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hillary clinton, bill clinton, Juanita Broaddrick, Sean Hannity, New York Magazine | 5.23.06 | Mia T

Posted on 05/23/2006 7:13:43 PM PDT by Mia T


by Mia T, 5.23.06



original site
thanx to workingclassfilth for video
special thanx to Jim Robinson
"I was followed around on my book tour by people who'd hold up signs and scream at me, 'What about Juanita Broaddrick?' And all the younger people would look at me and say, 'Who's that?' That's part of the problem with dredging up all that old Clinton stuff. More and more people have no idea what you're talking about."1

Susan Estrich
The Trouble With Hillary

In the cases on which this book focuses, the man is not the armed stranger jumping from the bushes--nor yet the black man jumping the white woman, the case that was most likely to result in the death penalty prior to 1977, and the stereotype that may explain in part the seriousness with which a white male criminal justice system has addressed "stranger" rape. Instead the man is a neighbor, an acquaintance, or a date. The man and the woman are both white, or both black, or both Hispanic. He is a respected bachelor, a student, a businessman, or a professional. He may have been offered a ride home or invited in. He does not have a weapon. He acted alone. It is, in short, a simple rape.

Susan Estrich, Real Rape
the clinton-clinton-Broaddrick kind of rape, according to Susan Estrich
by Mia T, 10.21.05

o hum. The usual suspects are reprising the old-news "old news" clinton defense, a non sequitur that they used in the '90s to great if not good effect to abet standard-issue clinton corruption, ineptitude, abuse, malpractice, malfeasance, rape and treason.

Unfortunately for the clintons, reprising this old-news "old news" defense serves only to remind us that the clintons and their transparent schemes are, themselves, old news.2


When Estrich argues that missus clinton will benefit from an electorate increasingly ignorant of the clintons' sorry legacy, she has it exactly backwards.

With 100% name recognition and at most 10% corruption-failure recognition, missus clinton's numbers have only one way to go.

And it ain't up.3

Estrich's error is rooted in the assumption that ignorance in certain segments of the population is immutable. (The perpetual welfare state, contradictorily, is the fallacious and self-fulfilling endpoint of such thinking.)

So why is Susan Estrich making such a transparently spurious and insulting argument? She isn't that dumb.

For the same reason Harold Ickes is fulminating on C-SPAN.

The election of 2004 confirmed missus clinton's worst fears:
9/11 and
the clintons' willful, utter failure for eight years to confront terrorism) were transformative. They caused a political realignment--for all practical purposes permanent--that is not good news for clinton, or for the Democrats, generally.

The white woman, the only real swing voter, the demographic the Democrats MUST get in order to win the White House, has turned red.

The clintons' triple rape of Juanita Broaddrick4 and their willful, self-serving utter failure to confront terrorism are the one-two punch that has the potential to knock the clintons off the public stage.... For good.... And for The Good.

by Mia T, 4.28.06

ALBRIGHT: 'Bin Laden and his Network Declared War
on the United States and Struck First and We Have Suffered Deeply'

MISSING CLINTON AUDIO! 'Can we kill 'em tomorrow?'
(+Albright-Fulbright-Nobel TERRORISM revelations)

HEAR CLINTON! 'Can we kill 'em tomorrow?'
by Mia T, 4.24.06


It isn't that they can't see the solution. It is that they can't see the problem.

G. K. Chesterton


... While America appears not to be ready for a female president under any circumstances, the post-9/11 realities pose special problems for a female presidential candidate. Add to these the problems unique to missus clinton. The reviews make the mistake of focusing on the problems of the generic female presidential candidate running during ordinary times.

These are not ordinary times. America is waging the global War on Terror; the uncharted territory of asymmetric netherworlds is the battlefield; the enemy is brutal, subhuman; the threat of global conflagration is real.

Defeating the enemy isn't sufficient. For America to prevail, she must also defeat a retrograde, misogynous mindset. To successfully prosecute the War on Terror, it is essential that the collective patriarchal islamic culture perceives America as politically and militarily strong. Condi Rice excepted, this requirement presents an insurmountable hurdle for any female presidential candidate, and especially missus clinton, historically antimilitary--(an image, incidentally, that is only enhanced today by her clumsy, termagant parody of Thatcher), forever the pitiful victim, and, according to Dick Morris, "the biggest dove in the clinton administration."

It is ironic that had the clintons not failed utterly to fight terrorism... not failed to take bin Laden from Sudan... not failed repeatedly to decapitate a nascent, still stoppable al Qaeda... the generic female president as a construct would still be viable... missus clinton's obstacles would be limited largely to standard-issue clintonisms: corruption, abuse, malpractice, malfeasance, megalomania, rape and treason... and, in spite of Juanita Broaddrick, or perhaps because of her, Rod Lurie would be reduced to perversely hawking the "First Gentleman" instead of the "Commander-in-Chief."

Mia T, 10.02.05
(see descriptor morphs)

December 7, 1941+64


RE: a not-so-modest proposal concerning hillary clinton

Dear Concerned Americans,

Hillary Clinton's revisionist tome notwithstanding, 'living history' begets a certain symmetry. It is in that light that I make this not-so-modest proposal on this day, exactly 64 years after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

The context of our concern today--regardless of political affiliation--is Iraq and The War on Terror, but the larger fear is that our democracy may not survive.

We have the requisite machines, power and know-how to defeat the enemy in Iraq and elsewhere, but do we have the will?

In particular, do we have the will to identify and defeat the enemy in our midst?

Answerable to no one, heir apparent in her own mind, self-serving in the extreme, Hillary Clinton incarnates this insidious new threat to our survival.

What we decide to do about Missus Clinton will tell us much about what awaits us in these perilous new times.


December 7, 1941+64
Mia T
RE: a not-so-modest proposal concerning hillary clinton



The Trouble With Hillary

The right believes she's a liberal under her newly centrist skin; the left doesn't know who she is. And everyone wonders if she can win.

Getty Images

Conservatives have a recurring nightmare. President Clinton&emdash;that's Hillary Clinton&emdash;having spent more than a decade building a protective centrist cocoon in preparation for her successful presidential run, emerges in her first 100 days as the proud liberal they always knew she was. Old friends like Lani Guinier are consulting on policy; Barbara Ehrenreich spends a night in the Lincoln Bedroom.

Democrats have their own Hillary nightmare. It begins on a frigid Monday night in January 2008. The Iowa caucuses have just ended, and the results are as clear as the stars in the blue-black midwestern sky. Hillary Clinton 43 percent, and the other candidates far behind. Her closest competitor, Wesley Clark, manages to get only 17 percent of the vote; Mark Warner receives an even more anemic 14 percent.

From there, it's on to a big win in New Hampshire and the kind of momentum that feeds on itself. Hillary raises record-breaking amounts of money, inspires armies of volunteers. She sails through the convention on the shoulders of a unified, focused party. But as the campaign unfolds, dark clouds appear. Despite the enthusiasm surrounding her historic candidacy, Hillary can't seem to get over 50 percent in the polls.

She campaigns like the seasoned veteran she is, disciplined and on message, drawing huge crowds wherever she goes. It is a near-flawless, if heavily scripted, effort, directed by the party's most astute strategist&emdash;her husband. But in the end, it's just not enough to overcome her negatives. On Election Day, she loses the popular vote by three points and the electoral-vote count, in essence, by the state of Ohio. The Democrats have managed to blow it again.

Beneath Hillary Clinton's bland midwestern exterior is a figure of vast mystery. Is she a leftist? A New Democrat? A ruthless Lady Macbeth who believes only in her own power? Her self-discipline, a political asset in many ways, carries a cost. There can be something inhuman about her, something hard to love, even for those who share most of her stated political beliefs.

"I meet people all the time who say, 'I just don't like Hillary,' " says Susan Estrich, longtime Democratic strategist and author of The Case for Hillary Clinton. "But I've learned not to fight with them. I smile and say, 'Well, you go vote for a pro-life, pro-war, pro-gun, anti-environment conservative. Enjoy yourself.' In the end, people have to make a choice, and a lot of people who'll say they don't like her will end up voting for her."

Those on the right, of course, have more biting ideas on these questions. "I think Bill has always been protected by the attractiveness of his personality," says David Frum, a former speechwriter for George W. Bush and now a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. "Even people who believe he's a fundamentally amoral person can't help but be charmed by his scampish exterior. She, on the other hand, is such a scolding presence. He's Tom Jones, she's Blifil."

"Let's face it, all Bill wanted to do was get laid," says David Keene, head of the American Conservative Union for the past 25 years. "He was a politician who wanted to be president so he could be Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton is a politician with a mission. She is smart, focused, devious, and disingenuous. Hillary is a left-wing Democrat, a collectivist, who is hostile to most of the values we conservatives hold dear."

Then there's the spectacular weirdness of her marriage, the pain she must have suffered over Monica Lewinsky, and the way she endured it for the sake of both of their political futures. "Most women questioned why she stuck it out," Estrich says. "Is she madly in love with him, or is it the power thing? Most believe it was ambition. But at this point, after 9/11 and terrorism, the whole Monica Lewinsky thing is almost laughable. And now that he's had heart trouble and he looks so frail, he seems much less like the playboy."

As a strategist and campaigner, Bill Clinton is undoubtedly a huge asset. But the nature of their relationship is liable to be a factor in the campaign in unexpected ways. There are always rumors swirling around Bill and possible extracurricular activity. The Democrats' biggest worry is that if a problem should arise, it will be too late to do anything about it. "I had a long talk with him last fall," Estrich says, "and he told me he wouldn't be the one to cause a problem. If she runs, his problems won't get in her way."

Hillary's huge fund-raising advantage and the stature gap between her and her Democratic opponents make her a prohibitive early favorite in the primaries. But polls show that, as a national candidate, her support tops out somewhere in the mid-forties. Worse, because she is so well known, there are almost no undecideds. "There is real concern among certain Democrats that she simply can't win the general election," says Steve Jarding, who played a key role in getting Mark Warner elected governor of Virginia.

Competing against Hillary in the primaries is a delicate matter. "The conventional wisdom says that to beat Hillary Clinton, you've got to beat her up," says Jarding, co-author of the just-published Foxes in the Henhouse: How the Republicans Stole the South and the Heartland and What the Democrats Must Do to Run 'Em Out. "But I don't believe that. You have to show that you can beat her by beating everyone else. You've got to separate yourself from the pack, and you have to beat these second-tier guys, if you want to get to Hillary."

Then, if needed, there will be an alternative. "If there are enough Democratic leaders who fear Hillary Clinton as a candidate, then they better step up to the plate and say, 'We love Hillary, we love the Clintons, we just don't think she can win, and we've collectively gotten behind candidate X.' "

The vast right-wing conspiracy Hillary spoke of is not currently much of a conspiracy&emdash;it's more like a lucrative cottage industry. In addition to the Websites and the novelty items like T-shirts, bumper stickers, and playing cards, there are huge consulting fees, expensive direct-mail campaigns, and an endless stream of serious, slanderous, humorous, and ponderous books.

Just published is I've Always Been a Yankees Fan: Hillary Clinton in Her Own Words, by Tom Kuiper. Coming in the next few months are books by John Podhoretz (Can She Be Stopped?: Hillary Clinton Will Be the Next President of the United States, Unless . . .) and David Horowitz and Richard Poe (The Shadow Party: How Hillary Clinton, George Soros, and the Sixties Left Took Over the Democratic Party).

There are a few dedicated Websites like and, a couple of blogs, and the odd event here and there like last summer's publication of The Truth About Hillary, Ed Klein's embarrassingly lame, sleazy attempt to eviscerate her. (Throughout the book, he refers to her as "the Big Girl" and tries to portray her as a lesbian based on the fact that she's had close friends and aides who were gay.)

And there is a steady, low hum of harsh, thinly sourced anti-Hillary stories that serve almost as background music on right-wing Websites like,, and Though there is no formal structure to the anti-Hillary movement, no vast right-wing conspiracy, what gives it cohesion is that many of the key characters pop up again and again. NewsMax, for example, is funded by conservative donor Richard Mellon Scaife, a veteran of the Clinton wars.

The site is run by Chris Ruddy, who worked for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, which is owned by Scaife. Ruddy, a longtime Clinton antagonist who wrote The Strange Death of Vince Foster, has for years promoted bizarre conspiracy theories claiming, among other things, that Foster and Clinton administration Commerce secretary Ron Brown were murdered., essentially a fund-raising vehicle that has so far failed to raise any real money, was the brainchild of the hermitlike Republican political consultant Arthur Finkelstein.

The Clintons are among the most vilified and investigated politicians in American history. Having withstood every conceivable attack, Hillary can't be Swift-Boated. She is the indestructible political equivalent of one of those horror-movie villains like Freddy or Jason&emdash;she gets hacked, stabbed, shot, and set on fire, and she still keeps coming.

Most surprisingly, many leading conservative activists&emdash;politically muscular, testosterone-laden tough guys&emdash;are afraid of her. They seem to be more convinced of her viability as a national candidate than are some members of her own party.

"She's an articulate socialist who'll go to great lengths to get power, to hold power, and to destroy those who stand in her way," says conservative activist Richard Viguerie. "A lot of us remember the conservative organizations that were audited by the IRS during their eight years in the White House. She scares the dickens out of us."

But it goes even further. There is a commonly held belief that for eight years, Hillary was the wizard standing behind the curtain pushing all the buttons. "During his presidency," Keene says, "she was seen as the evil genius. The attack dogs, the Sidney Blumenthals, were Hillary's friends, not his. She's the tough, no-holds-barred ideological fighter who has demonstrated over time she'll stop at nothing to get her enemies."

The Republicans' fear of Hillary is a testament to how successful she's been in softening her sharp edges and moving to the center. As a senator, Clinton has been collegial and conciliatory, working respectfully even with politicians who tried to run her husband out of town. And polls now show that the more exposure people have to her, the more positive their view. She has made joint appearances with Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Bill Frist, and Lindsey Graham. Clinton has been an outspoken supporter of the war in Iraq, has talked about the evils of illegal immigration, and has even lowered the volume on her normally high-decibel pro-choice advocacy, calling abortion a "tragic choice to many, many women."

"I think she's nailed it beautifully," says Dick Morris, Post columnist, Fox News analyst, and the hardest-working man in the Clinton-bashing business (the latest of his one-a-year anti-Clinton books is called Condi vs. Hillary: The Next Great Presidential Race). "Her strategy at the moment is just what it should be: move to the middle and be tough on terror."

Many on the right are not buying it. "What was her epiphany? What eye-opening experience did she have?" Viguerie asks. "It's all so calculating, so Machiavellian."

Clinton's rebranding is working so well that she has been getting criticized by the left for her support of the war and other centrist positions. Any rocks thrown at her by the left, however, only serve to bolster her sought-after credentials as a moderate. Most Republicans believe, however, that when it counts, her claim on the left wing of the Democratic Party is unimpeachable.

The freedom to take your base of support for granted is so important because of the way the numbers add up in a national race. Current conventional wisdom is that American voters are more or less evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans: 43 to 45 percent are firmly committed, no matter who's running. The real battle is for the undecided 10 to 15 percent in the middle.

It's this simple math that has begun to make the right crazy. "She doesn't have to fool conservatives with this new, more reasonable posture," says Keene. "She only has to convince 7 percent of those undecided voters that she's sincere."

Estrich, for one, thinks the right should be concerned. "I was followed around on my book tour by people who'd hold up signs and scream at me, 'What about Juanita Broaddrick?' And all the younger people would look at me and say, 'Who's that?' That's part of the problem with dredging up all that old Clinton stuff. More and more people have no idea what you're talking about."

Hillary's candidacy would be a real test of whether people are ready to vote for a woman. "Opinion data show that Americans want to believe they're ready," says Ruth Mandel, head of the Eagleton Institute. "Most people, when asked, tell pollsters they would vote for a woman. But when asked if they think their neighbor would, the number drops dramatically. The first answer is the socially acceptable one."

But finally, there is the matter of Hillary herself. It's true that the scandals of the nineties no longer have the power to hurt her. It's people's perception of her as a calculating, triangulating political android&emdash;supporting the war, speaking against abortion, sidling up to Gingrich and Murdoch, smiling that smile. We've known her a long time&emdash;but who is she now? That we still don't know makes everybody nuts.




by Mia T, 02.02.06

The clintons, as is their wont, are now taking this proxy scheme to even more outrageous extremes.

The latest: an actual hillary clinton proxy presidency, populated on both sides of the camera by assorted rodham and clinton ex-staffers, sycophants and should-be felons, witness the latest hire.

'Commander-in-Chief,' a show that sets out to crown a 'queen,' instead exposes the kitschy simplemindedness of Hollywood fantasy and the special sway and shortsightedness of the pathologic ego.

Mia T, 10.27.05
Bill O'Reilly chews up and spits out the hillary clinton candidacy
(clip included)

unning vicariously, as we have argued, has its risks.

What was supposed to be Hollywood propaganda to make a hillary presidency marginally palatable has instead become a parable about missus clinton's own dystopian future.

ABC announced the other day that it is pulling "Commander-in-Chief" off the air "until spring." Missus clinton's proxy presidency, you see, has been in a ratings free fall ever since "American Idol" took it on.

In a perverse life-mirrors-art moment, support for the real-life missus clinton's presidency has plummeted, too. This even sans Rudy, her real-life "American Idol" opponent.

'Ars artia gratis.' Please!

Samuel Goldwyn must be turning over in his grave....

January 9, 2006
Reviewer: miat22 (Mia T)


... to borrow a phrase, perversely, from a Spielberg flick about benign intelligence.

Munich -- Spielberg fantasy wrapped in sober documentary -- with its false premises, phony pieties and outright lies, is a verisimilitudinous contrivance that is pernicious, especially now, especially here, especially if we understand Spielberg's real motivation.

Truth matters not at all to Spielberg, and courage matters even less. To advance his fallacious argument, he has Golda Meir speak words she never said, never would have said and, obviously, cannot now disavow. Posthumous misappropriation is a preferred tactic of the abject coward.

Munich is less about Meir avenging the Munich massacre than it is about Bush waging the War on Terror. The historical (Munich) allusion is key to understanding Spielberg.

The core of his anti-war argument:
By fighting back, we become our enemy. Ironically, with Munich, the same can now be said of Spielberg.

Is Spielberg humanizing the terrorist really any different from Riefenstahl humanizing Hitler? If anything, Spielberg is more contemptible. Whereas Riefenstahl symbolizes the naïve actress and director who is induced to deal with devils, Spielberg is self-actuated and aware.

Hollywood is DreamWorks, fantastical and unthinking and solipsistic by definition.

To mitigate its danger, people capable of critical thinking must take on Hollywood... and must do so in Hollywood venues.

The printed word, sad to say, no longer carries the day.

Was this review helpful to you?

My New York Times Review of Munich




by Chris Matthews, Anne Kornblut + Dana Milbank

(with annotations by Mia T), 01.26.06




[NOTE: My comments in blue.]

MATTHEWS:  We're back with Anne Kornblut of "The New York Times" and Dana Milbank of "The Washington Post."  Let's talk about Gotham's candidates for president.

First, Rudolph Giuliani, the pro-choice, pro-gay rights, former mayor spent today, or the day in Orlando speaking to a conference of Evangelicals. 

Dana, he's up to it, isn't he?  This is below the radar.  This is Rudy campaigning for president in the south. 

MILBANK:  This is about as convincing as Jerry Falwell at the gay pride parade. 

MATTHEWS:  You don't buy this? 

MILBANK:  Well, he can try to do it.  But, look, he faces an awful uphill battle in winning over the typical Republican voter in a primary.  Now, if the election was fought on national security, he is fine.  But he's never going to convince them that he is one of them, that he is a religious conservative. 

KORNBLUT:  Right and not only that, but he's going to be in a death struggle with John McCain for the exact same constituency. 

MATTHEWS:  Let me tell you something.  I'll say it here a thousand time.  Watch Rudolph Giuliani.  Watch him.  Security is the issue in this country.  Whoever is the next president is going to be seen as more on the ball than even this president on security and terrorism.  This country is not going sort on terrorism.  We are going to get smarter on it is my hunch.

And Rudy is the guy to do it.  And he can be an SOB in many ways.  But this country may really want an SOB, a really tough cop as the next president.  So watch Rudy, I'm saying it.

Now here is Hillary Clinton, that other New Yorker in the subway series.  A new Gallup poll just came out.  "USA TODAY" Gallup poll, it shows that 16 percent say that they'll definitely vote for Hillary right now, 32 percent say they might vote for her. 

But here's the dagger in the back.  Fifty-one percent say they would definitely not vote for Hillary Clinton already the campaign hasn't begun. 

KORNBLUT:  I mean, this is exactly what Democrats are worried about is that already people have made up their minds.  I would argue, I guess, that it is awfully early.  We all know how early it is to be talking about this. 

MATTHEWS:  Definitely. 

KORNBLUT:  Definitely?  What does definitely mean?  [Definitely means DEFINITELY.] You know, you would have to see how is the question exactly phrased, all that stuff.  It is early. [Actually Anne, it is late. In fact, it is too late. The country knows exactly who this woman is, Anne.]

MATTHEWS:  But there's lot of tooth behind that.  If somebody tells a pollster, I've already made up my mind definitely. 

KORNBLUT:  And, look, I know more Democrats who believe this though than Republicans.  A lot of Republicans say that this is a deceptive number, that once she gets out there with all of her money running against who, Giuliani or McCain, the numbers may not be that weak.  [She has 100% name recognition, Anne. You can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear. Even when the sow isn't hillary.]

MATTHEWS:  How much of that is don't throw me in that briar patch, Dana?  We're so afraid of Hillary.  Please don't run her against us.  She'll kill us. 

MILBANK:  Anne is right that these polls are completely useless because you don't know what the alternative is.  But the fact is that she...  [Earth to Dana: 51% would vote for their mother-in-law before they would vote for HER.]

MATTHEWS:  OK.  McCain against Hillary.  Who wins? 


MILBANK:  Well, that's fine.  If you can tell me that's how it is going to turn out.  But we don't know. 

MATTHEWS:  Well, let me ask you about these definite numbers in a poll.  Do you believe the definite?  Do you believe somebody right in 2006 knows how they are going to vote in 2008?

MILBANK:  I think they definitely think that's what they are going to do right now, but they have no idea what they are going to be doing in a couple years.  And Hillary is going to have the opposite problem of Rudy.  And that is she's absolutely fine with her base if she decides to run.  But she is seemingly incapable of crossing over. 

MATTHEWS:  The poll was taken over the week right through Sunday, the Gallup poll.  And the Gallup poll is, of course, the most prestigious poll there is right now and has been for years. 

Dana, do you think she's paying the price for her plantation remark last week? 

MILBANK:  Probably not.  Because, once again, plays very well the base.  The people who were objecting to it were never going to support her in the first case.  And I really think the only thing that this is right now is do people recognize her name.  [What is it you don't understand, here? We recognize her name, yes. And we abhor the person attached to that name. Get it?]

KORNBLUT:  And I would add to that.  It's 51 percent say definitely not.  Remember the margin that's we've been talking about in the last few presidential races, 51 percent is terrible, but all she would have to do is bump it by a few numbers, a few percentage points and be OK.  [I can see why Pinch hired you, Anne. Your Alice-in-Wonderland illogic is quintessential New York Times. With 100% name recognition and roughly 10% corruption recognition (thanks in no small measure to your rag), missus clinton has only one way to go. And it isn't up.]

... Anyway, thank you Anne Kornblut of "The New York Times," Dana Milbank of "The Washington Post." 

Join us again tomorrow night at 5:00 and 7:00 Eastern for more HARDBALL.  Right now it is time for "THE ABRAM'S REPORT" with Dan.


Copy: Content and programming copyright 2006 MSNBC.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 

January 25, 2006


by Mia T, 12.10.05

When it comes to electing our first female president, we can do better than Hillary Clinton.

We need to do better than Hillary Clinton, or the symbolism of a woman as president will be marred by electing a woman who has done almost as much to inflict mistreatment on real-life women as her misogynist husband.

Candice Jackson
Their Lives: The Women Targeted by the Clinton Machine



To better understand why this move is fatal for missus clinton, we must go back to November 8, 2004, which is exactly six days after the re-election of George W. Bush.

The venue is Washington Journal (C-SPAN).

Enter Harold Ickes, looking weirder, more Ichabod-Crane-on-crank, than usual. Looking weirder still when one remembers that Harold Ickes is a strictly behind-the-scenes sort of guy.

Only something very important could have coaxed Harold Ickes onto center stage....21

Forgoing the standard niceties, Ickes launches into his planned tirade. He accuses Bush of terrorizing white women to get their vote.22 (The way he carried on, you would think he was accusing the president of rape or something.)23

"If you look at white women, and I think that was the key to this election, Kerry won 45% based on the exit polls--but they're generally in agreement--Kerry won 45%, Bush won 55% of white women.

By contrast, Bush won only 45% of white women in 2000, so he upped is percentages by 10 points.

In 1996, bill clinton won 48% of white women compared to Bob Dole's 43%.

That is a huge, huge difference. I don't think you can lay all that at the doorstep of moral values.

I think that this president unabashedly and abjectly took the issue of terror and used it to terrorize... white women."

Washington Journal
Nov. 8, 2004

Now fast forward to October 11, 2005. Susan Estrich, alignments adjusted upward--ALL alignments--is on Hannity and Colmes. She is there to huckster The Case for Hillary Clinton, 24 both the book and candidate.

Estrich's spiel turns her recent dire warning to the Democrats ("The clintons are sucking up all the air. Get them off the stage!" )25 on its literal head.26 (Air? Who needs air when you have a clinton?)


Susan Estrich attempts to tie the fate of all women to the fate of the hillary clinton candidacy in a cynical attempt to get the women's vote.

She argues that hillary clinton is the best chance, probably the only chance, for a woman president in our lifetime.

The false and demeaning argument and offensive gender bias aside, someone ought to clue in Susan Estrich. Gender feminism requires as its token a functional female.

So why is Susan Estrich making such a transparently spurious and insulting argument? She isn't that dumb.

For the same reason Harold Ickes is fulminating on C-SPAN.

The election of 2004 confirmed missus clinton's worst fears:
9/11 and
the clintons' willful, utter failure for eight years to confront terrorism) were transformative. They caused a political realignment--for all practical purposes permanent--that is not good news for clinton, or for the Democrats, generally.

The white woman, the only real swing voter, the demographic the Democrats MUST get in order to win the White House, has turned red.

Next installment...

In the immediate aftermath of the 2004 presidential election, a journalistic consensus emerged to explain George W. Bush's victory. Despite the sluggish economy and deteriorating situation in Iraq, voters supported Bush primarily because of his values. One prominently featured exit poll question showed "moral values" to be the most important issue for voters, ahead of terrorism, Iraq, and the economy. Backlash against the Massachusetts court ruling allowing gay marriage and attraction of Bush's appeals to Christian faith helped bring out socially conservative voters and cement Bush's second term. This explains why Bush won Ohio, for example, where an anti-gay marriage proposal was on the ballot. However compelling this story might be, it is wrong.

Instead, Bush won because married and white women increased their support for the Republican ticket....

In this article I briefly account for the factors behind Bush's rise in the state-by-state popular vote between 2000 and 2004. This is not the same as identifying who elected Bush. That sort of analysis would put responsibility on white men since they voted 61-38 for Bush and comprise almost half of the active electorate. Instead, I focus on what changed between 2000 and 2004. In this view, it is white women who are responsible because they showed more aggregate change.

Identifying a cause for this shift looks for an explanation also in things that changed in the past four years. For example, John Kerry was not exactly Al Gore, so differences between Bush's two opponents could be a factor. But I suggest that such differences are dwarfed by a much larger intervention: the attacks of September 11. Turnout was up in 2004 because the perceived heightening of the stakes after 9-11 and because of intense competition between the candidates in a small number of battleground states. Higher turnout also appears to have helped Bush slightly. But it was the shift of married white women from the Democratic camp to the Republican camp that gave him the edge in 2004.

Post Election 2004: An Alternative Account of the 2004 Presidential Election
Harvard University
The Forum
, Volume2, Issue 42004 Article2



Mia T, 12.05.05


by Mia T, 11.14.05

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KEYWORDS: billclinton; clintonrape; clintons; corruption; elections; hillary06; hillary08; hillaryknew; juanitabroaddrick; rape; theterrorismstupid; wot
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To: doug from upland

deconstructing clinton… "just because I could"

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"Crucial to this protective wall was the secret police, a group of private detectives hired to protect hillary and 'Saturday night bill.' Their tactics included digging up dirt on women who might be linked to bill in order to cow them into silence. There is even some evidence of possible physical intimidation."



"I got the letters from Pellicano to these women intimidating them. I had tapes of conversations from Pellicano to the women. I got handwritten letters from the women."
[Pellicano played a critical role in Mr. Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign by "suppressing" "inconvenient" accounts from several women, by concocting fraudulent "proof" (later discredited) that Gennifer Flowers doctored the damning tape of clinton, and again inside the clinton operation in January 1998, four days after the Monica Lewinsky story broke, to falsely paint Monica as simply a lying stalker, a claim later discredited by clinton's own DNA.]

1997, CBS


There is reason to believe that he is a rapist ("You better get some ice on that," Juanita Broaddrick says he told her concerning her bit lip), and that he bombed a country to distract attention from legal difficulties arising from his glandular life, and that... [f]urthermore, the bargain that he and his wife call a marriage refutes the axiom that opposites attract. Rather, she, as much as he, perhaps even more so, incarnates Clintonism


Connecticut Rep. Chris Shays said on a talk radio show Wednesday that, based on secret evidence he reviewed during the impeachment controversy, he believes President Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick, not once, but twice.

Talk-show host Tom Scott of Clear Channel Broadcasting, New Haven (WELI 960) asked Shays about the mysterious impeachment "evidence room," prompting the GOP moderate to say that Broaddrick "disclosed that she had been raped, not once, but twice" to Judiciary Committee investigators.

Shays, who is often hailed by the New York Times for his independent judgment and good sense, found the evidence compelling:

"I believed that he had done it. I believed her that she had been raped 20 years ago. And it was vicious rapes, it was twice at the same event." Asked point blank if the president is a rapist, Shays said, "I would like not to say that it way. But the bottom line is that I believe that he did rape Broaddrick."

'Shays Shocker Clinton Raped Broaddrick Twice'
National Review Online
By NR staff

The rape took place while Bill was running for governor. Hillary came bursting into the room to talk to two people, one of whom I personally know.

She said "You won't believe what this [expletive] did now. He tried to rape some b*tch."

It was the job of these two to squelch the story.

doug from upland to Sean Hannity,
WABC, 10/16/00


"Who is Juanita Broaddrick? I've never heard of her!" cried Betty Friedan, the founder of modern feminism. Friedan's outburst came at last Friday's conference, entitled "The Legacy and Future of Hillary Rodham Clinton." Held at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington. D.C., the event offered a chilling microcosm of an angry, divided America.

For nearly an hour, a five-woman panel had been debating whether Hillary qualified as a "feminist heroine." I thought Broaddrick's claim of having been raped by Hillary's husband had some bearing on this point, so I broached the subject during the question-and-answer period. Friedan's dyspeptic denial followed.

Was Friedan telling the truth? Maybe. And maybe all those millions of Germans who professed ignorance of the death camps were telling the truth too. The problem is, having admitted her ignorance, Friedan showed no interest in exploring the matter further. And that was the problem with the Germans too.

Totalitarian impulses flourished at the conference. Taking a page from Soviet psychiatry, some Clintonites suggested that Hillary hating might be a mental illness.

Richard Poe
The Hillary Conspiracy

Given the silence from the West Wing, Mrs. Broaddrick this week sought answers from Hillary Clinton, whose telescopic feminism apparently sees injustice to women everywhere except the kind which occurs closer to home.

In a letter to Mrs. Clinton recalling their meeting shortly after the reported assault occurred, she wondered about the significance of Mrs. Clinton's words to her at that time. Thank you, Mrs. Broaddrick says Mrs. Clinton told her, for "everything you do for Bill."

"What did you mean, Hillary?" her letter continued. "Were you referring to my keeping quiet about the assault I had suffered at the hands of your husband only two weeks before? Were you warning me to keep quiet?"

The not-so-subtle implication of the letter is that Mrs. Clinton is, in fact, her husband's enabler. Dealing with her husband's promiscuity and worse might keep her from dealing with the important issues facing the people of New York, namely her candidacy. One might call it a Faustian bargain except that even Mephistopheles might not lower himself to sign such a deal....


Did he rape that woman, Juanita Broaddrick?
The Wall Street Journal
October 18, 2000


I remember it as though it was yesterday. I only wish that it were yesterday and maybe there would still be time to do something about what your husband, Bill Clinton, did to me. There was a political rally for Mr. Clinton's bid for governor of Arkansas. I had obligated myself to be at this rally prior to my being assaulted by your husband in April, 1978. I had made up my mind to make an appearance and then leave as soon as the two of you arrived. This was a big mistake, but I was still in a state of shock and denial. You had questioned the gentleman who drove you and Mr. Clinton from the airport. You asked him about me and if I would be at the gathering. Do you remember? You told the driver, "Bill has talked so much about Juanita", and that you were so anxious to meet me. Well, you wasted no time. As soon as you entered the room, you came directly to me and grabbed my hand. Do you remember how you thanked me, saying "we want to thank you for everything that you do for Bill". At that point, I was pretty shaken and started to walk off. Remember how you kept a tight grip on my hand and drew closer to me? You repeated your statement, but this time with a coldness and look that I have seen many times on television in the last eight years. You said, "Everything you do for Bill". You then released your grip and I said nothing and left the gathering.

What did you mean, Hillary? Were you referring to my keeping quiet about the assault I had suffered at the hands of your husband only two weeks before? Were you warning me to continue to keep quiet? We both know the answer to that question.

Yes, I can answer Brit Hume's question. You are the same Hillary that you were twenty years ago. You are cold, calculating and self-serving. You cannot tolerate the thought that you will soon be without the power you have wielded for the last eight years. Your effort to stay in power will be at the expense of the state of New York. I only hope the voters of New York will wake up in time and realize that Hillary Clinton is not an honorable or an honest person.

I will end by asking if you believe the statements I made on NBC Dateline when Lisa Myers asked if I had been assaulted and raped by your husband?
Or perhaps, you are like Vice-President Gore and did not see the interview.

SUNDAY OCT 15, 2000


"If you look at white women, and I think that was the key to this election, Kerry won 45% based on the exit polls--but they're generally in agreement--Kerry won 45%, Bush won 55% of white women. By contrast, Bush won only 45% of white women in 2000, so he upped is percentages by 10 points. In 1996, bill clinton won 48% of white women compared to Bob Dole's 43%. That is a huge, huge difference. I don't think you can lay all that at the doorstep of moral values. I think that this president unabashedly and abjectly took the issue of terror and used it to terrorize... white women."

Washington Journal
Nov. 8, 2004


"It's no longer acceptable to say that the abuse and mistreatment of women is cultural. It should be called what it is: criminal."

Hillary Clinton
addressing the UN, 3.4.99

61 posted on 05/25/2006 6:52:41 AM PDT by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: Mia T


62 posted on 05/25/2006 7:20:31 AM PDT by Wolverine (A Concerned Citizen)
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To: evets


63 posted on 05/25/2006 8:24:55 AM PDT by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: Wolverine

thx :)

64 posted on 05/25/2006 8:33:28 AM PDT by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: UWSrepublican

nyt fyi

65 posted on 05/25/2006 8:36:18 AM PDT by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: Mia T


66 posted on 05/26/2006 1:04:06 PM PDT by Sic Luceat Lux
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To: Mia T

I hope this bumps the thread. It is enlightning to note the Demonrats cover up the rape of Juanita and scream bloody murder about Foley.

BTW Estrich is scum, no better than a rapist.

67 posted on 10/05/2006 7:08:48 PM PDT by YdontUleaveLibs
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To: YdontUleaveLibs
How could any woman support either clinton??
68 posted on 10/10/2006 5:37:51 PM PDT by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: Mia T
"I was followed around on my book tour by people who'd hold up signs and scream at me, 'What about Juanita Broaddrick?' And all the younger people would look at me and say, 'Who's that?' That's part of the problem with dredging up all that old Clinton stuff. More and more people have no idea what you're talking about." ===============================================================================

She wrote a recent book about her rape of 30 years ago and is spewing that crap?

69 posted on 11/06/2006 6:04:27 AM PST by doug from upland
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To: Mia T
That's part of the problem with dredging up all that old Clinton stuff.

Interesting how the 'Rats (especially Estrich) didn't have a problem with some slimeball "dredging up" all that "old stuff" about Bush's 25 year-old DUI citation. Or falsifying documents about his "old stuff" ANG service. Seems that for the 'Rats, any "old stuff" is off-limits, but for 'Pubs, it's fair game. No, no media bias here, no sir, none at all...

70 posted on 11/06/2006 6:09:34 AM PST by chimera
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