If you try to examine each sentence as you read this, you will be tougher than me. I stopped after four paragraphs and figured any more would fry my brain. I have no idea what it takes to either write or read this pile of odious drivel.
But there is hope, dear FRiends! Go below to the link, click it, and become part of the Diana Irey for Congress Freeper Community.
I could not read further than the second paragraph. Murtha is full of it. I hope he is defeated in the next election.
One of Irey's campaign people should keep an eye on the FR PreWarDocs threads
It would make for some VERY interesting ammunition.
Have someone on her team, look over his words here:
Then read over the translations coming out from the Docs.
Oh! Murtha forgot to use the phrase of the week "Dangerously Incompetent" when talking about the administration.
I'm ready for a mandatory retirement age for our legislators. We have a minimum, why not a maximum age?
The man is a freakin' worm and I'll compare the economic health of Wash. Co. to Fayette county any time. Irey has done a decent job in Washington PA as a commisioner and she's smart, attractive and conservative.
It would send a major signal if we can defeat this parasite.
I've not hear anyone in the msm point out Murtha's "strategy" shows he's incompetent.
This idea of deploying to the periphery and running in and out to "save" the Iraqi's, when they are pinned down or out gunned, is the same line of thinking that caused us to loose vietnam. Which, is what he claims he wants to avoid.
The comparison should be that by taking a hill then retreating to take it again a few days later is the true squandering of lives.
I would hope his opposition comes out screaming that Murtha has learned nothing and wants to repeat the sins of the fathers.
My two cents