its own laws. But subsidising American workers just to keep them in a job they're used to is an appallingly bad idea. Far better to get your widgets made at 50c/hour and watch new jobs sprout all over your economy.

106 posted on 07/05/2006 4:21:45 AM PDT by agere_contra
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To: Spiff
W visa

Isn't this just another version of Sen. Diane Feinstein's color coded (blue) cards?

What is wrong with these politicians? Amnesty -- what ever they call it -- is still amnesty. They can call it green jelly, but it is still amnesty.
107 posted on 07/05/2006 4:33:06 AM PDT by TomGuy
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To: Texasforever

I live in Georgia. I am so sick of having to pay for illegals schooling, medical, and food stamps. These people are not cheap when you consider the costs born by the American people. Why would you want to see such a bill passed? There will be no enforcement. Reagan (so I hae heard) considered amnesty a huge mistake. This will be worse.

108 posted on 07/05/2006 4:49:12 AM PDT by bronxboy
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To: Spiff

"If only he'd stuck with the conservative game plan in the House."

Totally agree. Out of the blue Pence went self serving and Rino. Reminds me of Frists metamorphosis.

109 posted on 07/05/2006 4:52:40 AM PDT by ncphinsfan
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To: agere_contra

If you loses enough jobs from this country-you won't be able to afford widgets or possibly food or shelter. All other countries protect their jobs; thus, there is no such thing as the free market in terms of jobs. Also, in a true free market wages would rise and fall due to market fluctuations. What we have here is bascially going back to slave labor. Slavery never benefitted anyone in the end. America is a great country because of the middle class. We could afford to buy products we made. If you lose that, America will become a third world country in short order-the very rich and the peon workers and nothing in between. Basically, America is allowing its manufacturing base to be destroyed-dangerous in my opinion. Also, can you imagine what millions of foreign workers - who have no love our understanding of our traditions- will do to our political system once they become voters. They will vote in their self interest which will destroy this country.

110 posted on 07/05/2006 4:57:26 AM PDT by bronxboy
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To: Soul Seeker; Spiff

"Isn't that the goal? To convince more people to agree with you then the other side? Not that I wish to help them, but I figure they won't take the advice anyway."

No. Their goal seems simply to be to silence any poster who disagrees with the amnesty plan by filling the thread with vitriolic comments. The m.o. seems be that they also take a step further, outright lying about past history in an attempt to mislead the folks who are against the amnesty that there is some sort of groundswell for it. It is a disgusting, disgraceful performance, and looks to me intended to depress enthusiasm of those conservatives flush with victory after having derailed Miers, Dubai, and the amnesty trains.

It will fail, though they will likely attempt the sellout once more before the fall elections, maybe even press that as their 'mandate' afterward. They will of course lose miserably again if it's brought to a vote, but these folks are nothing if not loyal to their paychecks.

111 posted on 07/05/2006 4:59:40 AM PDT by LibertarianInExile ('Is' and 'amnesty' both have clear, plain meanings. Are Billy Jeff, Pence, McQueeg & Bush related?)
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To: CWOJackson

Please tell me, who will be responsible for the healthcare of the "guest workers"? Since they will be taking all of the low wage jobs americans refuse to do. If the employer doesn't offer a health plan, how will they afford the 300-600.00 per month for private health insurance? Hospitals will not turn away people who are sick, pregnant etc. what about immunizations etc., for the children of these guest workers? Will the children of guest workers who will be making so little money still get free breakfast and lunch at school? Will they get a refund at the end of their 5 years for the SS they paid while working here? Since they will legally be filing taxes, do they qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit? How does the Pence plan change the fact that they will still have to live 5 families to a single residence to be able to afford housing, thus impacting the neighborhoods of citizens? Does the Pence plan address anchor babies? Five years, 5 kids. How can these companies verify so much information in such a short period of time, 2 weeks? If the technology is there why not use it here and enforce the laws already on the books? If a construction company needs a roofer, does the roofer get to bring his entire family here as well, including parents and inlaws if he can prove he is their sole provider? How will the Pence plan improve wages? If we import all of these unskilled laborers for so little money how will they survive our cost of living? To me, it seems everything remains the status quo only some private company will be taking the place of the coyotes.

112 posted on 07/05/2006 5:24:00 AM PDT by panthermom
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To: CWOJackson
I'll see you Schlafly and raise you a Newt Gingrich

Do you mean Newt Gingrich the disgraced ex Speaker Of The House. The one that was having an affair with a democrat staffer that through pillow talk from Mr. can't keep it in his pants Newt kept the democrat leadership informed of all the Republican plans?

I don't listen to the likes of him anymore.

113 posted on 07/05/2006 5:32:37 AM PDT by metalurgist (Believe in my God or I will kill you! The cry of all religious extremists.)
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To: panthermom; CWOJackson
Don't expect a thoughtful or sensible answer from CWO Jackson or any of the other six shamnesty supporters at FR.

The truth is, Pence's plan is indistinguishable from Bush's shamnesty plan in all important respects. In both plans illegal aliens get a free trip around the bases to score a home run. The only difference is, Pence would require them to go back and touch first base.

Pence says existing laws targeting illegals for deportation and employers for sanctions simply don't work. They never have and never will. What Pence proposes is getting illegals freely and legally into the US for six years. After six years they supposedly have to apply for citizenship if they want to stay. And if they don't apply for citizenship? "Why, then they'll be here illegally," says Pence. And if they refuse to leave or simply go underground and continue to work? "We'll round them up and deport them, and impose sanctions on the employers," says Pence. Like we do now under existing laws that Pence says don't work and never will? "Stop asking embarrassing questions," says Pence.

114 posted on 07/05/2006 5:37:30 AM PDT by JCEccles
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To: Spiff
"If Pence's "guest worker" plan actually worked, and the guests voluntarily go home after six years, it would mean instituting a system that is immoral and un-American. Inviting foreigners to come to America to do jobs that Americans think they are too good to do creates a subordinate underclass of unassimilated foreign workers, like the serf or peasant classes that exist in corrupt foreign countries such as Mexico."

Well, forget the Pence plan, it will not bode well for America.

115 posted on 07/05/2006 5:37:57 AM PDT by TAdams8591 (Ann Coulter = The Conservative Diva)
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To: Spiff
"proposal is a poor one which undermines the conservative Republican-authored House border security legislation."

BULL.Pence's plan incorporates ALL of HR 4437 and is the only viable plan that does so.

"If only he'd stuck with the conservative game plan in the House."

Status quo is not acceptable.Doing nothing GURANTEES a Speaker Pelosi
116 posted on 07/05/2006 5:47:31 AM PDT by theworkersarefew (
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To: All

Pence's bill will do the following
1 Pass HR 4437
2 The border will be secured
3 Interior laws will be enforced
4 NO path to citizenship will be granted
5 Anchor baby citizenship will end
6 Removes all 10 to 12 million illegal aliens for United States
7 There will no longer be “undocumented workers”
8 Private Sector
9 Secures the border first.
10 We will control our border

Pence's bill only gives guest worker status after they have returned home and he gives them no path to citizenship.

Read speech and bill here

117 posted on 07/05/2006 5:51:46 AM PDT by theworkersarefew (
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To: JCEccles

"The only difference is, Pence would require them to go back and touch first base."

Well put. That describes the this important part of the Pence plan; "tagging up". Ridiculous.

118 posted on 07/05/2006 5:59:42 AM PDT by ncphinsfan
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To: theworkersarefew

You say there will be no more anchor babies, how will that work? Will the guest workers sign a contract forgoing rights to citizenship for their children born here? I don't understand how this plan will change the healthcare crisis. Hospitals will not refuse patients. Who will pay for the healthcare? And what about the Earned Income Tax Credit? And extended family? Free breakfast and lunch at schools? The extra teachers and classrooms that are already stressing the system? If the average american can't survive on $10.00 and hour without goverment assistance, how will the guest worker and his family survive?

119 posted on 07/05/2006 6:03:14 AM PDT by panthermom
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To: Spiff

maybe it is all a trick to put them on the other side of the border...

120 posted on 07/05/2006 6:03:30 AM PDT by bitt (NY Times to New York: Drop Dead!)
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