I know I cant think of a time we need cool calm leaders is now. I am convinced that this Country needs a cooling down. Realize that not every muslim in the world is the enemy. Its time to be thinking. We are making progress in Iraq, we are making progress in Afgahistan. With our moderate arab allies there has been increased security and intelligence sharing. We have the only curremtly Islamic country that has Nuclear weapons in our sphere of influence. North Africa is starting to look hopeful. There are signs of progress all over the place. Before you know it like you said if they pull off a big one the Congress as of today would go nuts. Something rash would happen. Trade alliances broken. Dire straits indeed.
"Before you know it like you said if they pull off a big one the Congress as of today would go nuts. Something rash would happen. Trade alliances broken. Dire straits indeed."
A FReeper in the smoke and fire of a tunnel last week said he/she was surprised at how fast the panic set in.... and said he/she was amazed folks (paraphrasing here) got out without being trampled to death.
We need to play smart.
I am absolutely mortified at the behaviour in Congress this week.
"Realize that not every muslim in the world is the enemy."
Every Rattlesnake may not be out to inject me with their venom, but in search of the kinder, gentler more tolerant Rattler, I don't intend to tolerate them too close to me.... just in case ;)
If the progress we are making in the mid east comes at the barrel of a gun, then is it really progress? Tolerating us and wanting to live side by side in peace are at opposite ends of the spectrum and seem to be unrealistic expectations. Letting our guard down and looking at the situation through rose colored glasses only gives these crazy muslims that belong to islam more of an edge on us.
Things are just busting out roses all over.
I agree with you and I wouldn't have minded if the DPW deal went through. That being said, I'm still not 100% sure that your above statement is true. I have a feeling in the pit of my stomach, that these (each Muslim) people will one day be drawn to the dark side of Islam and all become what we are fighting now.