Good idea. You guys can eat out of our trash cans if you get hungry enough.
I suggest that all you gen-x slackers stop whining, learn to change your own diapers, get off the couch (or keyboard) and get a second job if you are not educated enough or qualified enough to fund all you need in life with the one that you have.
so you're saying Dire Straits is playing at your retirement party? i didn't even know they were still together ; )
it's gonna' be so much fun to draw my check and listen to ya'll screetch. let the games begin!
"We need to get ready for parts of America to turn Third World and where you need your extended family to support you financially,"
THAT is not "Third World" is what should/used to be normal...
HUH???? What stock market is she talking about?
I mean, Good Lord, why should I have to provide for my own retirement when there are prolly literally dozens of gen x'ers like you who are able-bodied, thrifty, and have many years of tax-paying to look forward to.
As an American educated in the public schools and as a graduate of a State University, I can assure you I was taught the government would take care of me. I think Lincoln said it best....
"A house divided against itself cannot stand."
I believe this government cannot endure a few empolyed and many retired.
I do not expect the Union to be dissolved -- I do not expect the house to fall -- but I do expect it will cease to be divided.
It will become all one thing or all the other.
Either the opponents of confiscatory taxes, will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction; or us baby-boomer retirees will push it forward, till it shall become alike lawful for all times that yall will have to work harder and longer, at two jobs, so we can enjoy our leisure...
Yet now, I notice, there are more and more individuals like yourself who appear out of nowhere whining and complaining about your nest egg being jeopardised by my leisure years. Why didn't you just provide us unappreciated Baby-Boomers a link to the Jack Kevorkian Suicide Machine?
Why are you gen x'ers so selfish? You know, it takes a village of taxpayers to keep me wined & dined and content and I am starting to get a little off-put by your "me me me" attitude.
yep - I am (marginally - 1962) a boomer, but I expect gov. to be flat broke when I retire, If ever I should live so long.
And ,Oh! if only we greedy, shiftless baby boomers and our employers hadn't thrown so much of our earnings down the social security and medicare rat hole these many years, and invested it as well, the nanny state would have even more to confiscate. I am truly contrite.
Rest of my stuff is in 401k, can't be touched for 27 years.
Every time I'm posting stuff where there are liberal young people reading it, I make it a point to mention that a big part of my retirement plan is my voting to keep them chained to the oars and paying high taxes to support me. I've saved up a tidy sum and I won't really need government support, but they don't know that. I'm hoping that gloating about confiscating their wages to pay for my beach house and Viagra might cause some of them to start thinking that Social Security privatization might be a good idea.
But unfortunately for the present boomer retirees, there is nothing left for anyone to take from me. Some very vicious conservatives beat them to it. And they know who they are.
The sky is falling! The Sky is Falling!!
If that is your concern. Start saving outside retirment accounts. The government will go after those first.
The trickle of Baby Boomers retiring and drawing Social Security has already begun. (Some are turning 60 this year and are retiring on Widow's Pension.) The avalanche will grow from year to year. It is high time we tell everyone to make better preparation for multiple streams of retirement income. And the politicians should pay serious attention to the problem. (Bush tried!!) Thanks for posting this article.
Firstly, why was this piece of junk posted. Second, why do you assume that Baby Boomers are spend thrifts? Is it because they are an convenient target to bitch about.
Equitable ways out of the S.S. mess have been proposed - the latest by G.W. Bush - and shot down by members of Congress who love incumbency. Decades from now, I'm afraid you'll be replying this lament to a disgruntled Gen-Yer.
My father retired at 65 and died at 76 ... he lived long enough to collect every cent he put into S.S. I'll have to live to 103 to recoup mine. I can only sympathize with the dire circumstances of Gen-X, Gen-Y, and those lower on the Ponzi pyramid.
They conveniently fail to mention the millions killed by abortion that have lessened the number of workers who could now be paying into the system.
Oh, no. We can't blame the collapsing birth rate on that!