This just in...
1 posted on
06/26/2006 12:25:14 PM PDT by
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To: abb
I'll believe it when I see it.
2 posted on
06/26/2006 12:26:25 PM PDT by
(Florida Gators - 2006 NCAA Men's Basketball Champions)
To: abb
3 posted on
06/26/2006 12:27:42 PM PDT by
(Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just... Thomas Jefferson)
To: abb
He's a detriment and a shame to any university.
4 posted on
06/26/2006 12:28:12 PM PDT by
To: abb
First Gary Barnett, now this? Not gonna recognize CU anymore.
5 posted on
06/26/2006 12:28:25 PM PDT by
(Zarqawi's OH SH*T moment lasted 52 minutes)
To: abb
Well. it's about time!
Will he be getting his benefits and early retirement package too?
6 posted on
06/26/2006 12:28:39 PM PDT by
(Intelligent people recognize Intelligent Design (God) !)
To: abb
...fingers crossed for justice
7 posted on
06/26/2006 12:28:39 PM PDT by
(Republicans make better lovers because they don't pull out until finished.)
To: abb
To: abb
If they don't fire him this will rate as one of the top academic "wuss-outs" ever.
Being that this is CU, I am not holding my breath. I wouldn't be too surprised to hear a "nuanced" explanation to all of us unenlightened masses as to why this man can still "benefit" the academic experience at CU.
9 posted on
06/26/2006 12:29:56 PM PDT by
To: abb
10 posted on
06/26/2006 12:30:29 PM PDT by
Hegemony Cricket
(Rugged individualists of the world, unite!)
To: abb
Waiting to give a good "BUH BYE, LOSER!"
To: abb
I would be surprised if Churchill doesn't take others of fellow psychotics down with him. Should be interesting.
To: abb
Here comes the bidding war between the ivies!
14 posted on
06/26/2006 12:33:54 PM PDT by
To: abb
Boulder, CO ... Ward Churchill, under fire for academic fraud, has just announced that he is the great-grandson of Winston Churchill, former British prime minister and first sealord. Churchill is reportedly demanding that he be appointed a Professor of Anglo Saxon Studies at Cambridge University. Breaking...
To: abb
Heh. Big (Non-)Chief Loose-um Heap Big Wampum. :)
18 posted on
06/26/2006 12:35:22 PM PDT by
("It'sTime for Republicans to Start Toeing the Conservative Line, NOT the Other Way Around!")
To: abb
Big deal. Call me on the day they put him up against the wall to be shot. That will be a good day. This is nothing.
To: abb
Ward Churchill - Fake but accurrate.
21 posted on
06/26/2006 12:37:47 PM PDT by
(Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps...)
To: abb
This will drag on forever.
To: abb
... majority of professors on a university committee that investigates academic misconduct recommended two weeks ago that Churchill be fired for a "pattern of repeated, intentional misrepresentation." The icing on the cake was Churchill, while pretending to be a Native American, he took on all the negative stereotypes... He kept his hair dirty and long, spoke with a strang halting, Hollywoodesque accent, and spoke with deep hatred for the "white man".
It's as if a German dyed his skin black, picked up some watermelon and chicken legs, and started using the N word, then tried to pass himself off as black.
It's insulting on soooooooo many levels. If they dump the insulting fake Churchill they've honored all true American Indians.
25 posted on
06/26/2006 12:47:21 PM PDT by
( NY Times editors have the right to publish and the US has the right to arrest them for treason.)
To: abb
"The interim chancellor of the University of Colorado at Boulder plans to announce..." Good grief, did the University have to name an INTERIM chancellor to get someone with sufficient balls to fire Churchill?
I wonder how much extra that will cost the taxpayers of Colorado?
A very close examination of CU faculty seems to be in order..
Somehow - Churchill was HIRED, PROMOTED and granted TENURE... HOW? and WHY?
Therein lies the root of the problem that hasn't yet been addressed.
Semper Fi
26 posted on
06/26/2006 12:49:03 PM PDT by
river rat
(You may turn the other cheek, but I prefer to look into my enemy's vacant dead eyes.)
To: abb
Local wags are putting the odds at 40% for fired, 60% for 2-5 year suspension without pay.
By the way, a lot of actual Indians do not like this guy at all, and have said so in writing and speaking about him.
Big Chief-All-White-Ancestors is hoping to get fired so he can sue, as mentioned above by another poster.
30 posted on
06/26/2006 12:56:21 PM PDT by
(Free Iran! WARNING! Forbidden Cartoon: .. . *-O)) :-{>. . . .)
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