I think the Republicans are going down in flames if they don't get right on the immigration issue immediately, even if the situation in Iraq starts to improve.
Spending more money for border agents isn't going to hack it. If the Republicans don't go for a fence or troops on the border, the base will stay home in November. They also need to get off of the path to citizenship bandwagon. Bush and the Republican leadership are completely clueless on the whole immigration issue.
>>>>>>Bush and the Republican leadership are completely clueless on the whole immigration issue.<<<<<<<<<
YEAH, and Ted Kennedy's plan is a whole lot better.
I totally agree.Bush's numbers are down because he has turned a blind eye to the citizens of our country and is bowing down to criminal illegals. It's disgusting. It's wrong for the country and sticks us law abiding folks in the eye.
"I think the Republicans are going down in flames if they don't get right on the immigration issue immediately, even if the situation in Iraq starts to improve. "
This is the way I see it too. I'm not the least bit interested in more broken promises...They either do their jobs and ENFORCE our laws and send these ILLEGAL people that have the nerve to break our laws and then protest in our streets, back across the border or I'm done with them. No more chances for them to do the right thing.