The Aeroglob company in the UK is listed under a "non trading company" SIC. Wierd SIC IMHO. Sometimes you use shells for payoffs. I am very very curious if money was involved before the end of the UK company if it was a shell of the Ruskie one and who the money went to. I would be even more interested in seeing if there were any shells for this company in the US and who there as well.
I was trying to see if that Aeroglob company was a donor to the NGO Merlin. It seems that most of the Aerobglob info has been scrubbed from the net since it was dissolved.
That scrubbing and all the credit reports someone ran on Aeroglob that are still floating in web caches tell me that our Intel know most if not every last word that is in these docs that JV is now translating.
That shouldn't be surprising, but I do get worried about who knows what when most of the war is being fought poker style.