Posted on 04/21/2006 5:13:56 PM PDT by zaxxon
A BANGLADESHI woman who shook a baby boy so violently that he suffered brain damage walked free from court yesterday because a judge conceded that she did not know how to behave in the West. Rahella Khanom, 24, caused the five-month-old boy in her care to suffer fractures to his breast bone and ribs as she tried to rid him of evil spirits, Southwark Crown Court was told.
The injuries inflicted on the child over several weeks had caused one side of his brain to shrink. It was believed that the boy would have been screaming in agony for eight weeks because his injuries went untreated.
Khanom, from Poplar, East London, said that she had wanted to purge the baby of evil spirits as it cried and cried. She was not found to be mentally ill.
The court was told that Khanom, a Muslim, did not understand that shaking a helpless baby would not exorcise an evil spirit.
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"screaming in agony for eight weeks "
No Hell deep enough for her.
What's next, allowing honor killings because the male family members don't know any better?
Clearly evidence of more evil spirits. Just not in the boy...
A BANGLADESHI woman who shook a baby boy so violently that he suffered brain damage walked free from court yesterday because a judge conceded that she did not know how to behave in the West
Its not bad behavior, its "cultural"
My three-month-old daughter is next to me right now as I type this. She drives my wife and me NUTS. She's demanding. She gets fussy a few minutes after we put her down in her baby chair. She doesn't nap, or not much. She's constantly wanting attention. She's got my stay-at-home FReeper wife pushed to the edge every day, and me pushed to the edge every night.
That having been said? There is NO WAY IN HELL that I can comprehend what this woman did. None. Never on my worst, most frustrated, most burned-out, most angry day, could I EVER consider doing something like that to my daughter.
I don't give a flying damn what Third World craphole she's from. There's these things called "doctors" in the UK. When your kid starts screaming for days at a time, you take the child to one and figure out how to pay for it later.
Gotta go. Kid's fussy.
What has happened to the English sense of justice? Are you all so timid that you can no longer stand for your history and culture?
Dammit, stand up, you produced Churchill, Thatcher, Nelson. Where are you now you bunch of wimps? Where are your morals, where is your soul?
Do you have Dr. Sears' book about "high-need" babies? You might find something helpful!
My first one was a nightmare, too ... combination of an edgy baby and inexperienced parents. Hang in there! If the wife's flipping out, she can come visit me - I have lots of baby-holding help!
Ooh, that's gonna leave a mark!
Radical Islam and political correctness can be a deadly combination.
Actually, British historically dislike children.
Still, this boggles the mind.
Does this mean he is not her son, or is it just goofy phrasing? Where are the parents? Civil suit?
So that's the acceptable way her blighted kind treats kids in their cesspool homeland?
My first darling daughter was colicky (in spite of being breastfed). I remember when particularly difficult afternoon, I went into our bedroom walk-in closet, and screamed into a pillow. This was followed by tears, and remorse.
The baby, of course, was unaware of all of this, as she had finally fallen asleep.
Sorry. That case still enrages me.
I know how you feel.
Where would that NOT be attempted murder?
They don't have babies in Bangladesh?
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