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Singer Joan Baez up a tree in protest
| Wed May 24, 2006
Posted on 05/25/2006 5:32:44 AM PDT by presidio9
Veteran US protest singer Joan Baez moved into a tree in Los Angeles along with famed tree-sitter Julie "Butterfly" Hill to prevent a local garden from being sold and destroyed.
Baez, 65, doyenne of the 1960s folk music and protest movement, joined other protesters in hopes of saving the 14 acre (5.7 hectare) piece of land which has been tended as a community garden by about 350 urban farmers since the early 1990s.
She is being accompanied in the garden tree-sit by Hill, 32, who spent over two years from 1997 to 1999 in the branches of a 600 year old northern California redwood to prevent it from being cut down.
The garden, in the South Los Angeles neighborhood, is on land that the city leased until 2003 to the Los Angeles City Food Bank, which supports several such community projects.
The city sold the land to a developer in 2003, however, and efforts by a public land trust to raise millions of dollars to buy it and keep it in public hands failed to meet a Monday deadline.
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Miscellaneous; Politics/Elections; US: California
KEYWORDS: aginghippies; barkingmoonbat; hippies; joanbaez; liberalmonkeys; losangeles; nutinatree
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To: marshmallow
Don't these "flower children" ever grow up? At age 65, Ms Baez hasn't learned a thing about real life.
To: ConservativeMind
To: presidio9
It just goes to show you that the nut does not fall far from the tree.
posted on
05/25/2006 7:58:56 AM PDT
(This is no time for bleeding hearts, pacifists, and appeasers to prevail in free world opinion.)
To: presidio9
Climb up a tree and act like a nut.
posted on
05/25/2006 8:02:12 AM PDT
To: oh8eleven
"Veteran US protest singer Joan Baez" Notice how she's a "Veteran." The juxtaposition by the drive-by media is just incredible.Hey! Give Comrade Baez her due. She was an irregular cadrewoman in the Propaganda Department of the People's Army of Vietnam.
To: presidio9
Joanie Phoney had to do something. Even she had forgotten about herself.
To: presidio9
I was in college during Viet Nam and Baez came to our campus. We all thought she was going to sing. There was an outdoor stage and all of her band members were set up behind her. She began talking about Viet Nam and taking questions. There was a long, long line from students asking stuff (can't remember for the life of me what sort of questions), but finally an older gentlemen got in the front and asked when she was going to sing. She replied that this was neither the time nor the place. There were too many more important things to do like protest.
I'm not kidding...almost all the students got up and left and did more important things like going back to their classes. It was great.
To: pawdoggie
Give Comrade Baez her due.
I'm a 'Nam vet and no one despises the anti-war scumbags more than me.
But Comrade Baez's singing voice just makes me melt.
posted on
05/25/2006 9:29:56 AM PDT
(RVN '67-'68)
To: presidio9
Joan doesn't know that Manbearpig can climb trees!
To: oh8eleven
I'm a 'Nam vet and no one despises the anti-war scumbags more than me. But Comrade Baez's singing voice just makes me melt.I was a 04B (translator/interpreter), Saigon dialect. Yes, Joan had a beautiful voice. Jane Fonda had a nice body, in her day. Just goes to show you, beauty really is only skin deep. Personally I thought Dong Chi (Comrade) Baez was a bit "insubordinate" when she called her former North Vietnamese leaders "the six aging Stalinists in Hanoi" 'cause they invaded Cambodia to kick out (and you'll appreciate this) the KHMER ROUGE! I'm sure she still has an honored place, right next to Trung Uy Kerry, in the (NVA) "Victory Museum".
To: Hegewisch Dupa
didn't you once tell me you thought Joan Baez was hot?>
posted on
05/25/2006 11:27:04 AM PDT
To: presidio9
Baez, 65, doyenne of the 1960s folk music and protest movement, joined other protesters in hopes of saving the 14 acre (5.7 hectare) piece of land which has been tended as a community garden by about 350 urban farmers since the early 1990s. Awwwwwww. Where's Billy Jack when you need him?
posted on
05/25/2006 11:27:22 AM PDT
To: presidio9
What a maroon?... LoL..
The girl is about as sharp as a bowling ball- Foghorn
posted on
05/25/2006 11:30:06 AM PDT
(CAUTION: This propaganda is laced with hyperbole..)
To: presidio9
Veteran US protest singer Joan Baez Pretty insulting if ou ask me.
posted on
05/25/2006 11:31:08 AM PDT
To: Larry Lucido
How do you get to be a doyenne?
doy·enne (doi-n, dwä-yn) n. A woman who is the eldest or senior member of a group
step 1: get sex change step 2: get old
posted on
05/25/2006 11:36:22 AM PDT
("My God, why have you forsaken us.. no wait, its the liberals that have forsaken you... my bad")
To: xsmommy
not once, twice, thrice nor ever - I don't know where you got that idea....
To: presidio9
Someone should turn a box of roof rats lose at the base of the tree and bring a cat to stand guard at the bottom. It would be a shame to have to spend all the time up the tree alone.
posted on
05/25/2006 12:19:07 PM PDT
To: The Red Zone
How many trees must Joan Baez sit in Before she has gone to the squirrels? Ah...the answer, my friend, is blo...
oh, never mind....
posted on
05/25/2006 12:25:10 PM PDT
(6990th Security Group, RC-135/Combat Apple, SEA Class of '68)
To: Larry Lucido
Larry, you can't be a doyenne. You might be able to be a doyen, though.
posted on
05/25/2006 12:34:26 PM PDT
To: presidio9
A barking moonbat in a tree?
That's just another Dog Bites Man story...
posted on
05/25/2006 2:37:05 PM PDT
(Slowly but surely and deliberately, converativism is being made a thoughtcrime.)
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