A few philosophical principles make the difference between this, and that.
Well, then, that's different, then.
We should stop trying to prevent it...
Say, is this guy related to George Bush, Michael Medved and Hugh Hewitt by any chance?
I'ma real sucker for a sob story...
Quick open the borders and give them all YOUR money....
If they would put this much effort into making their own homes a better place, imagine what they could accomplish. Instead, they'll just end up bringing us down to their level.
Please FReepmail me if you want on or off this South Texas/Mexico ping list.
He will get a Christmas card from Bush for his "compassionate conservatism"....(/sarcasm)
Put the smackdown at the border NOW! This is insane, national suicide.
We don't know what they suffer to get here. Poor ILLEGALS. I feel for them(not really). Why don't they put some of that suffering into making THEIR country a better place to live. You don't see Americans running across the Rio Grande to live in that shithole of a country, now do you? Why is that do you think? Is it because they have let their corrupt politicians shit all over them for a couple of centuries without doing anything about it and made their country into a place no one wants to live, unless of course you are one of the political elite. Jorge and the boys are in for a surprise come Nov this year. It will hurt us bigtime but many are going to stay home or vote third party. I say don't stay home, vote third party, this will bring the lesson home to them more forcibly and also show the Dems we don't want their type of leadership( I use this word laughingly) either.
My point exactly. The economic incentives are essentially infinite.
The only possible control is landmines and machine guns. When you will assuredly die trying, you won't try.
Are Americans willing to mow down illegal border crossers? Nope. I'm willing, but the vast majority of American won't allow us to kill them.
That leaves two other options: Improve Mexico so they stay, or eliminate the hiring of illegals.
Illegals' incentives are so strong, they've shown themselves able to overcome any documentation requirements we have put into place over 20 years. I know of no proposal that would assuredly keep them from getting sufficient documentation to get a job.
Mexico is a h#{{-hole, and is unlikely to improve. We surely have little control over that.
So Congresscritters can pass any and every law they wish. I don't believe we can control illegal immigration until we are prepared to kill illegal border crossers. We can't even get a consensus on making it a felony, much less mow them down with machine guns.
Prediction: I think we'll have lots of noise and smoke and probably laws, none of which will have any effect. Until someday Al Qaeda infiltrates a squad across the border and blows up a few thousand Americans. Then we'll install the fence, landmines and machine guns.
He said he was spurred on by the thought of his 7-year-old, mentally handicapped daughter waiting for him in Miami.
Supposed to make me feel sorry for him. I don't! He snuck in, had an anchor baby, and now it is guaranteed that mentally handicapped baby is costing us (american taxpayers) an arm and a leg.
Only in America!
They will be begging for humanitarian repatriation.
"You don't know what we suffer just to get here."
Maybe what the U.S. suffers trying to get rid of you.
Another price that will be paid at election time is by the politicians of both parties who are supporting this huge outrage to America.
"You don't know what we suffer just to get here."
Stay home and stay dry.
Build an Israeli style fence and these criminal invaders will never make it!
(Denny Crane: "I Don't Want To Socialize With A Pinko Liberal Democrat Commie. Say What You Like About Republicans. We Stick To Our Convictions. Even When We Know We're Dead Wrong.")
Just amazing. The US is roundly denounced as heck on earth, the Great Satan, terrible, stupid, evil, mean, unfair, unkind, rotten, yet they're all dying to get here. They should read our Constitution and figure out how to put it to good use below the border and points south. But I guess it's not PC to say that. No, we should just lie down and let the world walk all over us.
If life wasn't so fruitful in America, we'd have none of these wetbacks. Employers must stop hiring them. We MUST stop providing them with education, medical care, welfare etc. This is insane for the feds to be providing anything to illegals.