I can understand why Peretz when he thinks about Gore these days, thinks about [Prime Choice] meat.
And I am jealous. Nobody has characterized me yet as "incandescently smart."
1 posted on
07/04/2006 11:10:41 AM PDT by
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To: Torie
Ha Ha Ha!
2 posted on
07/04/2006 11:13:32 AM PDT by
To: Torie
After reading this 'article', man, I didn't think there was that much Kool-Aid in the whole world.
3 posted on
07/04/2006 11:13:43 AM PDT by
To: Torie
"The New Regurgitator"
ummm.. yeah right.
4 posted on
07/04/2006 11:13:47 AM PDT by
(Press to Test, Release to Detonate)
To: Torie
What about me? I'm one of the breck girls. I've got a chance. I even got the herpes soar excised from my lip, I hope my base doesn't get upset with that
5 posted on
07/04/2006 11:14:33 AM PDT by
(Bomb Hamistan back to the Stone Age paleos celebrated the 911 atrocities, now its their turn to die.)
To: Torie; Lil'freeper
I'm glad I did not eat yet because....I am gonna PUKE!!
6 posted on
07/04/2006 11:16:09 AM PDT by
(..it takes some pretty serious yodeling to..filibuster from a five star ski resort in the Swiss Alps)
To: Prime Choice
And here I thought a new picture was out....
7 posted on
07/04/2006 11:16:49 AM PDT by
(Famous last words: "what does Ibtz mean?")
To: Torie
How much of te-RAY-za's money is going to Peretz to write such dribble. Best laugh I've had today. Peretz doesn't remember that albore invented the internet too.
To: Torie
Martin Peretz actually wrote this crap? I find it hard to believe that he actually wrote this piece. This is not a joke?
10 posted on
07/04/2006 11:20:28 AM PDT by
To: Torie
12 posted on
07/04/2006 11:20:40 AM PDT by
To: Torie
Theodorkic of Gore, Medieval Climate Scientist
Is it hot? Why that's Global Warming. Is it freezing cold? Why that's Global Warming too!
To: Torie
Sorry, that URL was not formed correctly.
15 posted on
07/04/2006 11:21:33 AM PDT by
("Remember the Alamo, Goliad and WACO, It is Time for a new San Jacinto")
To: Torie
respectful of learning and scholarship,Translation: holds the same beliefs as Marxist university professors.
16 posted on
07/04/2006 11:21:52 AM PDT by
Jeff Chandler
(Refute the Drive-By Media. Sí, Se Puede!)
To: Torie
1. The idiot can't carry his own state (providing we think that Tennessee is still his own state).
2. The idiot is a former Senator. As we've seen recently with Dole, Kerry, and AlGore, time in the Senate is deadly for POTUS ambitions. Clinton should've noted that before she carpetbagged. The only modern Senator who has become POTUS is Kennedy, and that win came courtesy Cook County Corruption, Inc. As a rule, you can rule out all Senators when it comes to POTUS ambitions.
3. The problem with dissenting opposition party bombthrowers (and AlGore is certainly one of those) is that people will be constantly reminded of the outragous things they've said.
To: Torie
Here's to "incandescent" Al.
Oh, does it appear that bulb has burnt out. Big oopsie on me.
To: Torie
...believing in an order of the universe he still genuinely refers to as God.
And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. What makes Algore tick. As a Pantheist, he worships a pagan god. When you remove the mask you have a New Age wacko.
To: jwalsh07
I think I have found your man, John. Your odyssey need not be a seemingly endless quest.
27 posted on
07/04/2006 11:29:07 AM PDT by
To: Torie
What I would most love to see before I shuffle off this mortal coil would be Connie Rice skillfully dismembering Algore in a presidential debate. Can you imagine the talking heads trying to tell us how intellectual Gore is?
To: Torie
I knew peretz and Algore were buddies, but this is ridiculous! Sounds like Algore wrote this and gave it to marty to publish under his signature.
To: Torie
Proving once again, those who admire, believe and follow Algore - are literally insane...
Not figuratively, not perhaps - but LITERALLY and positively INSANE..
The nation could not possibly survive another President in the mold of an Algore, Kerry, Clinton, Carter, Biden or McCain.....
Semper Fi
37 posted on
07/04/2006 11:58:56 AM PDT by
river rat
(You may turn the other cheek, but I prefer to look into my enemy's vacant dead eyes.)
To: Torie
40 posted on
07/04/2006 12:10:44 PM PDT by
("ALOHA RONNIE" Guyer/Veteran-"WE WERE SOLDIERS" Battle of IA DRANG-1965 http://www.lzxray.com)
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