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For First Time, Flu Spreads From Birds
Yahoo News ^
| Melissa Eddy
Posted on 03/06/2006 1:13:31 PM PST by Kjobs
VIENNA, Austria - Three cats have tested positive for the deadly strain of bird flu in Austria's first reported case of the disease spreading to an animal other than a bird, state authorities said Monday.
The sick cats were among 170 living at an animal shelter where the disease was detected in chickens last month, authorities said.
The World Health Organization called bird flu a greater global challenge than any previous infectious disease, costing global agriculture more than $10 billion and affecting the livelihoods of 300 million farmers.
Dr. Margaret Chan, who is spearheading WHO's efforts against bird flu, told disease experts meeting in Geneva to discuss bird flu preparations that the organization's top priority was to keep the deadly strain from mutating into a form easily passed between humans. That could trigger a global pandemic.
Since February, the virus has spread to birds in 17 new countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East, she said.
"We truly feel that this present threat and any other threat like it is likely to stretch our global systems to the point of collapse," said Dr. Mike Ryan, WHO's director of epidemic and pandemic alert and response.
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TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: avianinfluenza; birdflu; cats; epidemic; h5n1; nomorecats; wereallgonnadie
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We're all gonna die. Seriously.
posted on
03/06/2006 1:13:35 PM PST
To: Kjobs
For First Time, Flu Spreads From Birds To cats ... it has already spread from birds to humans ... just not contagiously from human to human.
So, if I don't add cats to my diet I'm in no more danger than I was before.
posted on
03/06/2006 1:20:40 PM PST
(Islamofascism ... bringing you the best of the 7th century for the past 1300 years.)
To: Kjobs
We're all gonna die. Seriously. That's a given. Death is batting 1.000 with the exception of Enoch.
posted on
03/06/2006 1:22:06 PM PST
(Islamofascism ... bringing you the best of the 7th century for the past 1300 years.)
To: Kjobs
Wouldn't it be great if the bird flu just crosses over to cats, and no other species?
Think of it-- a world without cats!!!
posted on
03/06/2006 1:39:30 PM PST
("Governor Lynn Swann." has a nice ring to it!)
To: Palladin
I think the birds are just terrorizing the cats for a change.
To: Kjobs
Three cats have tested positive for the deadly strain of bird flu in Austria's first reported case of the disease spreading to an animal other than a bird, state authorities said Monday.That's not true. A cat in Germany died last week from eating a bird that had bird flu.
posted on
03/06/2006 1:47:02 PM PST
To: Slings and Arrows
posted on
03/06/2006 1:48:16 PM PST
To Hell With Poverty
(excess ain't rebellion, you're drinkin' what they're sellin'...)
To: mother22wife21
posted on
03/06/2006 1:53:20 PM PST
("Governor Lynn Swann." has a nice ring to it!)
To: NRA2BFree
What's the problem with the sentence? Germany isn't Austria, right?
posted on
03/06/2006 1:56:21 PM PST
(Acerbic by nature, not nurture)
To: tx_eggman
...and don't forget Elijah!
To: Kjobs
Here kitty, kitty, nice kitty . . . Arrrgh . . .
posted on
03/06/2006 2:08:51 PM PST
(Matthew 7:1 through 6)
To: To Hell With Poverty; Slings and Arrows; Glenn; quantim; republicangel; Bahbah; Beaker; ...
posted on
03/06/2006 2:10:37 PM PST
Slings and Arrows
("Facts are a Zionist plot!" --MarkL)
To: Palladin
Bite your tongue!!!
For shame . . .
3 cats
posted on
03/06/2006 2:12:49 PM PST
(When anything goes, everything does.)
To: Kjobs
if the cats could just learn to cook the birds...silly kitties.
posted on
03/06/2006 2:13:30 PM PST
(Humans share 50.6% of their DNA with bananas.... I can't wait for the next Evolution.)
To: Kjobs; neverdem
The sick cats were among 170 living at an animal shelter where the disease was detected in chickens last month, authorities said. Were the cats infected without direct contact with the infected chickens? In that case, this is a major step. Until now, only consumers of infected birds have become sick.
posted on
03/06/2006 2:14:12 PM PST
Travis McGee
(--- ---)
To: tx_eggman
"We're all gonna die. Seriously. That's a given. Death is batting 1.000 with the exception of Enoch.And Elijah.
posted on
03/06/2006 2:17:24 PM PST
(America is the land of the free BECAUSE of the BRAVE !!)
To: Slings and Arrows
Gee...just keep the kitties inside; problem solved!
What's happened to common sense?
To: nopardons
What's happened to common sense? It's not all that common.
posted on
03/06/2006 2:18:32 PM PST
Slings and Arrows
("Facts are a Zionist plot!" --MarkL)
To: Slings and Arrows
To: Palladin
That would be a pretty sucky world.
Seriously though, people need to keep their cats indoors. It is better and safer for the cat and would stop the spread of this disease as well as others plus you don't have to worry about other problems like cars as well as cats attacking birds.
posted on
03/06/2006 2:22:09 PM PST
(Do you like it, do you like it. Scott? I call it Mr. and Mrs. Tennerman chili.)
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