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Inside Move: 'South Park' feeling some celeb heat?
Variety ^
| 03/16/06
| Michael Fleming
Posted on 03/17/2006 6:58:35 AM PST by peyton randolph
The battle between "South Park""South Park" creators Trey ParkerTrey Parker and Matt StoneMatt Stone and Scientology is escalating.
The dust-up gained steam last week when Isaac Hayes, a practicing Scientologist who has long been the voice of the character Chef, quit after objecting to a "South Park" episode called "Trapped in the Closet," which lampooned both the religion and Tom CruiseTom Cruise.
The skirmish continued this week, when Comedy CentralComedy Central abruptly pulled a repeat of that episode that was scheduled to air Wednesday evening...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Political Humor/Cartoons
KEYWORDS: boycotmi3; closet; fairtax; nrst; scientology; southpark; tomcruise
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Tom Cruise has closet issues.
To: peyton randolph
Tom Cruise won't come out of the closet!
posted on
03/17/2006 7:00:05 AM PST
Comment #3 Removed by Moderator
To: EveningStar
posted on
03/17/2006 7:01:33 AM PST
peyton randolph
(As long is it does me no harm, I don't care if one worships Elmer Fudd.)
To: peyton randolph
Reading that article, I feel like I'm watching reruns of Mary Hartman Mary Hartman.
To: peyton randolph; EveningStar
It looks like the lawyers have delivered "cease and desist" orders to John and Jane Smith.
posted on
03/17/2006 7:02:28 AM PST
(Psalms of the Day: 83-87)
Comment #7 Removed by Moderator
To: VRWCmember
amen to that, brother. amen to that, brother.
posted on
03/17/2006 7:03:04 AM PST
(Name one civil liberty that was not paid for in blood)
To: peyton randolph
South Park without Chef is just not right.
To: peyton randolph
While the "South Park" creators didn't directly comment on Comedy Central's decision to pull the episode, they issued an unusual statement to Daily Variety indicating the battle is not over.
"So, Scientology, you may have won THIS battle, but the million-year war for earth has just begun! Temporarily anozinizing our episode will NOT stop us from keeping Thetans forever trapped in your pitiful man-bodies. Curses and drat! You have obstructed us for now, but your feeble bid to save humanity will fail! Hail Xenu!!!"
The duo signed the statement "Trey Parker and Matt Stone, servants of the dark lord Xenu."
posted on
03/17/2006 7:03:41 AM PST
Servant of the 9
(" I am just going outside, and may be some time.")
To: peyton randolph
To: peyton randolph
posted on
03/17/2006 7:03:44 AM PST
To: peyton randolph
He and every other member of his cult.
To: VRWCmember
Reading that article, I feel like I'm watching reruns of Mary Hartman Mary Hartman.
Oops! The article had links which doubled the names when copied and pasted. :-)
posted on
03/17/2006 7:04:48 AM PST
peyton randolph
(As long is it does me no harm, I don't care if one worships Elmer Fudd.)
To: peyton randolph
Kenny gets killed by NRST flying monkeys -- You Ba$tard$!!!
...the movement for consumption-based taxation has been hijacked by a group of extremists whose principal interest is abolishing the Internal Revenue Service.21 They believe that if virtually all federal taxes are abolished and replaced with a retail sales tax like those in the states, then the states can simply collect the federal government's revenue for it, thereby allowing for abolition of the IRS...
21 The Church of Scientology originated this legislation as part of a campaign against the IRS because it refused for many years to allow gifts to the church to be deducted as legitimate charitable contributions, on the grounds that it was not a true church. The IRS eventually relented. See Davis (1997) and Starobin (1995) for discussions of the Church of Scientology's role in the sales tax campaign.
Davis, Bob. 1997. "CATS Out of the Bag." World, 12:9 (May 31/June 7).
Starobin, Paul. 1995. "No Returns." National Journal (March 18): 666-671.
To: craig_eddy
South Park without Chef is just not right.
SP could keep Chef by having a different actor do his voice and attribute the change to possession by thetans.
posted on
03/17/2006 7:07:13 AM PST
peyton randolph
(As long is it does me no harm, I don't care if one worships Elmer Fudd.)
To: peyton randolph
There isn't a religion that South Park HASN'T lampooned. I hate cry babies and it seems scientologists and their poster boy Tommy C. are just that... sniveling little whining cry babies.
posted on
03/17/2006 7:07:35 AM PST
("You're either with us or with the terrorists." Time to live up to that statement Mr. President.)
To: Servant of the 9
HA HA HA HA HA! What you say! How Are You Gentlemen?
posted on
03/17/2006 7:07:43 AM PST
Flavius Josephus
(War today is always cheaper than war tomorrow.)
To: Servant of the 9
The duo signed the statement "Trey Parker and Matt Stone, servants of the dark lord Xenu."
posted on
03/17/2006 7:09:06 AM PST
peyton randolph
(As long is it does me no harm, I don't care if one worships Elmer Fudd.)
To: peyton randolph
Brilliant! Then they could reference all this any time they want!
posted on
03/17/2006 7:09:07 AM PST
((NRA, SAS))
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