So there you go. By your own admission, the "conservative" party in Mexico is to the LEFT of the party of Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy here.
I agree the debate is over, because you have just proved my point what no matter which of the three parties wins in Mexico, we'll have some gun-grabbing, welfare luvin', UN whore running the country.
The election is between left, left, and far-left, and you want us to think "victory" will occur when a leftist wins even though the last six years, our "best friend" has opposed Bush on EVERY issue.
You can pop the champaign when the Mexican Lincoln Chafee beats the Mexican Frank Lautenberg and the Mexican Ralph Nader.
No matter happens, Mexican will remain a third world cesspoll for the foreseeable future.
"will remain a third-world cesspool ..."
Some cesspools are better than others, if we're talking metaphorically. In politics, the choice is usually between less-bads. It makes a big difference who wins the Mexican election. At the moment, it is looking bad for Calderon. And that would also be bad news for the U.S. Perhaps extremely bad. Perhaps a Grade A, gold-plated disaster.
Sorry for taking so long to respond to you -- I was flying cross-country.
I think you don't understand MY point, which is much more important. Our destiny is interwined with Mexico. We need to see them through clear eyes to understand how we will relate with them culturally, economically and politically.
You can scream "Mexico is a cesspool" until the cows come home, but we must deal with them nonetheless. Your "opinion" doesn't take this into consideration. It is just unfocused ranting/venting with no particular solution or proposal.
Realpolitik says we need to hope for and encourage the best situation we can, since the simple best situation isn't available to us.
And this particular issue has little to do with the illegal immigration problem -- even if that problem disappeared overnight these ovararching issues remain.
I am pinging Dane to this response because I am starting to see his "usual" point, when framed through this particular lens (am I right, Dane?).