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Pornography "One of the Most Pervasive and Destructive Problems in Our Society" – Philly Cardinal
LifeSiteNews ^
| 6/9/06
| Hilary White
Posted on 06/09/2006 5:07:23 PM PDT by wagglebee
Cardinal Justin Rigali, writing in the Catholic Standard and Times, the newspaper of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, said that the modern medias obsession with pornography is one of the most pervasive and destructive problems in our society.
Our society," the Cardinal wrote, is inundated with sex and sensuality largely from the media. Films, television programs, and advertisements are loaded with sexual reference as well as the promotion of sexual promiscuity.
The all-pervasiveness of sexual imagery in the media has led to the vast proliferation of pornography on the internet where it is accessible to anyone who can use a keyboard. It is also increasingly frustrating for law enforcement officials around the world that sexual predators have begun using the internet to target children.
In November, 2004, a US Senate hearing discussing the dangers of addiction heard evidence that addiction to pornography has ruined lives and destroyed families. Virginia Tech, professor James B. Weaver said studies show that extended exposure to pornography creates "sexual callousness, the erosion of family values and diminished sexual satisfaction."
Rigali called pornography a cancer upon contemporary culture. Addictive in nature, many have been entangled in its lure and have caused great psychological and emotional harm to themselves and even to spouses and other family members.
At the same senate committee hearing in 2004, US lawmakers heard evidence that corroborates the Cardinals assertion. University of Pennsylvania sexual trauma program co-director Mary Anne Layden said pornography addiction has similar effects on the brain as heroin or crack cocaine addiction.
The Cardinal writes, Violence, sexual abuse, psychological trauma and ruptured relationships are the fruit of pornography, which, astonishingly, is a multi-billion dollar industry.
Read Cardinal Rigalis article:
TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Extended News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: authoritariannannys; busybodies; cardinalrigali; catholic; littlefrtheocrats; moralabsolutes; pornography; repressedpuritans; theocracy
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To: wagglebee
The Cardinal forgot to add diddling little boys by priest in his charge.
posted on
06/09/2006 5:35:27 PM PDT
(If we are now supposed to be "compassionate conservatives", why aren't their any "smart liberals"?)
To: isom35
a porn thread without pics? how will I ever do my analysis?Be patient my friend. She can help you with your analysis my friend.
To: wagglebee
Whenever I respond to porn on tv through I put "Please check" in the subject line. (With that trusted organization you can protest television filth without having to closely examine it.) explains a lot about porn.
Although I have seen porn before I changed my life for the better through knowing Jesus Christ, I'm sure glad I mostly stayed away from it in my life and now completely avoid it.
posted on
06/09/2006 5:36:52 PM PDT
(Give me Liberty or give me the ACLU)
To: wagglebee
[Cardinal Justin Rigali, writing in the Catholic Standard and Times, the newspaper of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, said that the modern medias obsession with pornography is one of the most pervasive and destructive problems in our society. Rigali called pornography a cancer upon contemporary culture. Addictive in nature, many have been entangled in its lure and have caused great psychological and emotional harm to themselves and even to spouses and other family members.]
Suppose that everyone in society decided to spend MOST of their leisure time viewing, using and even producing pornography, which would obviously be a vast increase from it's current prevalence. If pornography is one of the most pervasive and destructive problems in our society, then we would expect that our society would then become more destructive with such an increase. I fail to see how that could happen, unless one invokes some kind of "sin" explanation based on a purely religious foundation.
posted on
06/09/2006 5:37:42 PM PDT
(The Democratic Party is the reason I vote for Republicans.)
To: Melas; wagglebee
wagglebee wrote "Yet many would prefer to just pretend it isn't a problem."
Melas wrote "Yeah, we should all consult people like yourself before we turn on the TV, rent a DVD, or crack a book. After all, you know what's really best for us. /sarcasm."
Sounds like wagglebee hit the nail on the head.
Would you care for some ice.
posted on
06/09/2006 5:39:33 PM PDT
mountn man
(Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.)
To: Captain Ray
Excellent post, and well said!
posted on
06/09/2006 5:39:42 PM PDT
(The Democratic Party is the reason I vote for Republicans.)
To: LibLieSlayer
LOL! I never heard that one, and I thought I'd heard all but the most obscure ones.
posted on
06/09/2006 5:43:08 PM PDT
(The Democratic Party is the reason I vote for Republicans.)
To: mountn man
Do you want to be on the committe that decides what everyone else can read, listen to or watch as well? This is getting to be a pretty big club with you guys. With all the discussions you must have about what the rest of us are taking in, you guys must stay pretty busy.
posted on
06/09/2006 5:43:41 PM PDT
(What!? Read or learn something? Why would anyone do that, when they can just go on being stupid)
To: Blue Highway
Be patient my friend. She can help you with your analysis my friend. Yikes! I'm cured.
posted on
06/09/2006 5:49:59 PM PDT
Mr. Buzzcut
(metal god ... visit The Ponderosa .... ... DEATH BEFORE DHIMMITUDE)
To: FierceDraka; Lunatic Fringe; wagglebee; Bigg Red
For discussion, women are most subjugated in societies that have the least sex and sensuality from the media." Think of the middle East, Central Asia and Africa. In fact, I would say many of these societies are far more violent than ours.
posted on
06/09/2006 5:51:06 PM PDT
(Try reading the article before you post)
To: Captain Ray
You have hit a home run. I grew up in the sixties. seventies and eighties when there was real sex and violence on television. Even into the nineties Gilbert Gottfried showed racy movies late at night. Then Janet Reno and the Clinton's moved in, threatening censorship legislation from their still Democratic Congress. Before long, television became nothing but infomertials for endless hours. Even the old racy, black and white late show movies died away.
Religious leaders have every right to preach and lecture against pornography or the other social sins. But freedom means letting other people read and view what they want. There are extremes that have to be curtailed, but pictures of naked women just aren't that big a deal.
If someone dislikes dirty pictures so much. It isn't hard. Don't look at them.
posted on
06/09/2006 5:51:14 PM PDT
(Democrats hate us, our heritage, and our religion. They think we belong in cages. Never forget.)
To: LauraleeBraswell
Very interesting oberservation.
posted on
06/09/2006 5:52:05 PM PDT
(What!? Read or learn something? Why would anyone do that, when they can just go on being stupid)
To: wagglebee
The all-pervasiveness of sexual imagery in the media has led to the vast proliferation of pornography on the internet where it is accessible to anyone who can use a keyboard. So is politics and literature available. Big deal.
It is also increasingly frustrating for law enforcement officials around the world that sexual predators have begun using the internet to target children.
If there was no porn then predators would somehow NOT use the internet?
Porn or not, the internet reaches everyone.. good and bad and indifferent.
The result lies with the user.
Internet or carvings-on-stone, make of it what YOU will.
posted on
06/09/2006 5:53:06 PM PDT
(If you're gonna die, die with your boots on.)
To: wagglebee
one of the most pervasive and destructive problems in our society. Unquestionably true.
posted on
06/09/2006 5:53:09 PM PDT
(Chastity prays for me, piety sings...Modesty hides my thighs in her wings...)
To: mountn man; Melas; wagglebee
Suppose someone invents a fictional problem and runs around trying to convince others to do something about the "crisis".
Further suppose that most people aren't convinced and ignore this person, causing him to conclude that anyone who ignores him is a fool for not believing in the crisis.
His belief in the foolishness of everybody but himself is increased and reinforced every single time he issues his warning and is rebuffed, because no matter what the nature or validity of the skepticism he can always tell himself, "They don't agree with me because they're all just a bunch of fools".
posted on
06/09/2006 5:58:15 PM PDT
(The Democratic Party is the reason I vote for Republicans.)
To: Luke21 of naked women just aren't that big a deal.
Pictures of naked women are no big deal, that is true. But that is not where pornography is today. Porn on the Internet involve much worse -- S&M, child porn, etc.
posted on
06/09/2006 5:59:15 PM PDT
Bigg Red
(Never trust Democrats with national security.)
To: Luke21
[If someone dislikes dirty pictures so much. It isn't hard.]
Was this double entendre intentional?
posted on
06/09/2006 6:00:45 PM PDT
(The Democratic Party is the reason I vote for Republicans.)
To: Bigg Red
[Pictures of naked women are no big deal, that is true. But that is not where pornography is today. Porn on the Internet involve much worse -- S&M, child porn, etc.]
THAT is NOT the discussion at hand.
This article clearly condemns pornography which is depictions of normal and typical sexual activity between consenting adults.
To try to inject the idea of violence, coercion and exploitation of minors into this particular debate is intellectually dishonest.
posted on
06/09/2006 6:06:23 PM PDT
(The Democratic Party is the reason I vote for Republicans.)
To: Bigg Red
Destruction of the family and its values leads to most of the other evils that you listed, and pornography contributes to destruction of family values. Bears repeating. Of course, the porn defenders insist that the welfare of the family is also a purely private matter. It apparently becomes public only when one of the victims of our collapsing family structure hits them over the head with a tire iron.
To: Melas
Yeah, we should all consult people like yourself before we turn on the TV, rent a DVD, or crack a book. After all, you know what's really best for us. /sarcasm. Perhaps you would like to make that arguement to Larry Flynt's daughter (Tonya Flynt-Vega).
MONTGOMERYVILLE - Some church members may have been surprised yesterday to find the daughter of Hustler magazine founder Larry Flynt at their morning service.
They may have been even more surprised that Tonya Flynt-Vega was the featured speaker.
But her words flew in the face of everything her famous father stands for: She has started a foundation dedicated to stopping pornography and child abuse.
"My father says there are no victims of pornography," Flynt-Vega told the congregation of Crossroads Community Church. "I say I'm living proof that there is. . . . Pornography is an addiction. I was addicted to it, my father's addicted to it. It's just like a drug."
Flynt-Vega, 34, has said her father's addiction to pornography led to his sexually abusing her. She formed the Tonya Flynt Foundation under the belief that sexual abuse and rape are directly linked to pornography.
Based in Jacksonville, Fla., the nonprofit foundation will promote education on the subject. It has a Web site (
Flynt, who became even more well-known with the 1996 movie The People vs. Larry Flynt, has denied abusing his daughter.
Church leaders invited Flynt-Vega to speak to start off their new support group for addicts, called OASIS. They said pornography was addictive, just like drugs or alcohol and was becoming more destructive to communities.
"Right up the road is a topless bar. A couple of minutes from the bar is an adult bookstore. It's right here," said Dan LaValla, a church leader who invited Flynt-Vega to the church after hearing her on a radio show. A therapist, he said he regularly sees marriages threatened because one spouse is getting hooked on pornography.
"With the explosion of the Internet, it's becoming more of an issue," he said. "It's in corporate America, it's in communities. I think she'll have some tips on how we can deal with it in our own community."
One goal of the new foundation is to prove a link between child abuse and pornography. Flynt-Vega cited research by Mary Anne Layden of the University of Pennsylvania that links sexual crimes and pornography.
"For 15 years, I didn't have one case of sexual violence that didn't involve pornography," Layden told church members. "The images are implanted in the brain permanently. It's a distorted set of beliefs that miseducates people."
Flynt-Vega told the responsive congregation of more than 100 people that she is living proof.
Growing up as the daughter of a poor cocktail waitress and a millionaire, most of the year her bedroom was her mother's walk-in closet, she said. But a few times a year, she would be whisked into the world of her father, where private jets and naked women were the norm.
"He saw me infrequently. He seduced me, manipulated me and molested me. He taught me that was love," Flynt said. "I can't tell you the damage that these experiences did to my body, to my sexuality."
Later, she said, she turned to drugs and became promiscuous before finding faith in God. She now uses her famous name to denounce her father's actions and lifestyle.
"You know what's happening to us?" she said. "We're becoming desensitized as a society, as a community. People's values are twisted.
"I like to tell people that pornography is not about free speech. I'm using my First Amendment right to speak out against pornography. We have to stand up as communities and say we're not going to tolerate it."
posted on
06/09/2006 6:24:36 PM PDT
("I am neither . I am a Christocrat" -Benjamin Rush)
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